Contact Molecules for Homologous Proteins

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PID QueryLength Homolgous Sequence in PDB UniProt Query TITLE
10705 740 3 Q92499(DDX1_HUMAN) RecName: Full=ATP-dependent RNA helicase DDX1; EC= ;AltName: Full=DEAD box protein 1;AltName: Full=DEAD box protein retinoblastoma; Short=DBP-RB;
[BLAST file for PDB] (plain) (bar) (multiple alignment) [BLAST for UniProt: (plain) (bar) (multiple alignment) (PSSM file) ]
  [n]:site number of query sequence.  [a]:amino acid of query sequence.  [s]:predicted secondary structure.
  [e]:predicted exposed/buried.  [acc]:predicted relative accesssibility(%).  [pdb]:PDB code of homologous structure.
  [contact_mols]:predicted binding molecules  [observed aa]:Observed amino acids among homologous sequences.  [feature table]:UniProt Feature Table
  [variant]:UniProt Human Variant.
n a s e acc pdb contact_mols observed aa feature table variant
1MTe 28.5 8tbx_A
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DISORDER predicted by DISOPRED REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
2AHe 47.3 8tbx_A
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
3AHb 11.6 8tbx_A
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
4FHb 0.0 8tbx_A
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
5SHe 28.9 8tbx_A
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
6ETe 82.9 8tbx_A
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
7MTb 17.9 8tbx_A
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
8GTe 52.4 8tbx_A
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
9V b 3.3 8tbx_A
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
10M b 12.6 8tbx_A
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
11PHe 52.7 8tbx_A
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
12EHe 41.7 8tbx_A
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
13IHb 0.0 8tbx_A
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
14AHb 0.0 8tbx_A
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
15QHe 35.7 8tbx_A
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
16AHb 0.0 8tbx_A
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
17VHb 0.0 8tbx_A
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
18EHe 39.2 8tbx_A
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
19ETe 46.2 8tbx_A
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
20MTe 28.0 8tbx_A
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
21DTe 82.7 8tbx_A compound ADP
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
22W e 27.1 8tbx_A compound ADP
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
23L e 46.6 8tbx_A
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
24LSe 66.3 8tbx_A compound ADP
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
25P e 23.3 8tbx_A compound ADP
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
26T e 30.5 8tbx_A compound ADP
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
27DHe 84.6 8tbx_A
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
28IHb 2.3 8tbx_A
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
29QHb 3.1 8tbx_A compound ADP
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
30AHe 39.3 8tbx_A
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
31EHe 50.8 8tbx_A
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
32SHb 0.0 8tbx_A
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
33IHb 0.0 8tbx_A
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
34PHe 41.1 8tbx_A
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
35LHe 29.8 8tbx_A
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
36IHb 0.0 8tbx_A
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
37LHe 24.2 8tbx_A
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
38GTe 79.8 8tbx_A
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
39GTe 36.9 8tbx_A
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
40G e 45.2 8tbx_A
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
41D b 4.3 8tbx_A
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
42VEb 0.7 8tbx_A
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
43LEb 0.0 8tbx_A
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
44MEb 0.0 8tbx_A
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
45AEb 2.7 8tbx_A
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
46A b 4.5 8tbx_A
BINDING /ligand="ATP" /ligand_id="ChEBI:CHEBI:30616" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" BINDING /ligand="ATP" /ligand_id="ChEBI:CHEBI:30616" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
47E e 73.4 8tbx_A compound ADP
BINDING /ligand="ATP" /ligand_id="ChEBI:CHEBI:30616" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" BINDING /ligand="ATP" /ligand_id="ChEBI:CHEBI:30616" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
48TTe 70.8 8tbx_A compound ADP
BINDING /ligand="ATP" /ligand_id="ChEBI:CHEBI:30616" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" BINDING /ligand="ATP" /ligand_id="ChEBI:CHEBI:30616" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
49GTe 91.7 8tbx_A compound ADP
BINDING /ligand="ATP" /ligand_id="ChEBI:CHEBI:30616" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" BINDING /ligand="ATP" /ligand_id="ChEBI:CHEBI:30616" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
50SSb 15.6 8tbx_A compound ADP
BINDING /ligand="ATP" /ligand_id="ChEBI:CHEBI:30616" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" BINDING /ligand="ATP" /ligand_id="ChEBI:CHEBI:30616" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
51GSe 21.4 8tbx_A compound ADP
BINDING /ligand="ATP" /ligand_id="ChEBI:CHEBI:30616" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" BINDING /ligand="ATP" /ligand_id="ChEBI:CHEBI:30616" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
52KHb 2.8 8tbx_A compound ADP
MUTAGEN /note="K->N: Abolishes ability to promote guanylylation of RTCB." BINDING /ligand="ATP" /ligand_id="ChEBI:CHEBI:30616" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" MUTAGEN /note="K->N: Abolishes ability to promote guanylylation of RTCB." BINDING /ligand="ATP" /ligand_id="ChEBI:CHEBI:30616" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
53THb 7.8 8tbx_A compound ADP metal MG
BINDING /ligand="ATP" /ligand_id="ChEBI:CHEBI:30616" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" BINDING /ligand="ATP" /ligand_id="ChEBI:CHEBI:30616" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
54GHb 3.6 8tbx_A compound ADP
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
55AHb 0.0 8tbx_A
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
56FHb 0.0 8tbx_A
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
57SHb 1.6 8tbx_A
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
58IHb 0.0 8tbx_A
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
59PHb 0.8 8tbx_A
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
60VHb 0.7 8tbx_A
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
61IHb 0.6 8tbx_A
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
62QHb 5.1 8tbx_A
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
63IHb 13.5 8tbx_A
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
64VHb 1.3 8tbx_A
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
65YHb 17.0 8tbx_A
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
66EHe 43.2 8tbx_A
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
67THb 10.4 8tbx_A
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
68LHb 17.4 8tbx_A
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
69KTe 32.5 8tbx_A
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
70DTe 88.3 8tbx_A
DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
71Q e 58.7 8tbx_A
DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
86S e 89.1 4xw3_B
DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
87VGe 22.7 4xw3_B
DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
88LGb 7.9 4xw3_B
DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
89NGe 57.0 4xw3_B
DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
90KSe 51.9 4xw3_B
DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
91WSb 9.6 4xw3_B
DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
92QSb 12.8 4xw3_B
DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
93MEb 0.0 4xw3_B
DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
94NEb 0.0 4xw3_B
DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
95PEe 22.5 4xw3_B
DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
96YEe 36.5 4xw3_B
DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
97DEb 0.0 4xw3_B
DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
98REe 31.6 4xw3_B
DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
99G b 1.2 4xw3_B
DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
100STe 69.5 4xw3_B
DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
101ATe 28.6 4xw3_B
DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
102FEb 0.5 4xw3_B
DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
103AEe 38.4 4xw3_B
DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
104IEe 20.5 4xw3_B
DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
105G e 38.1 4xw3_B
DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
106STe107.8 4xw3_B
DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
107DTe 35.8 4xw3_B
DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
108GSb 1.2 4xw3_B
DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
109L b 12.4 4xw3_B
DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
110CEe 21.3 4xw3_B
DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
111CEb 0.0 4xw3_B
DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
112QEe 35.7 4xw3_B
DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
113SEb 0.0 4xw3_B
DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
114R e 37.9 4xw3_B
DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
115E e 39.2 4xw3_B
DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
116VTe 67.3 4xw3_B
DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
117KTe 84.4 4xw3_B
DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
118E e 47.7 4xw3_B
DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
119W e 26.7 4xw3_B
DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
120HEb 1.6 4xw3_B
DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
121GEb 0.0 4xw3_B
DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
122CEb 0.7 4xw3_B
DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
123REb 1.6 4xw3_B
DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
124AEb 0.0 4xw3_B
DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
125TSb 0.0 4xw3_B
DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
126KEb 10.4 4xw3_B
DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
127GEb 0.0 4xw3_B
DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
128LEb 0.0 4xw3_B
DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
129MSe 25.1 4xw3_B
DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
130KSe 44.3 4xw3_B
DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
131GSb 13.1 4xw3_B
DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
132KEe 33.5 4xw3_B
DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
133HEb 4.7 4xw3_B
DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
134YEb 0.9 4xw3_B
DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
135YEb 0.0 4xw3_B
DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
136EEb 1.0 4xw3_B
DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
137VEb 0.0 4xw3_B
DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
138SEb 9.4 4xw3_B
DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
139CEb 4.7 4xw3_B
DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
140H e 40.3 4xw3_B
DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
141DSb 17.3 4xw3_B
DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
142QSe 78.1 4xw3_B
DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
143GSe 32.1 4xw3_B
DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
144LEe 43.3 4xw3_B
DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
145CEb 4.0 4xw3_B
DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
146REb 6.7 4xw3_B
DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
147VEb 0.0 4xw3_B
DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
148GEb 0.0 4xw3_B
DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
149WEb 0.0 4xw3_B
DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
150SEb 0.8 4xw3_B
DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
151T b 2.6 4xw3_B
DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
152MTb 13.5 4xw3_B
DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
153QTe 67.9 4xw3_B
DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
154ASb 6.2 4xw3_B
DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
155S e 38.3 4xw3_B
DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
156LSb 6.2 4xw3_B
DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
157DSe 25.9 4xw3_B
DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
158LTb 0.6 4xw3_B
DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
159GTb 0.0 4xw3_B
DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
160TSb 16.9 4xw3_B
DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DISORDER predicted by DISOPRED DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
161DSb 19.8 4xw3_B
DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DISORDER predicted by DISOPRED DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
162KTe 46.7 4xw3_B
DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DISORDER predicted by DISOPRED DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
163FTb 16.3 4xw3_B
DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DISORDER predicted by DISOPRED DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
164GEb 0.0 4xw3_B
DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DISORDER predicted by DISOPRED DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
165FEb 0.5 4xw3_B
DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DISORDER predicted by DISOPRED DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
166GEb 0.0 4xw3_B
DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DISORDER predicted by DISOPRED DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
167FEb 0.0 4xw3_B
DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DISORDER predicted by DISOPRED DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
168GEb 6.0 4xw3_B
DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DISORDER predicted by DISOPRED DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
169GTb 17.9 4xw3_B
DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DISORDER predicted by DISOPRED DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
170TTe 51.9 4xw3_B
DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DISORDER predicted by DISOPRED DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
171GTb 10.7 4xw3_B
DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DISORDER predicted by DISOPRED DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
172KEe 33.0 4xw3_B
DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DISORDER predicted by DISOPRED DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
173KEe 20.3 4xw3_B
DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
174SEb 0.0 4xw3_B
DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
175HEb 18.8 4xw3_B
DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
176NTe 59.4 4xw3_B
DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
177KTe 68.4 4xw3_B
DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
178QEe 59.2 4xw3_B
DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
179FEe 37.8 4xw3_B
DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
180DEe 40.7 4xw3_B
DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
181NEe 79.4 4xw3_B
DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DISORDER predicted by DISOPRED DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
182Y b 10.0 4xw3_B
DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
183GSe 50.0 4xw3_B
DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
184E e 35.2 4xw3_B
DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
185E e 73.4 4xw3_B
DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
186F b 5.7 4xw3_B
DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
187T e 39.6 4xw3_B
DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
188MTe 29.0 4xw3_B
DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
189HTe 84.3 4xw3_B
DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
190D b 14.2 4xw3_B
DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
191TEb 3.9 4xw3_B
DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
192IEb 0.0 4xw3_B
DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
193GEb 1.2 4xw3_B
DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
194CEb 0.0 4xw3_B
DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
195YEb 3.9 4xw3_B
DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
196LEb 0.0 4xw3_B
DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
197DEb 3.7 4xw3_B
DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
198ITb 15.2 4xw3_B
DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
199DTe 66.0 4xw3_B
DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
200KTe 64.6 4xw3_B
DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
201GTb 1.2 4xw3_B
DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
202HEe 25.7 4xw3_B
DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
203VEb 0.0 4xw3_B
DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
204KEb 10.4 4xw3_B
DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
205FEb 0.0 4xw3_B
DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
206SEb 1.6 4xw3_B
DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
207KEb 16.0 4xw3_B
DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
208NTe 34.5 4xw3_B
DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
209GTe 53.6 4xw3_B
DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
210KEe 60.8 4xw3_B
DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
211DEe 39.5 4xw3_B
DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
212LEb 14.6 4xw3_B
DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
213GEe 28.6 4xw3_B
DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
214LEe 43.3 4xw3_B
DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
215AEb 2.7 4xw3_B
DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
216FEb 10.5 4xw3_B
DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
217EEe 63.3 4xw3_B
DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
218I b 8.2 4xw3_B
DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
219P e 22.5 4xw3_B
DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
220PGe 94.6 4xw3_B
DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
221HGe 41.4 4xw3_B
DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
222MGb 0.5 4xw3_B
DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
223KTe 39.2 4xw3_B
DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
224NTe 87.9 4xw3_B
DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
225QSe 30.1 4xw3_B
DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
226A b 12.5 4xw3_B
DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
227LBb 0.6 4xw3_B
DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
228FEb 0.5 4xw3_B
DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
229PEb 0.0 4xw3_B
DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
230AEb 1.8 4xw3_B
DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
231CEb 0.0 4xw3_B
DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
232VEb 0.0 4xw3_B
DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
233LEb 0.0 4xw3_B
DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
234KEe 27.8 4xw3_B
DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
235NSe 37.0 4xw3_B
DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
236AEb 0.9 4xw3_B
DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
237EEe 20.1 4xw3_B
DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
238LEb 1.1 4xw3_B
DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
239KEe 21.7 4xw3_B
MOD_RES /note="N6-acetyllysine" DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" MOD_RES /note="N6-acetyllysine" DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
240FEb 1.0 4xw3_B
DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
241NEb 10.9 4xw3_B
DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
242FSb 1.9 4xw3_B
DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
243GSb 13.1 4xw3_B
DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
244ESe 68.3 4xw3_B
DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
245ESe 53.3 4xw3_B
DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
246E e 96.5 4xw3_B
DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
247F b 19.1 4xw3_B
DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="B30.2/SPRY" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
248KSe 57.1 4xw3_B
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
249FSe 35.9 4xw3_B
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
250P e 78.3 4xw3_B
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
251P e 26.4 4xw3_B
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
252K e 39.2 4xw3_B
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
253DTe 63.0 4xw3_B
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
254GTe 71.4 4xw3_B
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
255F b 7.7 4xw3_B
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
256VEe 47.3 4xw3_B
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
257AEb 11.6 4xw3_B
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
258LGb 0.0 4xw3_B
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
259SGb 12.5 4xw3_B
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
260KGe 59.0 4xw3_B
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
261ASb 6.2 4xw3_B
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
262P e 55.8 4xw3_B
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
263DGe 82.1 4xw3_B
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
264GGe 85.7 4xw3_B
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
265YGe 50.0 4xw3_B
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
266IEb 15.2 4xw3_B
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
267VEe 35.3 4xw3_B
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
268KEe 52.4 4xw3_B
MOD_RES /note="N6-acetyllysine" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" MOD_RES /note="N6-acetyllysine" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
269S b 4.7 4xw3_B
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
270QSe 69.9 4xw3_B
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
271H b 10.5 4xw3_B
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
272SSe 36.7 4xw3_B
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
273GGe 54.8 4xw3_B
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
274NGe103.6 4xw3_B
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
275AGe 36.6 4xw3_B
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
276Q e 57.7 4xw3_B
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
277VBe 29.3 4xw3_B
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
278T e 64.9 4xw3_B
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
279Q e 37.8 4xw3_B
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
MOD_RES /note="N6-acetyllysine; alternate" CROSSLNK /note="Glycyl lysine isopeptide (Lys-Gly) (interchain with G-Cter in SUMO2); alternate" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" MOD_RES /note="N6-acetyllysine; alternate" CROSSLNK /note="Glycyl lysine isopeptide (Lys-Gly) (interchain with G-Cter in SUMO2); alternate" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
286ASb 4.5 8tbx_A
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
287P b 1.6 8tbx_A
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
288KSb 5.2 8tbx_A
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
289AEb 0.0 8tbx_A
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
290LEb 1.1 8tbx_A
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
291IEb 1.2 8tbx_A
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
292VEb 1.3 8tbx_A
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
293E b 0.0 8tbx_A
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
294PSb 14.7 8tbx_A
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
295S e 32.8 8tbx_A
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
296RHb 19.4 8tbx_A
DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
297EHe 34.7 8tbx_A
DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
298LHe 25.8 8tbx_A
DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
299AHb 0.0 8tbx_A
DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
300EHe 42.7 8tbx_A
DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
301QHe 51.5 8tbx_A compound ADP
DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
302THb 1.3 8tbx_A
DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
303LHb 11.2 8tbx_A
DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
304NHe 69.1 8tbx_A
DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
305NHb 8.5 8tbx_A
DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
306IHb 2.3 8tbx_A
DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
307KHe 20.8 8tbx_A
DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
308QHe 30.1 8tbx_A
DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
309FHb 0.0 8tbx_A
DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
310KTb 18.9 8tbx_A
DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
311KTe 24.5 8tbx_A
DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
312YTe 43.0 8tbx_A
DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
313I b 5.3 8tbx_A
DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
314D e 44.4 8tbx_A
DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
315NSe 86.1 8tbx_A
DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
316PSe 47.3 8tbx_A
DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
317K e 55.2 8tbx_A
DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
318L b 6.2 8tbx_A
DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
319R b 14.2 8tbx_A
DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
320EEe 33.7 8tbx_A
DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
321LEb 12.4 8tbx_A
DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
322LEb 19.1 8tbx_A
DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
323IEb 0.6 8tbx_A
DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
324I b 10.5 8tbx_A
DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
325GSe 79.8 8tbx_A
DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
326GSe102.4 8tbx_A
DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
327VSe 28.7 8tbx_A
DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
328A e 46.4 8tbx_A
DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
329AHe 36.6 8tbx_A
DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
330RHe 28.9 8tbx_A
DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
331DHe 66.0 8tbx_A
DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
332QHb 5.6 8tbx_A
DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
333LHe 42.1 8tbx_A
DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
334SHe 44.5 8tbx_A
DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
335VHe 26.0 8tbx_A
DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
336LHb 12.9 8tbx_A
DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
337EHe 45.7 8tbx_A
DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
338NHe 83.0 8tbx_A
DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
339G e 38.1 8tbx_A
DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
340V b 2.0 8tbx_A
DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
341DSb 11.7 8tbx_A
DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
342IEb 2.3 8tbx_A
DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
343VEb 0.7 8tbx_A
DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
344VEb 0.7 8tbx_A
DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
345GEb 0.0 8tbx_A
DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
346T b 13.6 8tbx_A
DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
347PHb 1.6 8tbx_A
DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
348GHe 44.0 8tbx_A
DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
349RHb 12.6 8tbx_A
DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
350LHb 0.0 8tbx_A
DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
351DHe 22.2 8tbx_A
DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
352DHe 64.2 8tbx_A
DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
353LHb 6.7 8tbx_A
DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
354VHb 10.0 8tbx_A
DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
355STe 67.2 8tbx_A
DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
356TTe 62.3 8tbx_A
DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
357GTe 88.1 8tbx_A
DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
358K b 18.4 8tbx_A
DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
359LSb 4.5 8tbx_A
DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
360N e 48.5 8tbx_A
DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
361L b 6.7 8tbx_A
DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
362STe 49.2 8tbx_A
DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
363QTe 32.7 8tbx_A
DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
364V b 2.0 8tbx_A
DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
365R b 17.4 8tbx_A
DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
366FEb 0.0 8tbx_A
DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
367LEb 0.6 8tbx_A
DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
368VEb 0.0 8tbx_A
DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
369LEb 1.1 8tbx_A
DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
370DTb 0.0 8tbx_A metal MG
MOTIF /note="DEAD box" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" MOTIF /note="DEAD box" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
371ETb 13.6 8tbx_A metal MG
MUTAGEN /note="E->G: Inhibits the transcriptional activity of RELA and attenuates NF-kappa-B-mediated gene expression." ECO:0000269|PubMed:24870230" MUTAGEN /note="E->Q: Abolishes ability to promote guanylylation of RTCB." ECO:0000269|PubMed:24870230" MOTIF /note="DEAD box" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" MUTAGEN /note="E->G: Inhibits the transcriptional activity of RELA and attenuates NF-kappa-B-mediated gene expression." ECO:0000269|PubMed:24870230" MUTAGEN /note="E->Q: Abolishes ability to promote guanylylation of RTCB." ECO:0000269|PubMed:24870230" MOTIF /note="DEAD box" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
372AHb 0.0 8tbx_A
MOTIF /note="DEAD box" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" MOTIF /note="DEAD box" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
373DHb 14.8 8tbx_A
MOTIF /note="DEAD box" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" MOTIF /note="DEAD box" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
374GHe 27.4 8tbx_A
DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
375LHb 0.0 8tbx_A
DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
376LHb 10.7 8tbx_A
DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
377SHe 78.9 8tbx_A
DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
378QTe 49.0 8tbx_A
DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
379GTe 54.8 8tbx_A
DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
380Y e 31.7 8tbx_A
DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
381SHe 27.3 8tbx_A
DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
382DHe 62.3 8tbx_A
DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
383FHb 1.4 8tbx_A
DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
384IHb 0.0 8tbx_A
DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
385NHb 20.0 8tbx_A
DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
386RHe 39.1 8tbx_A
DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
387MHb 1.9 8tbx_A
DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
388HHb 14.1 8tbx_A
DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
389NHe 87.3 8tbx_A
DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
390QHe 51.5 8tbx_A
DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
391ISb 0.6 8tbx_A
DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
392P e 48.1 8tbx_A
DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
393QSe 43.4 8tbx_A
DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
394VBe 54.0 8tbx_A
DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
395T b 14.9 8tbx_A
DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
396STe 87.5 8tbx_A
DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
397DTe 45.7 8tbx_A
DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
398GSe 65.5 8tbx_A
DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
399K e 21.7 8tbx_A
DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
400RBe 47.0 8tbx_A
DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
401L b 2.2 8tbx_A
DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
402QEb 5.6 8tbx_A
DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
403VEb 0.7 8tbx_A
DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
404IEb 0.0 8tbx_A
DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
405VEb 0.0 8tbx_A
DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
406CEb 0.0 8tbx_A
DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
407SEb 0.0 8tbx_A
DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
408ASe 25.0 8tbx_A
DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
409TSe 41.6 8tbx_A
DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
410LSe 44.9 8tbx_A
DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
411HSe 37.7 8tbx_A
DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
412S e 26.6 8tbx_A
DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
413FHe 62.7 8tbx_A
DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
414DHe 59.9 8tbx_A
DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
415VHb 2.0 8tbx_A
DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
416KHb 16.5 8tbx_A
DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
417KHb 18.9 8tbx_A
DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
418LHb 1.1 8tbx_A
DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
419SHb 5.5 8tbx_A
DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
420EHe 50.3 8tbx_A
DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
421KHe 57.1 8tbx_A
DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
422IHb 2.3 8tbx_A
DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
423M b 8.7 8tbx_A
DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
424HSe 40.3 8tbx_A
DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
425FSe 47.8 8tbx_A
DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
426P e 23.3 8tbx_A
DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
427TEe 40.9 8tbx_A
DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
428WEe 21.5 8tbx_A
DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="Helicase ATP-binding" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
429VEb 1.3 8tbx_A
REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
430D e 52.5 8tbx_A
REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
431L e 58.4 8tbx_A
REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
436S e 80.5 8tbx_A
REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
437V b 17.3 8tbx_A
REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
438P e 44.2 8tbx_A
REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
439DSb 13.6 8tbx_A
REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
440TSe 29.9 8tbx_A
REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
441VEb 2.7 8tbx_A
REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
442HEe 30.4 8tbx_A
REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
443HEb 14.1 8tbx_A
REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
444VEb 18.7 8tbx_A
REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
445VEb 0.0 8tbx_A
REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
446VEb 11.3 8tbx_A
REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
447PEe 29.5 8tbx_A
REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
448VEb 0.0 8tbx_A
REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" REGION /note="Interaction with dsRNA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
449N e 24.2 8tbx_A
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
450PTb 0.0 8tbx_A
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
451KTe 42.9 8tbx_A
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
452TTe 74.0 8tbx_A
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
453D b 18.5 8tbx_A
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
454R e 38.3 8tbx_A
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
455LGe 23.6 8tbx_A
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
456WGb 5.2 8tbx_A
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
457EGe 34.7 8tbx_A
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
458RGe 69.2 8tbx_A
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
459LTe 23.0 8tbx_A
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
460GSe 75.0 8tbx_A
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DISORDER predicted by DISOPRED REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
461KSe 44.8 8tbx_A
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DISORDER predicted by DISOPRED REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
462SSe 53.9 8tbx_A
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DISORDER predicted by DISOPRED REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
463HSe 27.7 8tbx_A
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DISORDER predicted by DISOPRED REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
464I b 9.4 8tbx_A
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DISORDER predicted by DISOPRED REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
465R e 58.1 8tbx_A
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DISORDER predicted by DISOPRED REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
466T b 5.8 8tbx_A
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DISORDER predicted by DISOPRED REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
467D b 5.6 8tbx_A
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DISORDER predicted by DISOPRED REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
468DSe 40.1 8tbx_A
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DISORDER predicted by DISOPRED REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
469VTb 0.0 8tbx_A
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DISORDER predicted by DISOPRED REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
470HTb 2.6 8tbx_A
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DISORDER predicted by DISOPRED REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
471ASe 71.4 8tbx_A
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DISORDER predicted by DISOPRED REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
472KSe 42.9 8tbx_A
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DISORDER predicted by DISOPRED REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
473DSe 33.3 8tbx_A
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DISORDER predicted by DISOPRED REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
474N e 61.2 8tbx_A
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DISORDER predicted by DISOPRED REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
475T e 26.0 8tbx_A
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DISORDER predicted by DISOPRED REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
476RSe 31.2 8tbx_A
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DISORDER predicted by DISOPRED REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
477PTe 59.7 8tbx_A
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DISORDER predicted by DISOPRED REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
478GTe 70.2 8tbx_A
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DISORDER predicted by DISOPRED REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
479A b 19.6 8tbx_A
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DISORDER predicted by DISOPRED REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
480N e 72.1 8tbx_A
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DISORDER predicted by DISOPRED REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
481SSe 24.2 8tbx_A
MOD_RES /note="Phosphoserine" ECO:0007744|PubMed:21406692, ECO:0007744|PubMed:23186163" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" MOD_RES /note="Phosphoserine" ECO:0007744|PubMed:21406692, ECO:0007744|PubMed:23186163" DISORDER predicted by DISOPRED REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
482PHe 59.7 8tbx_A
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DISORDER predicted by DISOPRED REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
483EHe 23.6 8tbx_A
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DISORDER predicted by DISOPRED REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
484MHb 1.4 8tbx_A
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DISORDER predicted by DISOPRED REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
485WHb 14.7 8tbx_A
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DISORDER predicted by DISOPRED REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
486SHb 0.0 8tbx_A
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DISORDER predicted by DISOPRED REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
487EHb 7.5 8tbx_A
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DISORDER predicted by DISOPRED REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
488AHb 0.0 8tbx_A
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DISORDER predicted by DISOPRED REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
489IHb 0.0 8tbx_A
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DISORDER predicted by DISOPRED REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
490KHb 7.1 8tbx_A
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DISORDER predicted by DISOPRED REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
491IHb 7.6 8tbx_A
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DISORDER predicted by DISOPRED REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
492LHb 0.0 8tbx_A
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DISORDER predicted by DISOPRED REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
493KHb 4.2 8tbx_A
DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
494GHb 1.2 8tbx_A
DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
495EHb 19.6 8tbx_A
DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
496YHb 7.4 8tbx_A
DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
497AHb 1.8 8tbx_A
DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
498VHb 8.0 8tbx_A
DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
499RHe 38.7 8tbx_A
DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
500AHb 8.0 8tbx_A
DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
501IHb 0.6 8tbx_A
DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
502KHe 49.1 8tbx_A
DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
503EHe 65.3 8tbx_A
DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
504HHe 36.1 8tbx_A
DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
505KTe 66.0 8tbx_A
DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
506M b 0.5 8tbx_A
DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
507DSe 43.2 8tbx_A
DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
508Q e 23.5 8tbx_A
DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
509AEb 0.0 8tbx_A
DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
510IEb 1.8 8tbx_A
DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
511IEb 0.6 8tbx_A
DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
512FEb 0.5 8tbx_A
DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
513C b 1.3 8tbx_A
DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
514RSe 22.9 8tbx_A
DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
515TSb 18.8 8tbx_A
DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
516KHe 34.0 8tbx_A
DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
517IHe 37.4 8tbx_A
DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
518DHe 21.6 8tbx_A
DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
519CHb 0.0 8tbx_A
DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
520DHe 25.9 8tbx_A
DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
521NHb 18.8 8tbx_A
DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
522LHb 2.8 8tbx_A
DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
523EHb 5.5 8tbx_A
DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
524QHe 53.1 8tbx_A
DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
525YHb 12.2 8tbx_A
DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA" DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
526FHb 0.0 8tbx_A
DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK"
527IHe 41.5 8tbx_A
DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK"
528QHe 49.5 8tbx_A
DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK"
529QTe 28.6 8tbx_A
DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK"
530GTe 35.7 8tbx_A
DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK"
531G b 4.8 8tbx_A
DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK"
532GBb 1.2 8tbx_A
DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK"
533PTe 22.5 8tbx_A
DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK"
534DTe 91.4 8tbx_A
DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK"
535KSe 42.0 8tbx_A
DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK"
536KTe 67.9 8tbx_A
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with replicase polyprotein 1ab nsp14 of IBV" DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with replicase polyprotein 1ab nsp14 of IBV" DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK"
537GTe 40.5 8tbx_A
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with replicase polyprotein 1ab nsp14 of IBV" DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with replicase polyprotein 1ab nsp14 of IBV" DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK"
538H e 48.7 8tbx_A
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with replicase polyprotein 1ab nsp14 of IBV" DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with replicase polyprotein 1ab nsp14 of IBV" DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK"
539QTe 48.0 8tbx_A
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with replicase polyprotein 1ab nsp14 of IBV" DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with replicase polyprotein 1ab nsp14 of IBV" DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK"
540FTb 2.9 8tbx_A
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with replicase polyprotein 1ab nsp14 of IBV" DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with replicase polyprotein 1ab nsp14 of IBV" DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK"
541SBb 0.0 8tbx_A
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with replicase polyprotein 1ab nsp14 of IBV" DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with replicase polyprotein 1ab nsp14 of IBV" DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK"
542CEb 0.0 8tbx_A
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with replicase polyprotein 1ab nsp14 of IBV" DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with replicase polyprotein 1ab nsp14 of IBV" DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK"
543VEb 0.0 8tbx_A
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with replicase polyprotein 1ab nsp14 of IBV" DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with replicase polyprotein 1ab nsp14 of IBV" DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK"
544CEb 0.0 8tbx_A
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with replicase polyprotein 1ab nsp14 of IBV" DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with replicase polyprotein 1ab nsp14 of IBV" DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK"
545LEb 3.9 8tbx_A
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with replicase polyprotein 1ab nsp14 of IBV" DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with replicase polyprotein 1ab nsp14 of IBV" DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK"
546HSb 1.0 8tbx_A
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with replicase polyprotein 1ab nsp14 of IBV" DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with replicase polyprotein 1ab nsp14 of IBV" DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK"
547GTe 63.1 8tbx_A
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with replicase polyprotein 1ab nsp14 of IBV" DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with replicase polyprotein 1ab nsp14 of IBV" DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK"
548DTe 62.3 8tbx_A
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with replicase polyprotein 1ab nsp14 of IBV" DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with replicase polyprotein 1ab nsp14 of IBV" DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK"
549RSb 11.1 8tbx_A
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with replicase polyprotein 1ab nsp14 of IBV" DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with replicase polyprotein 1ab nsp14 of IBV" DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK"
550K e 35.8 8tbx_A
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with replicase polyprotein 1ab nsp14 of IBV" DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with replicase polyprotein 1ab nsp14 of IBV" DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK"
551PHe 70.5 8tbx_A
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with replicase polyprotein 1ab nsp14 of IBV" DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with replicase polyprotein 1ab nsp14 of IBV" DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK"
552HHe 63.4 8tbx_A
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with replicase polyprotein 1ab nsp14 of IBV" DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with replicase polyprotein 1ab nsp14 of IBV" DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK"
553EHe 29.1 8tbx_A
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with replicase polyprotein 1ab nsp14 of IBV" DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with replicase polyprotein 1ab nsp14 of IBV" DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK"
554RHe 35.2 8tbx_A
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with replicase polyprotein 1ab nsp14 of IBV" DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with replicase polyprotein 1ab nsp14 of IBV" DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK"
555KHe 57.1 8tbx_A
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with replicase polyprotein 1ab nsp14 of IBV" DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with replicase polyprotein 1ab nsp14 of IBV" DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK"
556QHe 48.5 8tbx_A
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with replicase polyprotein 1ab nsp14 of IBV" DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with replicase polyprotein 1ab nsp14 of IBV" DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK"
557NHb 10.3 8tbx_A
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with replicase polyprotein 1ab nsp14 of IBV" DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with replicase polyprotein 1ab nsp14 of IBV" DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK"
558LHb 15.7 8tbx_A
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with replicase polyprotein 1ab nsp14 of IBV" DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with replicase polyprotein 1ab nsp14 of IBV" DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK"
559EHe 40.2 8tbx_A
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with replicase polyprotein 1ab nsp14 of IBV" DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with replicase polyprotein 1ab nsp14 of IBV" DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK"
560RHe 26.9 8tbx_A
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with replicase polyprotein 1ab nsp14 of IBV" DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with replicase polyprotein 1ab nsp14 of IBV" DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK"
561FHb 1.4 8tbx_A
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with replicase polyprotein 1ab nsp14 of IBV" DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with replicase polyprotein 1ab nsp14 of IBV" DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK"
562KHe 57.5 8tbx_A
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with replicase polyprotein 1ab nsp14 of IBV" DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with replicase polyprotein 1ab nsp14 of IBV" DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK"
563KTe 75.5 8tbx_A
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with replicase polyprotein 1ab nsp14 of IBV" DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with replicase polyprotein 1ab nsp14 of IBV" DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK"
564GTe 60.7 8tbx_A
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with replicase polyprotein 1ab nsp14 of IBV" DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with replicase polyprotein 1ab nsp14 of IBV" DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK"
565DSb 9.3 8tbx_A
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with replicase polyprotein 1ab nsp14 of IBV" DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with replicase polyprotein 1ab nsp14 of IBV" DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK"
566VSb 0.7 8tbx_A
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with replicase polyprotein 1ab nsp14 of IBV" DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with replicase polyprotein 1ab nsp14 of IBV" DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK"
567RSe 27.3 8tbx_A
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with replicase polyprotein 1ab nsp14 of IBV" DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with replicase polyprotein 1ab nsp14 of IBV" DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK"
568FEb 0.0 8tbx_A
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with replicase polyprotein 1ab nsp14 of IBV" DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with replicase polyprotein 1ab nsp14 of IBV" DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK"
569LEb 1.1 8tbx_A
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with replicase polyprotein 1ab nsp14 of IBV" DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with replicase polyprotein 1ab nsp14 of IBV" DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK"
570IEb 0.0 8tbx_A
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with replicase polyprotein 1ab nsp14 of IBV" DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with replicase polyprotein 1ab nsp14 of IBV" DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK"
571CEb 2.0 8tbx_A
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with replicase polyprotein 1ab nsp14 of IBV" DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with replicase polyprotein 1ab nsp14 of IBV" DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK"
572T b 8.4 8tbx_A
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with replicase polyprotein 1ab nsp14 of IBV" DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with replicase polyprotein 1ab nsp14 of IBV" DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK"
573DHe 27.2 8tbx_A
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with replicase polyprotein 1ab nsp14 of IBV" DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with replicase polyprotein 1ab nsp14 of IBV" DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK"
574VHe 84.7 8tbx_A
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with replicase polyprotein 1ab nsp14 of IBV" DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with replicase polyprotein 1ab nsp14 of IBV" DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK"
575AHb 14.3 8tbx_A
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with replicase polyprotein 1ab nsp14 of IBV" DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with replicase polyprotein 1ab nsp14 of IBV" DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK"
576AHb 6.2 8tbx_A
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with replicase polyprotein 1ab nsp14 of IBV" DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with replicase polyprotein 1ab nsp14 of IBV" DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK"
577RHe 34.4 8tbx_A
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with replicase polyprotein 1ab nsp14 of IBV" DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with replicase polyprotein 1ab nsp14 of IBV" DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK"
578GHe 85.7 8tbx_A
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with replicase polyprotein 1ab nsp14 of IBV" DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with replicase polyprotein 1ab nsp14 of IBV" DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK"
579I b 8.8 8tbx_A
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with replicase polyprotein 1ab nsp14 of IBV" DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with replicase polyprotein 1ab nsp14 of IBV" DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK"
580D e 50.0 8tbx_A
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with replicase polyprotein 1ab nsp14 of IBV" DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with replicase polyprotein 1ab nsp14 of IBV" DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK"
581I b 17.0 8tbx_A
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with replicase polyprotein 1ab nsp14 of IBV" DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with replicase polyprotein 1ab nsp14 of IBV" DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK"
582H e 39.3 8tbx_A
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with replicase polyprotein 1ab nsp14 of IBV" DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with replicase polyprotein 1ab nsp14 of IBV" DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK"
583G e 26.2 8tbx_A
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with replicase polyprotein 1ab nsp14 of IBV" DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with replicase polyprotein 1ab nsp14 of IBV" DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK"
584VBb 1.3 8tbx_A
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with replicase polyprotein 1ab nsp14 of IBV" DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with replicase polyprotein 1ab nsp14 of IBV" DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK"
585PSb 4.7 8tbx_A
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with replicase polyprotein 1ab nsp14 of IBV" DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with replicase polyprotein 1ab nsp14 of IBV" DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK"
586YEb 15.7 8tbx_A
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with replicase polyprotein 1ab nsp14 of IBV" DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with replicase polyprotein 1ab nsp14 of IBV" DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK"
587VEb 0.0 8tbx_A
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with replicase polyprotein 1ab nsp14 of IBV" DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with replicase polyprotein 1ab nsp14 of IBV" DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK"
588IEb 1.2 8tbx_A
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with replicase polyprotein 1ab nsp14 of IBV" DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with replicase polyprotein 1ab nsp14 of IBV" DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK"
589NEb 0.0 8tbx_A
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with replicase polyprotein 1ab nsp14 of IBV" DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with replicase polyprotein 1ab nsp14 of IBV" DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK"
590VSb 11.3 8tbx_A
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with replicase polyprotein 1ab nsp14 of IBV" DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with replicase polyprotein 1ab nsp14 of IBV" DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK"
591TSb 5.2 8tbx_A
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with replicase polyprotein 1ab nsp14 of IBV" DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with replicase polyprotein 1ab nsp14 of IBV" DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK"
592L b 0.6 8tbx_A
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with replicase polyprotein 1ab nsp14 of IBV" DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with replicase polyprotein 1ab nsp14 of IBV" DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK"
593P b 1.6 8tbx_A
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with replicase polyprotein 1ab nsp14 of IBV" DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with replicase polyprotein 1ab nsp14 of IBV" DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK"
594DSe 44.4 8tbx_A
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with replicase polyprotein 1ab nsp14 of IBV" DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with replicase polyprotein 1ab nsp14 of IBV" DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK"
595ESe 58.8 8tbx_A
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with replicase polyprotein 1ab nsp14 of IBV" DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with replicase polyprotein 1ab nsp14 of IBV" DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK"
596KTe 35.4 8tbx_A
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with replicase polyprotein 1ab nsp14 of IBV" DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with replicase polyprotein 1ab nsp14 of IBV" DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK"
597QHe 44.4 8tbx_A
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with replicase polyprotein 1ab nsp14 of IBV" DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with replicase polyprotein 1ab nsp14 of IBV" DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK"
598NHb 18.8 8tbx_A
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with replicase polyprotein 1ab nsp14 of IBV" DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with replicase polyprotein 1ab nsp14 of IBV" DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK"
599YHb 1.3 8tbx_A
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with replicase polyprotein 1ab nsp14 of IBV" DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with replicase polyprotein 1ab nsp14 of IBV" DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK"
600VHe 20.7 8tbx_A
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with replicase polyprotein 1ab nsp14 of IBV" DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with replicase polyprotein 1ab nsp14 of IBV" DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK"
601HHe 67.0 8tbx_A
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with replicase polyprotein 1ab nsp14 of IBV" DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with replicase polyprotein 1ab nsp14 of IBV" DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK"
602RHb 1.6 8tbx_A
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with replicase polyprotein 1ab nsp14 of IBV" DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with replicase polyprotein 1ab nsp14 of IBV" DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK"
603IHb 1.8 8tbx_A
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with replicase polyprotein 1ab nsp14 of IBV" DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with replicase polyprotein 1ab nsp14 of IBV" DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK"
604GTe 44.0 8tbx_A
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with replicase polyprotein 1ab nsp14 of IBV" DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with replicase polyprotein 1ab nsp14 of IBV" DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK"
605RTb 17.0 8tbx_A
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with replicase polyprotein 1ab nsp14 of IBV" DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with replicase polyprotein 1ab nsp14 of IBV" DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK"
606VBb 2.7 8tbx_A
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with replicase polyprotein 1ab nsp14 of IBV" DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with replicase polyprotein 1ab nsp14 of IBV" DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK"
607G b 13.1 8tbx_A
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with replicase polyprotein 1ab nsp14 of IBV" DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with replicase polyprotein 1ab nsp14 of IBV" DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK"
608R e 47.8 8tbx_A
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with replicase polyprotein 1ab nsp14 of IBV" DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with replicase polyprotein 1ab nsp14 of IBV" DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK"
609ATe 75.9 8tbx_A
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with replicase polyprotein 1ab nsp14 of IBV" DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with replicase polyprotein 1ab nsp14 of IBV" DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK"
610ETe 27.6 8tbx_A
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with replicase polyprotein 1ab nsp14 of IBV" DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with replicase polyprotein 1ab nsp14 of IBV" DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK"
611RSe 33.6 8tbx_A
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with replicase polyprotein 1ab nsp14 of IBV" DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with replicase polyprotein 1ab nsp14 of IBV" DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK"
612M e 31.4 8tbx_A
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with replicase polyprotein 1ab nsp14 of IBV" DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with replicase polyprotein 1ab nsp14 of IBV" DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK"
613GEb 1.2 8tbx_A
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with replicase polyprotein 1ab nsp14 of IBV" DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with replicase polyprotein 1ab nsp14 of IBV" DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK"
614LEb 15.7 8tbx_A
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with replicase polyprotein 1ab nsp14 of IBV" DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with replicase polyprotein 1ab nsp14 of IBV" DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK"
615AEb 0.0 8tbx_A
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with replicase polyprotein 1ab nsp14 of IBV" DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with replicase polyprotein 1ab nsp14 of IBV" DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK"
616IEb 2.3 8tbx_A
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with replicase polyprotein 1ab nsp14 of IBV" DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with replicase polyprotein 1ab nsp14 of IBV" DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK"
617SEb 0.0 8tbx_A
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with replicase polyprotein 1ab nsp14 of IBV" DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with replicase polyprotein 1ab nsp14 of IBV" DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK"
618LEb 1.1 8tbx_A
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with replicase polyprotein 1ab nsp14 of IBV" DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with replicase polyprotein 1ab nsp14 of IBV" DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK"
619VEb 0.0 8tbx_A
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with replicase polyprotein 1ab nsp14 of IBV" DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with replicase polyprotein 1ab nsp14 of IBV" DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK"
620AEb 0.9 8tbx_A
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with replicase polyprotein 1ab nsp14 of IBV" DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with replicase polyprotein 1ab nsp14 of IBV" DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK"
621TSe 23.4 8tbx_A
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with replicase polyprotein 1ab nsp14 of IBV" DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with replicase polyprotein 1ab nsp14 of IBV" DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK"
622ESe 31.7 8tbx_A
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with replicase polyprotein 1ab nsp14 of IBV" DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with replicase polyprotein 1ab nsp14 of IBV" DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK"
623K e 57.5 8tbx_A
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with replicase polyprotein 1ab nsp14 of IBV" DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with replicase polyprotein 1ab nsp14 of IBV" DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK"
624EEb 6.0 8tbx_A
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with replicase polyprotein 1ab nsp14 of IBV" DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with replicase polyprotein 1ab nsp14 of IBV" DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK"
625KEb 8.5 8tbx_A
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with replicase polyprotein 1ab nsp14 of IBV" DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with replicase polyprotein 1ab nsp14 of IBV" DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK"
626VEb 2.7 8tbx_A
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with replicase polyprotein 1ab nsp14 of IBV" DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with replicase polyprotein 1ab nsp14 of IBV" DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK"
627WEb 8.8 8tbx_A
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with replicase polyprotein 1ab nsp14 of IBV" DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with replicase polyprotein 1ab nsp14 of IBV" DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK"
628Y e 27.4 8tbx_A
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with replicase polyprotein 1ab nsp14 of IBV" DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with replicase polyprotein 1ab nsp14 of IBV" DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK"
629H e 30.9 8tbx_A metal ZN
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with replicase polyprotein 1ab nsp14 of IBV" DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with replicase polyprotein 1ab nsp14 of IBV" DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK"
630V e 67.3 8tbx_A
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with replicase polyprotein 1ab nsp14 of IBV" DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with replicase polyprotein 1ab nsp14 of IBV" DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK"
631CSe 24.0 8tbx_A metal ZN
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with replicase polyprotein 1ab nsp14 of IBV" DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with replicase polyprotein 1ab nsp14 of IBV" DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK"
632STe 85.2 8tbx_A
DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK"
633STe 46.1 8tbx_A
DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK"
634RTe 53.0 8tbx_A
DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK"
635GTe 23.8 8tbx_A
DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK"
636KTe 40.6 8tbx_A
DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK"
637GTe 72.6 8tbx_A
DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK"
638C b 15.3 8tbx_A metal ZN
DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK"
639Y e 80.4 8tbx_A
DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK"
640N e 47.9 8tbx_A
DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DISORDER predicted by DISOPRED DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK"
641T e 31.8 8tbx_A
DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DISORDER predicted by DISOPRED DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK"
642RSb 13.8 8tbx_A
DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DISORDER predicted by DISOPRED DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK"
643LBe 32.0 8tbx_A
DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DISORDER predicted by DISOPRED DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK"
644KGe 27.8 8tbx_A
DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DISORDER predicted by DISOPRED DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK"
645EGe 52.8 8tbx_A
DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DISORDER predicted by DISOPRED DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK"
646DGe 48.1 8tbx_A
DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DISORDER predicted by DISOPRED DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK"
647GTe 70.2 8tbx_A
DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DISORDER predicted by DISOPRED DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK"
648G b 0.0 8tbx_A
DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DISORDER predicted by DISOPRED DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK"
649CSb 3.3 8tbx_A metal ZN
DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DISORDER predicted by DISOPRED DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK"
650TEb 0.0 8tbx_A
DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DISORDER predicted by DISOPRED DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK"
651IEe 32.7 8tbx_A
DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DISORDER predicted by DISOPRED DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK"
652WEe 29.5 8tbx_A
DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DISORDER predicted by DISOPRED DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK"
653YEb 8.3 8tbx_A
DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DISORDER predicted by DISOPRED DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK"
654N e 38.8 8tbx_A
DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DISORDER predicted by DISOPRED DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK"
655EHb 2.0 8tbx_A
DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DISORDER predicted by DISOPRED DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK"
656MHe 28.0 8tbx_A
DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DISORDER predicted by DISOPRED DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK"
657QHe 48.0 8tbx_A
DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK"
658LHb 13.5 8tbx_A
DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DISORDER predicted by DISOPRED DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK"
659LHb 1.1 8tbx_A
DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK"
660SHe 38.3 8tbx_A
DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK"
661EHe 32.2 8tbx_A
DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DISORDER predicted by DISOPRED DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK"
662IHb 1.2 8tbx_A
DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DISORDER predicted by DISOPRED DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK"
663EHb 14.1 8tbx_A
DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DISORDER predicted by DISOPRED DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK"
664EHe 69.3 8tbx_A
DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK"
665HHe 52.9 8tbx_A
DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DISORDER predicted by DISOPRED DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK"
666LTb 11.8 8tbx_A
DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK"
667NTe 80.0 8tbx_A
DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK"
668CSb 20.0 8tbx_A
DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK"
669T e 79.2 8tbx_A
DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK"
670I b 3.5 8tbx_A
DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK"
671S e 46.9 8tbx_A
DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK"
672QBe 57.7 8tbx_A
DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DISORDER predicted by DISOPRED DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK"
673V e 78.7 8tbx_A
DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DISORDER predicted by DISOPRED DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK"
DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DISORDER predicted by DISOPRED DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK"
DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DISORDER predicted by DISOPRED DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK"
DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DISORDER predicted by DISOPRED DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK"
DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DISORDER predicted by DISOPRED DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK"
DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK"
DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK"
DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK"
DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DISORDER predicted by DISOPRED DOMAIN /note="Helicase C-terminal" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK"
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DISORDER predicted by DISOPRED REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK"
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DISORDER predicted by DISOPRED REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK"
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DISORDER predicted by DISOPRED REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK"
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DISORDER predicted by DISOPRED REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK"
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DISORDER predicted by DISOPRED REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK"
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DISORDER predicted by DISOPRED REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK"
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DISORDER predicted by DISOPRED REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK"
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DISORDER predicted by DISOPRED REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK"
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DISORDER predicted by DISOPRED REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK"
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DISORDER predicted by DISOPRED REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK"
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DISORDER predicted by DISOPRED REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK"
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DISORDER predicted by DISOPRED REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK"
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DISORDER predicted by DISOPRED REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK"
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DISORDER predicted by DISOPRED REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK"
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DISORDER predicted by DISOPRED REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK"
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DISORDER predicted by DISOPRED REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK"
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DISORDER predicted by DISOPRED REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK"
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DISORDER predicted by DISOPRED REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK"
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DISORDER predicted by DISOPRED REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK"
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DISORDER predicted by DISOPRED REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK"
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DISORDER predicted by DISOPRED REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK"
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DISORDER predicted by DISOPRED REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK"
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DISORDER predicted by DISOPRED REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK"
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DISORDER predicted by DISOPRED REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK"
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DISORDER predicted by DISOPRED REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK"
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DISORDER predicted by DISOPRED REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK"
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DISORDER predicted by DISOPRED REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK"
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DISORDER predicted by DISOPRED REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK"
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DISORDER predicted by DISOPRED REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK"
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DISORDER predicted by DISOPRED REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK"
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK"
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK"
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DISORDER predicted by DISOPRED REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK"
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DISORDER predicted by DISOPRED REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK"
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK"
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DISORDER predicted by DISOPRED REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK"
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" DISORDER predicted by DISOPRED REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK"
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK"
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK"
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK"
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK"
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK"
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK"
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK"
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK"
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK"
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK"
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK"
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK"
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK"
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK"
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK"
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK"
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK"
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK"
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK"
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK"
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK"
REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK" REGION /note="Necessary for interaction with HNRNPK"