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PID QueryLength Homolgous Sequence in PDB UniProt Query TITLE
1611114 121 4 P0DTC7(NS7A_SARS2) RecName: Full=ORF7a protein; Short=ORF7a;AltName: Full=Accessory protein 7a;AltName: Full=Protein U122;AltName: Full=Protein X4;Flags: Precursor;
[BLAST file for PDB] (plain) (bar) (multiple alignment) [BLAST for UniProt: (plain) (bar) (multiple alignment) (PSSM file) ]

Statistics of sites in view of Disease classification

Number of sites 121
Buired or ExposedBuried 31.8 (%) [27]
Exposed 68.2 (%) [58]
Ave relacc 41.0 %
SD relacc 27.39 %
Contact Molhetero 0.0 (%) [0]
nucleotide 0.0 (%) [0]
compound 0.0 (%) [0]
metal 0.0 (%) [0]
otherpoly 0.0 (%) [0]
homo 0.0 (%) [0]
precipitant 0.0 (%) [0]
Number of variants 0
N_Freq(AAvariant)==0 %
N_Freq(AAvariant)>0 %
Ave Freq(AAvariant)
SD Freq(AAvariant)