HOMCOS : Searching and Modeling of 3D Structures of Complexes

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HOMCOS(HOMology modeling of COmplex Structure) is a server for modeling complex 3D structures using 3D molecular similarities based on template complex 3D structures in PDB. For a given amino acid sequence or a chemical strucvure, the server provides list of contacting molecules in PDB, predicted complex 3D structure based on the template PDB structures. BLAST is employed for the amino acids sequence search, KCOMBU is used for the chemical structure search. HOMCOS is based on the concept of HOMCOS server developed by NAIST.

HOMCOS is developed and maintained by Protein Data Bank Japan, IPR, Osaka University. It is now supported by the project "Platform for Drug Discovery, Informatics, and Structural Life Science" by MEXT, Japan.

Services Queries Descriptions
Searching Contact Molecules Searching Contact Molecules for Query Protein Sequence Search contact molecules with similar proteins to a given query sequence
Searching Contact Proteins for Query Compound Compound Search contact proteins with similar compounds to a given query compounds
Modeling Complex 3D Structure Homo Protein Multimer Sequence Model 3D structure of homo-multimer for one given sequence using homology-modeling technique.
Hetero Protein Multimer Two Sequences Model 3D structure of hetero-multimer for two given sequence using homology-modeling technique.
Protein-Compound Complex Sequence and Compound Model 3D structure of protein-compound complex for one given sequence and one given chemical structure using homology-modeling technique.
3D model view Viewer of model and template 3D structures
How to install MODELLER Explain how install the homology-modeling program MODELLER
How to use MODELLER Explain how to use the homology-modeling program MODELLER