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PID QueryLength Homolgous Sequence in PDB UniProt Query TITLE
2676554 163 90 Q96PD4(IL17F_HUMAN) RecName: Full=Interleukin-17F; Short=IL-17F;AltName: Full=Cytokine ML-1;Flags: Precursor;
[BLAST file for PDB] (plain) (bar) (multiple alignment) [BLAST for UniProt: (plain) (bar) (multiple alignment) (PSSM file) ]

Statistics of sites in view of Disease classification

All 613956 Candidiasis, familial, 6 (CANDF6) LB/B (likely benign or benign)
Number of sites 163 1 3
Buired or ExposedBuried 12.3 (%) [16] 0.0 (%) [0] 0.0 (%) [0]
Exposed 87.7 (%) [114] 100.0 (%) [1] 100.0 (%) [3]
Ave relacc 53.2 % 32.8 % 65.6 %
SD relacc 28.33 % 0.00 % 23.19 %
Contact Molhetero 67.5 (%) [110] 100.0 (%) [1] 100.0 (%) [3]
nucleotide 0.0 (%) [0] 0.0 (%) [0] 0.0 (%) [0]
compound 27.0 (%) [44] 0.0 (%) [0] 33.3 (%) [1]
metal 8.0 (%) [13] 0.0 (%) [0] 33.3 (%) [1]
otherpoly 3.1 (%) [5] 0.0 (%) [0] 0.0 (%) [0]
homo 57.7 (%) [94] 0.0 (%) [0] 100.0 (%) [3]
precipitant 22.1 (%) [36] 100.0 (%) [1] 0.0 (%) [0]
Number of variants 4 1 3
N_Freq(AAvariant)==0 % 100.0 % [1] 66.7 % [2]
N_Freq(AAvariant)>0 % 0.0 % [0] 33.3 % [1]
Ave Freq(AAvariant) 0.0 % 4.7 %
SD Freq(AAvariant) 0.00 % 6.60 %

Site Table for OMIM:613956 Candidiasis, familial, 6 (CANDF6) [1 variants]

1 sites 95
  [n]:site number of query sequence.  [a]:amino acid of query sequence.  [s]:predicted secondary structure.
  [e]:predicted exposed/buried.  [acc]:predicted relative accesssibility(%).  [pdb]:PDB code of homologous structure.
  [contact_mols]:predicted binding molecules  [observed aa]:Observed amino acids among homologous sequences.  [feature table]:UniProt Feature Table
  [variant]:UniProt Human Variant.
n a s e acc pdb contact_mols observed aa feature table variant
95SSe 32.8 6hgo_C hetero I17RC_HUMAN I17RA_HUMAN precipitant
S->L:(0.0 %):LP/P Candidiasis, familial, 6 (CANDF6) dbSNP:rs7484860 [MIM:613956]

Site Table for OMIM:LB/B [3 variants]

3 sites 126,155,161
  [n]:site number of query sequence.  [a]:amino acid of query sequence.  [s]:predicted secondary structure.
  [e]:predicted exposed/buried.  [acc]:predicted relative accesssibility(%).  [pdb]:PDB code of homologous structure.
  [contact_mols]:predicted binding molecules  [observed aa]:Observed amino acids among homologous sequences.  [feature table]:UniProt Feature Table
  [variant]:UniProt Human Variant.
n a s e acc pdb contact_mols observed aa feature table variant
126EEe 56.8 6hgo_C hetero I17RA_HUMAN I17RC_HUMAN IL17F_HUMAN IL17_HUMAN compound XCE RMQ 63O 63P 63Q RMK UTF metal CD homo
E->G:(0.0 %):LB/B - dbSNP:rs2397084
155VEe 42.7 6hgo_C hetero I17RA_HUMAN IL17F_HUMAN IL17_HUMAN I17RC_HUMAN homo
V->I:(14.0 %):LB/B - dbSNP:rs1146555
161HSe 97.4 6hgo_A hetero I17RA_HUMAN I17RC_HUMAN homo
H->R:(0.0 %):LB/B - dbSNP:rs763780