Contact Molecules for Homologous Proteins

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PID QueryLength Homolgous Sequence in PDB UniProt Query TITLE
29141 61 6 P0DTC6(NS6_SARS2) RecName: Full=ORF6 protein; Short=ORF6;AltName: Full=Accessory protein 6;AltName: Full=Non-structural protein 6; Short=ns6;AltName: Full=Protein X3;
[BLAST file for PDB] (plain) (bar) (multiple alignment) [BLAST for UniProt: (plain) (bar) (multiple alignment) (PSSM file) ]
  [n]:site number of query sequence.  [a]:amino acid of query sequence.  [s]:predicted secondary structure.
  [e]:predicted exposed/buried.  [acc]:predicted relative accesssibility(%).  [pdb]:PDB code of homologous structure.
  [contact_mols]:predicted binding molecules  [observed aa]:Observed amino acids among homologous sequences.  [feature table]:UniProt Feature Table
  [variant]:UniProt Human Variant.
n a s e acc pdb contact_mols observed aa feature table variant
MUTAGEN /note="Missing: Retains interaction with human NUP98-RAE1 complex. Increases down-regulation of protein expression of newly transcribed genes in host cell." MUTAGEN /note="Missing: Retains interaction with human NUP98-RAE1 complex. Increases down-regulation of protein expression of newly transcribed genes in host cell."
MUTAGEN /note="Missing: Retains interaction with human NUP98-RAE1 complex. Increases down-regulation of protein expression of newly transcribed genes in host cell." MUTAGEN /note="Missing: Retains interaction with human NUP98-RAE1 complex. Increases down-regulation of protein expression of newly transcribed genes in host cell."
MUTAGEN /note="Missing: Retains interaction with human NUP98-RAE1 complex. Increases down-regulation of protein expression of newly transcribed genes in host cell." MUTAGEN /note="Missing: Retains interaction with human NUP98-RAE1 complex. Increases down-regulation of protein expression of newly transcribed genes in host cell."
MUTAGEN /note="Missing: Retains interaction with human NUP98-RAE1 complex. Increases down-regulation of protein expression of newly transcribed genes in host cell." MUTAGEN /note="Missing: Retains interaction with human NUP98-RAE1 complex. Increases down-regulation of protein expression of newly transcribed genes in host cell."
MUTAGEN /note="Missing: Retains interaction with human NUP98-RAE1 complex. Increases down-regulation of protein expression of newly transcribed genes in host cell." MUTAGEN /note="Missing: Retains interaction with human NUP98-RAE1 complex. Increases down-regulation of protein expression of newly transcribed genes in host cell."
MUTAGEN /note="Missing: Retains interaction with human NUP98-RAE1 complex. Increases down-regulation of protein expression of newly transcribed genes in host cell." MUTAGEN /note="Missing: Retains interaction with human NUP98-RAE1 complex. Increases down-regulation of protein expression of newly transcribed genes in host cell."
MUTAGEN /note="Missing: Retains interaction with human NUP98-RAE1 complex. Increases down-regulation of protein expression of newly transcribed genes in host cell." MUTAGEN /note="Missing: Retains interaction with human NUP98-RAE1 complex. Increases down-regulation of protein expression of newly transcribed genes in host cell."
MUTAGEN /note="Missing: Retains interaction with human NUP98-RAE1 complex. Increases down-regulation of protein expression of newly transcribed genes in host cell." MUTAGEN /note="Missing: Retains interaction with human NUP98-RAE1 complex. Increases down-regulation of protein expression of newly transcribed genes in host cell."
MUTAGEN /note="Missing: Retains interaction with human NUP98-RAE1 complex. Increases down-regulation of protein expression of newly transcribed genes in host cell." MUTAGEN /note="Missing: Retains interaction with human NUP98-RAE1 complex. Increases down-regulation of protein expression of newly transcribed genes in host cell."
MUTAGEN /note="Missing: Retains interaction with human NUP98-RAE1 complex. Increases down-regulation of protein expression of newly transcribed genes in host cell." MUTAGEN /note="Missing: Retains interaction with human NUP98-RAE1 complex. Increases down-regulation of protein expression of newly transcribed genes in host cell."
MUTAGEN /note="Missing: Retains interaction with human NUP98-RAE1 complex. Increases down-regulation of protein expression of newly transcribed genes in host cell." MUTAGEN /note="Missing: Retains interaction with human NUP98-RAE1 complex. Increases down-regulation of protein expression of newly transcribed genes in host cell."
MUTAGEN /note="Missing: Retains interaction with human NUP98-RAE1 complex. Increases down-regulation of protein expression of newly transcribed genes in host cell." MUTAGEN /note="Missing: Retains interaction with human NUP98-RAE1 complex. Increases down-regulation of protein expression of newly transcribed genes in host cell."
MUTAGEN /note="Missing: Retains interaction with human NUP98-RAE1 complex. Increases down-regulation of protein expression of newly transcribed genes in host cell." MUTAGEN /note="Missing: Retains interaction with human NUP98-RAE1 complex. Increases down-regulation of protein expression of newly transcribed genes in host cell."
MUTAGEN /note="Missing: Retains interaction with human NUP98-RAE1 complex. Increases down-regulation of protein expression of newly transcribed genes in host cell." MUTAGEN /note="Missing: Retains interaction with human NUP98-RAE1 complex. Increases down-regulation of protein expression of newly transcribed genes in host cell."
MUTAGEN /note="Missing: Retains interaction with human NUP98-RAE1 complex. Increases down-regulation of protein expression of newly transcribed genes in host cell." MUTAGEN /note="Missing: Retains interaction with human NUP98-RAE1 complex. Increases down-regulation of protein expression of newly transcribed genes in host cell."
MUTAGEN /note="Missing: Retains interaction with human NUP98-RAE1 complex. Increases down-regulation of protein expression of newly transcribed genes in host cell." MUTAGEN /note="Missing: Retains interaction with human NUP98-RAE1 complex. Increases down-regulation of protein expression of newly transcribed genes in host cell."
REGION /note="Important for host Golgi localization" MUTAGEN /note="IMRTFKV->AAAAAAA: Complete loss of Golgi localization." MUTAGEN /note="Missing: Complete loss of Golgi localization." REGION /note="Important for host Golgi localization" MUTAGEN /note="IMRTFKV->AAAAAAA: Complete loss of Golgi localization." MUTAGEN /note="Missing: Complete loss of Golgi localization."
REGION /note="Important for host Golgi localization" MUTAGEN /note="IMRTFKV->AAAAAAA: Complete loss of Golgi localization." MUTAGEN /note="Missing: Complete loss of Golgi localization." REGION /note="Important for host Golgi localization" MUTAGEN /note="IMRTFKV->AAAAAAA: Complete loss of Golgi localization." MUTAGEN /note="Missing: Complete loss of Golgi localization."
REGION /note="Important for host Golgi localization" MUTAGEN /note="IMRTFKV->AAAAAAA: Complete loss of Golgi localization." MUTAGEN /note="Missing: Complete loss of Golgi localization." REGION /note="Important for host Golgi localization" MUTAGEN /note="IMRTFKV->AAAAAAA: Complete loss of Golgi localization." MUTAGEN /note="Missing: Complete loss of Golgi localization."
REGION /note="Important for host Golgi localization" MUTAGEN /note="IMRTFKV->AAAAAAA: Complete loss of Golgi localization." MUTAGEN /note="Missing: Complete loss of Golgi localization." REGION /note="Important for host Golgi localization" MUTAGEN /note="IMRTFKV->AAAAAAA: Complete loss of Golgi localization." MUTAGEN /note="Missing: Complete loss of Golgi localization."
REGION /note="Important for host Golgi localization" MUTAGEN /note="IMRTFKV->AAAAAAA: Complete loss of Golgi localization." MUTAGEN /note="Missing: Complete loss of Golgi localization." MUTAGEN /note="Missing: Retains interaction with human NUP98-RAE1 complex. Increases down-regulation of protein expression of newly transcribed genes in host cell." REGION /note="Important for host Golgi localization" MUTAGEN /note="IMRTFKV->AAAAAAA: Complete loss of Golgi localization." MUTAGEN /note="Missing: Complete loss of Golgi localization." MUTAGEN /note="Missing: Retains interaction with human NUP98-RAE1 complex. Increases down-regulation of protein expression of newly transcribed genes in host cell."
REGION /note="Important for host Golgi localization" MUTAGEN /note="IMRTFKV->AAAAAAA: Complete loss of Golgi localization." MUTAGEN /note="Missing: Complete loss of Golgi localization." MUTAGEN /note="Missing: Retains interaction with human NUP98-RAE1 complex. Increases down-regulation of protein expression of newly transcribed genes in host cell." REGION /note="Important for host Golgi localization" MUTAGEN /note="IMRTFKV->AAAAAAA: Complete loss of Golgi localization." MUTAGEN /note="Missing: Complete loss of Golgi localization." MUTAGEN /note="Missing: Retains interaction with human NUP98-RAE1 complex. Increases down-regulation of protein expression of newly transcribed genes in host cell."
REGION /note="Important for host Golgi localization" MUTAGEN /note="IMRTFKV->AAAAAAA: Complete loss of Golgi localization." MUTAGEN /note="Missing: Complete loss of Golgi localization." MUTAGEN /note="Missing: Retains interaction with human NUP98-RAE1 complex. Increases down-regulation of protein expression of newly transcribed genes in host cell." REGION /note="Important for host Golgi localization" MUTAGEN /note="IMRTFKV->AAAAAAA: Complete loss of Golgi localization." MUTAGEN /note="Missing: Complete loss of Golgi localization." MUTAGEN /note="Missing: Retains interaction with human NUP98-RAE1 complex. Increases down-regulation of protein expression of newly transcribed genes in host cell."
MUTAGEN /note="Missing: Retains interaction with human NUP98-RAE1 complex. Increases down-regulation of protein expression of newly transcribed genes in host cell." MUTAGEN /note="Missing: Retains interaction with human NUP98-RAE1 complex. Increases down-regulation of protein expression of newly transcribed genes in host cell."
MUTAGEN /note="Missing: Retains interaction with human NUP98-RAE1 complex. Increases down-regulation of protein expression of newly transcribed genes in host cell." MUTAGEN /note="Missing: Retains interaction with human NUP98-RAE1 complex. Increases down-regulation of protein expression of newly transcribed genes in host cell."
MUTAGEN /note="Missing: Retains interaction with human NUP98-RAE1 complex. Increases down-regulation of protein expression of newly transcribed genes in host cell." MUTAGEN /note="Missing: Retains interaction with human NUP98-RAE1 complex. Increases down-regulation of protein expression of newly transcribed genes in host cell."
MUTAGEN /note="Missing: Retains interaction with human NUP98-RAE1 complex. Increases down-regulation of protein expression of newly transcribed genes in host cell." MUTAGEN /note="Missing: Retains interaction with human NUP98-RAE1 complex. Increases down-regulation of protein expression of newly transcribed genes in host cell."
MUTAGEN /note="Missing: Retains interaction with human NUP98-RAE1 complex. Increases down-regulation of protein expression of newly transcribed genes in host cell." MUTAGEN /note="Missing: Retains interaction with human NUP98-RAE1 complex. Increases down-regulation of protein expression of newly transcribed genes in host cell."
MUTAGEN /note="Missing: Retains interaction with human NUP98-RAE1 complex. Increases down-regulation of protein expression of newly transcribed genes in host cell." MUTAGEN /note="Missing: Retains interaction with human NUP98-RAE1 complex. Increases down-regulation of protein expression of newly transcribed genes in host cell."
MUTAGEN /note="Missing: Loss of interaction with human NUP98-RAE1 complex which suppresses the down-regulation of protein expression of newly transcribed genes in the host cell." MUTAGEN /note="Missing: Loss of interaction with human NUP98-RAE1 complex which suppresses the down-regulation of protein expression of newly transcribed genes in the host cell."
MUTAGEN /note="Missing: Loss of interaction with human NUP98-RAE1 complex which suppresses the down-regulation of protein expression of newly transcribed genes in the host cell." MUTAGEN /note="Missing: Loss of interaction with human NUP98-RAE1 complex which suppresses the down-regulation of protein expression of newly transcribed genes in the host cell."
MUTAGEN /note="Missing: Loss of interaction with human NUP98-RAE1 complex which suppresses the down-regulation of protein expression of newly transcribed genes in the host cell." MUTAGEN /note="Missing: Loss of interaction with human NUP98-RAE1 complex which suppresses the down-regulation of protein expression of newly transcribed genes in the host cell."
MUTAGEN /note="Missing: Loss of interaction with human NUP98-RAE1 complex which suppresses the down-regulation of protein expression of newly transcribed genes in the host cell." MUTAGEN /note="Missing: Loss of interaction with human NUP98-RAE1 complex which suppresses the down-regulation of protein expression of newly transcribed genes in the host cell."
MUTAGEN /note="Missing: Loss of interaction with human NUP98-RAE1 complex which suppresses the down-regulation of protein expression of newly transcribed genes in the host cell." MUTAGEN /note="Missing: Loss of interaction with human NUP98-RAE1 complex which suppresses the down-regulation of protein expression of newly transcribed genes in the host cell."
MUTAGEN /note="Missing: Loss of interaction with human NUP98-RAE1 complex which suppresses the down-regulation of protein expression of newly transcribed genes in the host cell." MUTAGEN /note="Missing: Loss of interaction with human NUP98-RAE1 complex which suppresses the down-regulation of protein expression of newly transcribed genes in the host cell."
MUTAGEN /note="Missing: Loss of interaction with human NUP98-RAE1 complex which suppresses the down-regulation of protein expression of newly transcribed genes in the host cell." MUTAGEN /note="Missing: Loss of interaction with human NUP98-RAE1 complex which suppresses the down-regulation of protein expression of newly transcribed genes in the host cell."
MUTAGEN /note="Missing: Loss of interaction with human NUP98-RAE1 complex which suppresses the down-regulation of protein expression of newly transcribed genes in the host cell." MUTAGEN /note="Missing: Loss of interaction with human NUP98-RAE1 complex which suppresses the down-regulation of protein expression of newly transcribed genes in the host cell."
MUTAGEN /note="Missing: Loss of interaction with human NUP98-RAE1 complex which suppresses the down-regulation of protein expression of newly transcribed genes in the host cell." MUTAGEN /note="Missing: Loss of interaction with human NUP98-RAE1 complex which suppresses the down-regulation of protein expression of newly transcribed genes in the host cell."
MUTAGEN /note="Missing: Loss of interaction with human NUP98-RAE1 complex which suppresses the down-regulation of protein expression of newly transcribed genes in the host cell." MUTAGEN /note="Missing: Loss of interaction with human NUP98-RAE1 complex which suppresses the down-regulation of protein expression of newly transcribed genes in the host cell."
MUTAGEN /note="Missing: Loss of interaction with human NUP98-RAE1 complex which suppresses the down-regulation of protein expression of newly transcribed genes in the host cell." MUTAGEN /note="Missing: Loss of interaction with human NUP98-RAE1 complex which suppresses the down-regulation of protein expression of newly transcribed genes in the host cell."
MUTAGEN /note="Missing: Loss of interaction with human NUP98-RAE1 complex which suppresses the down-regulation of protein expression of newly transcribed genes in the host cell." MUTAGEN /note="Missing: Loss of interaction with human NUP98-RAE1 complex which suppresses the down-regulation of protein expression of newly transcribed genes in the host cell."
MUTAGEN /note="Missing: Loss of interaction with human NUP98-RAE1 complex which suppresses the down-regulation of protein expression of newly transcribed genes in the host cell." MUTAGEN /note="Missing: Loss of interaction with human NUP98-RAE1 complex which suppresses the down-regulation of protein expression of newly transcribed genes in the host cell." MUTAGEN /note="Missing: Loss of interaction with human NUP98-RAE1 complex which suppresses the down-regulation of protein expression of newly transcribed genes in the host cell." MUTAGEN /note="Missing: Loss of interaction with human NUP98-RAE1 complex which suppresses the down-regulation of protein expression of newly transcribed genes in the host cell."
MUTAGEN /note="Missing: Loss of interaction with human NUP98-RAE1 complex which suppresses the down-regulation of protein expression of newly transcribed genes in the host cell." MUTAGEN /note="Missing: Loss of interaction with human NUP98-RAE1 complex which suppresses the down-regulation of protein expression of newly transcribed genes in the host cell." MUTAGEN /note="Missing: Loss of interaction with human NUP98-RAE1 complex which suppresses the down-regulation of protein expression of newly transcribed genes in the host cell." MUTAGEN /note="Missing: Loss of interaction with human NUP98-RAE1 complex which suppresses the down-regulation of protein expression of newly transcribed genes in the host cell."
MUTAGEN /note="Missing: Loss of interaction with human NUP98-RAE1 complex which suppresses the down-regulation of protein expression of newly transcribed genes in the host cell." MUTAGEN /note="Missing: Loss of interaction with human NUP98-RAE1 complex which suppresses the down-regulation of protein expression of newly transcribed genes in the host cell." MUTAGEN /note="Missing: Loss of interaction with human NUP98-RAE1 complex which suppresses the down-regulation of protein expression of newly transcribed genes in the host cell." MUTAGEN /note="Missing: Loss of interaction with human NUP98-RAE1 complex which suppresses the down-regulation of protein expression of newly transcribed genes in the host cell."
53D e126.5 7vph_I hetero RAE1L_HUMAN
MUTAGEN /note="Missing: Loss of interaction with human NUP98-RAE1 complex which suppresses the down-regulation of protein expression of newly transcribed genes in the host cell." MUTAGEN /note="Missing: Loss of interaction with human NUP98-RAE1 complex which suppresses the down-regulation of protein expression of newly transcribed genes in the host cell." MUTAGEN /note="Missing: Loss of interaction with human NUP98-RAE1 complex which suppresses the down-regulation of protein expression of newly transcribed genes in the host cell." MUTAGEN /note="Missing: Loss of interaction with human NUP98-RAE1 complex which suppresses the down-regulation of protein expression of newly transcribed genes in the host cell."
54E e 77.9 7vph_I hetero RAE1L_HUMAN
MUTAGEN /note="Missing: Loss of interaction with human NUP98-RAE1 complex which suppresses the down-regulation of protein expression of newly transcribed genes in the host cell." MUTAGEN /note="Missing: Loss of interaction with human NUP98-RAE1 complex which suppresses the down-regulation of protein expression of newly transcribed genes in the host cell." MUTAGEN /note="Missing: Loss of interaction with human NUP98-RAE1 complex which suppresses the down-regulation of protein expression of newly transcribed genes in the host cell." MUTAGEN /note="Missing: Loss of interaction with human NUP98-RAE1 complex which suppresses the down-regulation of protein expression of newly transcribed genes in the host cell."
55E e118.1 7f60_F hetero RAE1L_HUMAN
MUTAGEN /note="Missing: Loss of interaction with human NUP98-RAE1 complex which suppresses the down-regulation of protein expression of newly transcribed genes in the host cell." MUTAGEN /note="Missing: Loss of interaction with human NUP98-RAE1 complex which suppresses the down-regulation of protein expression of newly transcribed genes in the host cell." MUTAGEN /note="Missing: Loss of interaction with human NUP98-RAE1 complex which suppresses the down-regulation of protein expression of newly transcribed genes in the host cell." MUTAGEN /note="Missing: Loss of interaction with human NUP98-RAE1 complex which suppresses the down-regulation of protein expression of newly transcribed genes in the host cell."
56Q e 89.8 7f60_F hetero RAE1L_HUMAN
MUTAGEN /note="Missing: Loss of interaction with human NUP98-RAE1 complex which suppresses the down-regulation of protein expression of newly transcribed genes in the host cell." MUTAGEN /note="Missing: Loss of interaction with human NUP98-RAE1 complex which suppresses the down-regulation of protein expression of newly transcribed genes in the host cell." MUTAGEN /note="Missing: Loss of interaction with human NUP98-RAE1 complex which suppresses the down-regulation of protein expression of newly transcribed genes in the host cell." MUTAGEN /note="Missing: Loss of interaction with human NUP98-RAE1 complex which suppresses the down-regulation of protein expression of newly transcribed genes in the host cell."
57P e 96.1 7f60_F hetero RAE1L_HUMAN
MUTAGEN /note="Missing: Loss of interaction with human NUP98-RAE1 complex which suppresses the down-regulation of protein expression of newly transcribed genes in the host cell." MUTAGEN /note="Missing: Loss of interaction with human NUP98-RAE1 complex which suppresses the down-regulation of protein expression of newly transcribed genes in the host cell." MUTAGEN /note="Missing: Loss of interaction with human NUP98-RAE1 complex which suppresses the down-regulation of protein expression of newly transcribed genes in the host cell." MUTAGEN /note="Missing: Loss of interaction with human NUP98-RAE1 complex which suppresses the down-regulation of protein expression of newly transcribed genes in the host cell."
58M e 74.9 7f60_F hetero RAE1L_HUMAN
MUTAGEN /note="M->A: Loss of interaction with human NUP98-RAE1 complex which suppresses the mRNA accumulation in the nucleus, the down-regulation of protein expression of newly transcribed genes in the host cell and blockade on nuclear import on a broad range of host factors." ECO:0000269|PubMed:35096974" MUTAGEN /note="M->R: Complete loss of binding to the NUP98-RAE1 complex and IFN antagonistic function." ECO:0000269|PubMed:35096974" MUTAGEN /note="Missing: Loss of interaction with human NUP98-RAE1 complex which suppresses the down-regulation of protein expression of newly transcribed genes in the host cell." MUTAGEN /note="Missing: Loss of interaction with human NUP98-RAE1 complex which suppresses the down-regulation of protein expression of newly transcribed genes in the host cell." MUTAGEN /note="M->A: Loss of interaction with human NUP98-RAE1 complex which suppresses the mRNA accumulation in the nucleus, the down-regulation of protein expression of newly transcribed genes in the host cell and blockade on nuclear import on a broad range of host factors." ECO:0000269|PubMed:35096974" MUTAGEN /note="M->R: Complete loss of binding to the NUP98-RAE1 complex and IFN antagonistic function." ECO:0000269|PubMed:35096974" MUTAGEN /note="Missing: Loss of interaction with human NUP98-RAE1 complex which suppresses the down-regulation of protein expression of newly transcribed genes in the host cell." MUTAGEN /note="Missing: Loss of interaction with human NUP98-RAE1 complex which suppresses the down-regulation of protein expression of newly transcribed genes in the host cell."
59E e 91.5 7f60_F hetero RAE1L_HUMAN NUP98_HUMAN
MUTAGEN /note="Missing: Loss of interaction with human NUP98-RAE1 complex which suppresses the down-regulation of protein expression of newly transcribed genes in the host cell." MUTAGEN /note="Missing: Loss of interaction with human NUP98-RAE1 complex which suppresses the down-regulation of protein expression of newly transcribed genes in the host cell." MUTAGEN /note="Missing: Loss of interaction with human NUP98-RAE1 complex which suppresses the down-regulation of protein expression of newly transcribed genes in the host cell." MUTAGEN /note="Missing: Loss of interaction with human NUP98-RAE1 complex which suppresses the down-regulation of protein expression of newly transcribed genes in the host cell."
60I e 81.9 7f60_F hetero RAE1L_HUMAN
MUTAGEN /note="Missing: Loss of interaction with human NUP98-RAE1 complex which suppresses the down-regulation of protein expression of newly transcribed genes in the host cell." MUTAGEN /note="Missing: Loss of interaction with human NUP98-RAE1 complex which suppresses the down-regulation of protein expression of newly transcribed genes in the host cell." DISORDER predicted by DISOPRED MUTAGEN /note="Missing: Loss of interaction with human NUP98-RAE1 complex which suppresses the down-regulation of protein expression of newly transcribed genes in the host cell." MUTAGEN /note="Missing: Loss of interaction with human NUP98-RAE1 complex which suppresses the down-regulation of protein expression of newly transcribed genes in the host cell."
61D e119.8 7f60_F hetero RAE1L_HUMAN
MUTAGEN /note="Missing: Loss of interaction with human NUP98-RAE1 complex which suppresses the down-regulation of protein expression of newly transcribed genes in the host cell." MUTAGEN /note="Missing: Loss of interaction with human NUP98-RAE1 complex which suppresses the down-regulation of protein expression of newly transcribed genes in the host cell." DISORDER predicted by DISOPRED MUTAGEN /note="Missing: Loss of interaction with human NUP98-RAE1 complex which suppresses the down-regulation of protein expression of newly transcribed genes in the host cell." MUTAGEN /note="Missing: Loss of interaction with human NUP98-RAE1 complex which suppresses the down-regulation of protein expression of newly transcribed genes in the host cell."