#WARNING:no index is registered index "YP_009725301.1" in "https://rest.uniprot.org/uniprotkb/" url "https://rest.uniprot.org/uniprotkb/YP_009725301.1.txt".
Please visit the UniProt website(https://www.uniprot.org), and get a proper ID/AC for your query protein.

Summary for the 101-st Site(Y)

PID QueryLength FocusSite TITLE
3357 306 101 Y
UniProt Information
AC/IDAC:YP_009725301.1 ID:
Evolutionary Information
Percentages of Amino Acids in Homologous Proteins [show alignment]
Y:77% H:23% 
3D Structure Information
Template For Monomer predicted SecStr predicted ExpBur Predicted Relative Acc(%)
6xbi E (beta-strand) e (exposed) 29.6
3D Complex Information
Predicted Bind Molecules
compound:12 metal:10 precipitant:108
Templates for 3D complexes
compound [NEN ] 6xb1_A_1_B_1 6xb1_A_2_B_2 [S8H ] 7ax6_A_1_B_1 7ax6_A_2_B_2 [9JT ] 7bfb_A_1_E_1 [HYR ] 7e6k_A_1_D_1 7e6k_A_2_D_2 [NT9 ] 7grs_B_1_R_1 [U88 ] 7tuu_A_1_C_1 7tuu_A_2_C_2 [LQZ ] 8h6n_A_1_C_1 8h6n_A_2_C_2 metal [AU ] 7dat_A_1_C_1 7dat_A_2_C_2 7dau_A_1_C_1 7dau_A_2_C_2 8b0t_A_1_B_1 8b0t_A_2_B_2 [CL ] 7gl2_A_1_K_1 7gl6_A_1_L_1 8i30_A_1_C_1 8i30_A_2_C_2 precipitant [DMS ] 6yb7_A_1_G_1 6yb7_A_2_G_2 6yvf_A_1_H_1 6yvf_A_2_H_2 7a1u_A_1_G_1 7a1u_A_2_G_2 7abu_A_1_H_1 7abu_A_2_H_2 7adw_A_1_G_1 7adw_A_2_G_2 7aeg_A_1_G_1 7aeh_A_1_E_1 7aeh_A_2_E_2 7aha_A_1_G_1 7aha_A_2_G_2 7amj_A_1_H_1 7amj_A_2_H_2 7ans_A_1_D_1 7ans_A_2_D_2 7aol_A_1_F_1 7aol_A_2_F_2 7aph_A_1_H_1 7aph_A_2_H_2 7aqe_A_1_D_1 7aqe_A_2_D_2 7ar5_A_1_C_1 7ar5_A_2_C_2 7ar6_A_1_F_1 7ar6_A_2_F_2 7awr_A_1_C_1 7awr_A_2_C_2 7aws_A_1_G_1 7aws_A_2_G_2 7aww_A_1_C_1 7aww_A_2_C_2 7axo_A_1_F_1 7axo_A_2_F_2 7b2u_A_1_G_1 7b2u_B_1_M_1 7b5z_A_1_E_1 7b5z_A_2_E_2 7b77_A_1_G_1 7b77_A_2_G_2 7cuu_B_1_E_1 7ghn_A_1_J_1 7ghp_A_1_G_1 7ghw_A_1_N_1 7gi4_B_1_N_1 7gic_A_1_H_1 7gj2_B_1_M_1 7gnb_A_1_J_1 7gnj_A_1_J_1 7gnk_A_1_M_1 7gnl_A_1_J_1 7gnm_A_1_K_1 7gno_A_1_I_1 7gnp_A_1_I_1 7gnq_A_1_H_1 7gnr_A_1_M_1 7grf_A_1_D_1 7grh_A_1_H_1 7grn_A_1_H_1 7grs_A_1_I_1 7gru_A_1_F_1 7grv_B_1_M_1 7grx_A_1_J_1 7gs1_A_1_I_1 7k3t_A_1_H_1 7k3t_A_2_H_2 7k3t_A_1_L_1 7k3t_A_2_L_2 7l5d_A_1_D_1 7l5d_A_2_D_2 7mbg_B_1_L_1 7mng_A_1_I_1 7mng_A_2_I_2 7mrr_A_1_F_1 7mrr_A_2_F_2 7neo_B_1_J_1 7nev_A_1_D_1 7nev_A_2_D_2 7nt3_B_1_G_1 7ntq_A_1_P_1 7ntq_A_2_P_2 7zb6_B_1_C_1 8dsu_B_1_E_1 8dz0_A_1_C_1 8dz1_A_1_C_1 8vsg_B_1_S_1 [IMD ] 7axm_A_1_G_1 7axm_A_2_G_2 7ay7_A_1_F_1 7ay7_A_2_F_2 [EDO ] 7be7_B_1_R_1 7e18_A_1_D_1 7e18_A_2_D_2 8okk_B_1_V_1 [GOL ] 7l5d_A_1_I_1 7l5d_A_2_I_2 7lyh_A_1_C_1 7lyh_A_2_C_2 7t70_A_1_T_1 7t8m_A_1_F_1 [FMT ] 7ntq_A_1_K_1 7ntq_A_2_K_2 7ntt_B_1_D_1 [PEG ] 8dru_C_1_S_1 8drw_B_1_AA_1

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