Summary for the 377-th Site(S)

PID QueryLength FocusSite TITLE
10705 740 377 S RecName: Full=ATP-dependent RNA helicase DDX1; EC= ;AltName: Full=DEAD box protein 1;AltName: Full=DEAD box protein retinoblastoma; Short=DBP-RB;
UniProt Information
Feature Table for 377-th site HELIX:
DOMAIN: /note="Helicase ATP-binding"
REGION: /note="Interaction with dsRNA"
REGION: /note="Necessary for interaction with RELA"
CHAIN: /note="ATP-dependent RNA helicase DDX1" /id="PRO_0000054986"
Evolutionary Information
Percentages of Amino Acids in Homologous Proteins [show alignment]
D:28% E:15% K:12% M:10% S:9% G:6% T:4% A:3% N:3% Q:3% R:2% L:2% Y:2% C:1% 
3D Structure Information
Template For Monomer predicted SecStr predicted ExpBur Predicted Relative Acc(%)
8tbx H (alpha-helix) e (exposed) 78.9
3D Complex Information
Predicted Bind Molecules
hetero:8 homo:1 nucleotide:6 otherpoly:2 compound:1 precipitant:1
Templates for 3D complexes
hetero [72739:PDCD4_HUMAN ] 2zu6_A_1_B_1 2zu6_C_1_B_1 2zu6_D_1_E_1 2zu6_F_1_E_1 3eiq_A_1_B_1 [80869:NU159_YEAST ] 3rrm_A_1_C_1 [50615:Q63UP7_BURPS ] 7ppz_B_1_A_1 7pq0_B_1_A_1 homo [90605:PRP28_YEAST ] 4w7s_A_1_B_1 nucleotide [uuuuuu ] 3pew_A_1_B_1 3pey_A_1_B_1 5elx_A_1_B_1 [aaaaaaaxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ] 4tyn_B_1_A_1 [gggugaguacxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxgcuuucgugcugaccxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ] 6qx9_AA_1_H_1 [xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxgcugccgacgagaccgccgccaag ] 8c6j_E_1_S_1 otherpoly [5'-R(*GP*GP*GP*CP*GP*GP*G)-D(P*CP*CP*CP*GP*CP*CP*C)-3' ] 7liu_A_1_C_1 7liu_B_1_D_1 compound [ANP ] 6l5n_B_1_H_1 precipitant [P6G ] 4w7s_B_1_G_1

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