#WARNING:no index is registered index "YP_009724389.1" in "https://rest.uniprot.org/uniprotkb/" url "https://rest.uniprot.org/uniprotkb/YP_009724389.1.txt". 
Please visit the UniProt website(https://www.uniprot.org), and get a proper ID/AC for your query protein. type start end name pdb_id identity asym_id_homo oper_homo auth_asym_id_homo mol_id_homo asym_id_con oper_con auth_asym_id_con mol_id_con sites description_homo description_con #WARNING:no index is registered index "YP_009724389.1" in "https://rest.uniprot.org/uniprotkb/" url "https://rest.uniprot.org/uniprotkb/YP_009724389.1.txt".
Please visit the UniProt website(https://www.uniprot.org), and get a proper ID/AC for your query protein. length 1 7096 id 1 7096 query title 1 7096 seq 1 7096 MESLVPGFNEKTHVQLSLPVLQVRDVLVRGFGDSVEEVLSEARQHLKDGTCGLVEVEKGVLPQLEQPYVFIKRSDARTAPHGHVMVELVAELEGIQYGRSGETLGVLVPHVGEIPVAYRKVLLRKNGNKGAGGHSYGADLKSFDLGDELGTDPYEDFQENWNTKHSSGVTRELMRELNGGAYTRYVDNNFCGPDGYPLECIKDLLARAGKASCTLSEQLDFIDTKRGVYCCREHEHEIAWYTERSEKSYELQTPFEIKLAKKFDTFNGECPNFVFPLNSIIKTIQPRVEKKKLDGFMGRIRSVYPVASPNECNQMCLSTLMKCDHCGETSWQTGDFVKATCEFCGTENLTKEGATTCGYLPQNAVVKIYCPACHNSEVGPEHSLAEYHNESGLKTILRKGGRTIAFGGCVFSYVGCHNKCAYWVPRASANIGCNHTGVVGEGSEGLNDNLLEILQKEKVNINIVGDFKLNEEIAIILASFSASTSAFVETVKGLDYKAFKQIVESCGNFKVTKGKAKKGAWNIGEQKSILSPLYAFASEAARVVRSIFSRTLETAQNSVRVLQKAAITILDGISQYSLRLIDAMMFTSDLATNNLVVMAYITGGVVQLTSQWLTNIFGTVYEKLKPVLDWLEEKFKEGVEFLRDGWEIVKFISTCACEIVGGQIVTCAKEIKESVQTFFKLVNKFLALCADSIIIGGAKLKALNLGETFVTHSKGLYRKCVKSREETGLLMPLKAPKEIIFLEGETLPTEVLTEEVVLKTGDLQPLEQPTSEAVEAPLVGTPVCINGLMLLEIKDTEKYCALAPNMMVTNNTFTLKGGAPTKVTFGDDTVIEVQGYKSVNITFELDERIDKVLNEKCSAYTVELGTEVNEFACVVADAVIKTLQPVSELLTPLGIDLDEWSMATYYLFDESGEFKLASHMYCSFYPPDEDEEEGDCEEEEFEPSTQYEYGTEDDYQGKPLEFGATSAALQPEEEQEEDWLDDDSQQTVGQQDGSEDNQTTTIQTIVEVQPQLEMELTPVVQTIEVNSFSGYLKLTDNVYIKNADIVEEAKKVKPTVVVNAANVYLKHGGGVAGALNKATNNAMQVESDDYIATNGPLKVGGSCVLSGHNLAKHCLHVVGPNVNKGEDIQLLKSAYENFNQHEVLLAPLLSAGIFGADPIHSLRVCVDTVRTNVYLAVFDKNLYDKLVSSFLEMKSEKQVEQKIAEIPKEEVKPFITESKPSVEQRKQDDKKIKACVEEVTTTLEETKFLTENLLLYIDINGNLHPDSATLVSDIDITFLKKDAPYIVGDVVQEGVLTAVVIPTKKAGGTTEMLAKALRKVPTDNYITTYPGQGLNGYTVEEAKTVLKKCKSAFYILPSIISNEKQEILGTVSWNLREMLAHAEETRKLMPVCVETKAIVSTIQRKYKGIKIQEGVVDYGARFYFYTSKTTVASLINTLNDLNETLVTMPLGYVTHGLNLEEAARYMRSLKVPATVSVSSPDAVTAYNGYLTSSSKTPEEHFIETISLAGSYKDWSYSGQSTQLGIEFLKRGDKSVYYTSNPTTFHLDGEVITFDNLKTLLSLREVRTIKVFTTVDNINLHTQVVDMSMTYGQQFGPTYLDGADVTKIKPHNSHEGKTFYVLPNDDTLRVEAFEYYHTTDPSFLGRYMSALNHTKKWKYPQVNGLTSIKWADNNCYLATALLTLQQIELKFNPPALQDAYYRARAGEAANFCALILAYCNKTVGELGDVRETMSYLFQHANLDSCKRVLNVVCKTCGQQQTTLKGVEAVMYMGTLSYEQFKKGVQIPCTCGKQATKYLVQQESPFVMMSAPPAQYELKHGTFTCASEYTGNYQCGHYKHITSKETLYCIDGALLTKSSEYKGPITDVFYKENSYTTTIKPVTYKLDGVVCTEIDPKLDNYYKKDNSYFTEQPIDLVPNQPYPNASFDNFKFVCDNIKFADDLNQLTGYKKPASRELKVTFFPDLNGDVVAIDYKHYTPSFKKGAKLLHKPIVWHVNNATNKATYKPNTWCIRCLWSTKPVETSNSFDVLKSEDAQGMDNLACEDLKPVSEEVVENPTIQKDVLECNVKTTEVVGDIILKPANNSLKITEEVGHTDLMAAYVDNSSLTIKKPNELSRVLGLKTLATHGLAAVNSVPWDTIANYAKPFLNKVVSTTTNIVTRCLNRVCTNYMPYFFTLLLQLCTFTRSTNSRIKASMPTTIAKNTVKSVGKFCLEASFNYLKSPNFSKLINIIIWFLLLSVCLGSLIYSTAALGVLMSNLGMPSYCTGYREGYLNSTNVTIATYCTGSIPCSVCLSGLDSLDTYPSLETIQITISSFKWDLTAFGLVAEWFLAYILFTRFFYVLGLAAIMQLFFSYFAVHFISNSWLMWLIINLVQMAPISAMVRMYIFFASFYYVWKSYVHVVDGCNSSTCMMCYKRNRATRVECTTIVNGVRRSFYVYANGGKGFCKLHNWNCVNCDTFCAGSTFISDEVARDLSLQFKRPINPTDQSSYIVDSVTVKNGSIHLYFDKAGQKTYERHSLSHFVNLDNLRANNTKGSLPINVIVFDGKSKCEESSAKSASVYYSQLMCQPILLLDQALVSDVGDSAEVAVKMFDAYVNTFSSTFNVPMEKLKTLVATAEAELAKNVSLDNVLSTFISAARQGFVDSDVETKDVVECLKLSHQSDIEVTGDSCNNYMLTYNKVENMTPRDLGACIDCSARHINAQVAKSHNIALIWNVKDFMSLSEQLRKQIRSAAKKNNLPFKLTCATTRQVVNVVTTKIALKGGKIVNNWLKQLIKVTLVFLFVAAIFYLITPVHVMSKHTDFSSEIIGYKAIDGGVTRDIASTDTCFANKHADFDTWFSQRGGSYTNDKACPLIAAVITREVGFVVPGLPGTILRTTNGDFLHFLPRVFSAVGNICYTPSKLIEYTDFATSACVLAAECTIFKDASGKPVPYCYDTNVLEGSVAYESLRPDTRYVLMDGSIIQFPNTYLEGSVRVVTTFDSEYCRHGTCERSEAGVCVSTSGRWVLNNDYYRSLPGVFCGVDAVNLLTNMFTPLIQPIGALDISASIVAGGIVAIVVTCLAYYFMRFRRAFGEYSHVVAFNTLLFLMSFTVLCLTPVYSFLPGVYSVIYLYLTFYLTNDVSFLAHIQWMVMFTPLVPFWITIAYIICISTKHFYWFFSNYLKRRVVFNGVSFSTFEEAALCTFLLNKEMYLKLRSDVLLPLTQYNRYLALYNKYKYFSGAMDTTSYREAACCHLAKALNDFSNSGSDVLYQPPQTSITSAVLQSGFRKMAFPSGKVEGCMVQVTCGTTTLNGLWLDDVVYCPRHVICTSEDMLNPNYEDLLIRKSNHNFLVQAGNVQLRVIGHSMQNCVLKLKVDTANPKTPKYKFVRIQPGQTFSVLACYNGSPSGVYQCAMRPNFTIKGSFLNGSCGSVGFNIDYDCVSFCYMHHMELPTGVHAGTDLEGNFYGPFVDRQTAQAAGTDTTITVNVLAWLYAAVINGDRWFLNRFTTTLNDFNLVAMKYNYEPLTQDHVDILGPLSAQTGIAVLDMCASLKELLQNGMNGRTILGSALLEDEFTPFDVVRQCSGVTFQSAVKRTIKGTHHWLLLTILTSLLVLVQSTQWSLFFFLYENAFLPFAMGIIAMSAFAMMFVKHKHAFLCLFLLPSLATVAYFNMVYMPASWVMRIMTWLDMVDTSLSGFKLKDCVMYASAVVLLILMTARTVYDDGARRVWTLMNVLTLVYKVYYGNALDQAISMWALIISVTSNYSGVVTTVMFLARGIVFMCVEYCPIFFITGNTLQCIMLVYCFLGYFCTCYFGLFCLLNRYFRLTLGVYDYLVSTQEFRYMNSQGLLPPKNSIDAFKLNIKLLGVGGKPCIKVATVQSKMSDVKCTSVVLLSVLQQLRVESSSKLWAQCVQLHNDILLAKDTTEAFEKMVSLLSVLLSMQGAVDINKLCEEMLDNRATLQAIASEFSSLPSYAAFATAQEAYEQAVANGDSEVVLKKLKKSLNVAKSEFDRDAAMQRKLEKMADQAMTQMYKQARSEDKRAKVTSAMQTMLFTMLRKLDNDALNNIINNARDGCVPLNIIPLTTAAKLMVVIPDYNTYKNTCDGTTFTYASALWEIQQVVDADSKIVQLSEISMDNSPNLAWPLIVTALRANSAVKLQNNELSPVALRQMSCAAGTTQTACTDDNALAYYNTTKGGRFVLALLSDLQDLKWARFPKSDGTGTIYTELEPPCRFVTDTPKGPKVKYLYFIKGLNNLNRGMVLGSLAATVRLQAGNATEVPANSTVLSFCAFAVDAAKAYKDYLASGGQPITNCVKMLCTHTGTGQAITVTPEANMDQESFGGASCCLYCRCHIDHPNPKGFCDLKGKYVQIPTTCANDPVGFTLKNTVCTVCGMWKGYGCSCDQLREPMLQSADAQSFLNRVCGVSAARLTPCGTGTSTDVVYRAFDIYNDKVAGFAKFLKTNCCRFQEKDEDDNLIDSYFVVKRHTFSNYQHEETIYNLLKDCPAVAKHDFFKFRIDGDMVPHISRQRLTKYTMADLVYALRHFDEGNCDTLKEILVTYNCCDDDYFNKKDWYDFVENPDILRVYANLGERVRQALLKTVQFCDAMRNAGIVGVLTLDNQDLNGNWYDFGDFIQTTPGSGVPVVDSYYSLLMPILTLTRALTAESHVDTDLTKPYIKWDLLKYDFTEERLKLFDRYFKYWDQTYHPNCVNCLDDRCILHCANFNVLFSTVFPPTSFGPLVRKIFVDGVPFVVSTGYHFRELGVVHNQDVNLHSSRLSFKELLVYAADPAMHAASGNLLLDKRTTCFSVAALTNNVAFQTVKPGNFNKDFYDFAVSKGFFKEGSSVELKHFFFAQDGNAAISDYDYYRYNLPTMCDIRQLLFVVEVVDKYFDCYDGGCINANQVIVNNLDKSAGFPFNKWGKARLYYDSMSYEDQDALFAYTKRNVIPTITQMNLKYAISAKNRARTVAGVSICSTMTNRQFHQKLLKSIAATRGATVVIGTSKFYGGWHNMLKTVYSD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predicted_by_DISOPRED disorder 2567 2579 predicted_by_DISOPRED disorder 2597 2613 predicted_by_DISOPRED disorder 2615 2619 predicted_by_DISOPRED disorder 2622 2622 predicted_by_DISOPRED disorder 2639 2651 predicted_by_DISOPRED disorder 2948 2949 predicted_by_DISOPRED disorder 3256 3276 predicted_by_DISOPRED disorder 3349 3354 predicted_by_DISOPRED disorder 3450 3460 predicted_by_DISOPRED disorder 3512 3514 predicted_by_DISOPRED disorder 3543 3544 predicted_by_DISOPRED disorder 3546 3546 predicted_by_DISOPRED disorder 3549 3551 predicted_by_DISOPRED disorder 3556 3576 predicted_by_DISOPRED disorder 3855 3861 predicted_by_DISOPRED disorder 3863 3865 predicted_by_DISOPRED disorder 3938 3941 predicted_by_DISOPRED disorder 3960 4029 predicted_by_DISOPRED disorder 4032 4037 predicted_by_DISOPRED disorder 4039 4040 predicted_by_DISOPRED disorder 4046 4049 predicted_by_DISOPRED disorder 4105 4119 predicted_by_DISOPRED disorder 4136 4167 predicted_by_DISOPRED disorder 4255 4259 predicted_by_DISOPRED disorder 4261 4263 predicted_by_DISOPRED disorder 4307 4320 predicted_by_DISOPRED disorder 4386 4404 predicted_by_DISOPRED disorder 4406 4406 predicted_by_DISOPRED disorder 4409 4411 predicted_by_DISOPRED disorder 4446 4456 predicted_by_DISOPRED disorder 4469 4481 predicted_by_DISOPRED disorder 4816 4817 predicted_by_DISOPRED disorder 4820 4820 predicted_by_DISOPRED disorder 4881 4917 predicted_by_DISOPRED disorder 4940 4944 predicted_by_DISOPRED disorder 4947 4949 predicted_by_DISOPRED disorder 4966 4966 predicted_by_DISOPRED disorder 5068 5071 predicted_by_DISOPRED disorder 5073 5077 predicted_by_DISOPRED disorder 5102 5142 predicted_by_DISOPRED disorder 5188 5203 predicted_by_DISOPRED disorder 5284 5319 predicted_by_DISOPRED disorder 5322 5325 predicted_by_DISOPRED disorder 5458 5474 predicted_by_DISOPRED disorder 5559 5568 predicted_by_DISOPRED disorder 5571 5571 predicted_by_DISOPRED disorder 5573 5583 predicted_by_DISOPRED disorder 5587 5590 predicted_by_DISOPRED disorder 5645 5645 predicted_by_DISOPRED disorder 5647 5675 predicted_by_DISOPRED disorder 5733 5753 predicted_by_DISOPRED disorder 5791 5817 predicted_by_DISOPRED disorder 5819 5823 predicted_by_DISOPRED disorder 5915 5969 predicted_by_DISOPRED disorder 6060 6060 predicted_by_DISOPRED disorder 6380 6381 predicted_by_DISOPRED disorder 6387 6387 predicted_by_DISOPRED disorder 6603 6603 predicted_by_DISOPRED disorder 6607 6607 predicted_by_DISOPRED disorder 6654 6674 predicted_by_DISOPRED disorder 6711 6713 predicted_by_DISOPRED disorder 6715 6718 predicted_by_DISOPRED disorder 6934 6945 predicted_by_DISOPRED disorder 7073 7075 predicted_by_DISOPRED disorder 7078 7096 predicted_by_DISOPRED pdb_monomer 4393 5323 monomer 8gwk 100.0 A A R1AB_SARS2 4393-5323 pdb_monomer 184 818 monomer 7msw 100.0 A A R1AB_SARS2 184-818 pdb_monomer 5325 5920 monomer 7egq 100.0 R S R1AB_SARS2 5325-5920 pdb_monomer 5926 6449 monomer 7egq 100.0 P X R1AB_SARS2 5926-6449 pdb_monomer 6453 6798 monomer 7n7u 100.0 B B R1AB_SARS2 6453-6798 pdb_monomer 1562 1882 monomer 6wuu 98.8 B B R1AB_SARS2 1562-1882 pdb_complex 4398 5317 hetero 8g6r 60.9 A 1 A A0A0U2C263_9ALPC C 1 C A0A0M4AW09_9ALPC 4801:4802:4804:4805:4807:4812:4821:4823:4828:4832:4834-4837:4944:5235 nsp12 nsp7[62 aa] pdb_complex 4398 5317 hetero 8urb 60.7 A 1 A U6BRU0_9ALPC B 1 B U6BRU0_9ALPC 4653:4655:4657:4659:4662:4663:4665:4716:4718:4720-4722:4724:4727:4728:4730-4733:4758:4763:4764:4767:4771:4772:4774-4781:4783:4784:4788:4790:4792:4797:4799:4898:4901:4906:4909:4910:4915 nsp12 nsp8[184 aa] pdb_complex 4398 5317 hetero 8urb 60.7 A 1 A U6BRU0_9ALPC D 1 D U6BRU0_9ALPC 4807:4809:4812:4813:5240:5243:5246:5287:5291:5294:5295:5297 nsp12 nsp8[184 aa] pdb_complex 4398 5317 hetero 8g6r 60.9 A 1 A A0A0U2C263_9ALPC B 1 B A0A1Z2R8Q6_9ALPC 4653:4655:4657:4659:4663-4665:4716:4717:4720-4724:4728:4730-4732:4760:4763:4764:4767:4770-4773:4775-4781:4783:4784:4788:4790:4901:4906:4907:4909:4910:5067 nsp12 nsp8[114 aa] pdb_complex 1562 1879 hetero 6wuu 99.7 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 E 1 G 1669:1672:1674:1675:1725-1727:1771:1810:1811:1827:1831-1836:1864 Non-structural protein 3 VIR250[5 aa] pdb_complex 5926 6450 hetero 5c8s 94.9 B 1 B R1AB_CVHSA A 1 A R1AB_CVHSA 5928-5930:5932-5935:5944-5953:5963-5966:5972:5976:5980:5985-5992:5994:6026:6027:6049:6051-6056:6117:6120:6121:6124-6126:6142 Guanine-N7 methyltransferase Non-structural protein 10[133 aa] pdb_complex 5928 6450 hetero 5nfy 94.7 A 1 A Q1T6X8_CVHSA E 1 M Q1T6X8_CVHSA 5929:5930:5932-5935:5944-5952:5954:5960:5963-5966:5972:5976:5980:5984-5992:5994:6049:6051-6056:6117:6120:6121:6124-6126:6142:6149:6162 Polyprotein 1ab Polyprotein 1ab[132 aa] pdb_complex 5927 6448 hetero 7n0d 99.8 B 1 B R1AB_SARS2 C 1 C R1AB_SARS2 5957:5969-5971 Proofreading exoribonuclease Non-structural protein 10[131 aa] pdb_complex 4423 5324 hetero 6m71 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 B 1 C R1AB_SARS2 4801:4803-4805:4807:4812:4821:4823:4832:4834-4836 RNA-directed RNA polymerase Non-structural protein 7[70 aa] pdb_complex 5325 5920 hetero 6xez 100.0 E 1 E R1AB_SARS2 C 1 C R1AB_SARS2 5716 Helicase Non-structural protein 7[73 aa] pdb_complex 4423 5320 hetero 7bw4 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 C 1 C R1AB_SARS2 4801:4804:4807:4812:4821:4832-4835:4837 RNA-directed RNA polymerase Non-structural protein 7[65 aa] pdb_complex 4396 5321 hetero 7ed5 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 C 1 C R1AB_SARS2 4801-4805:4807:4812:4821:4828:4829:4832-4837:4944:5235 RNA-directed RNA polymerase Non-structural protein 7[72 aa] pdb_complex 5326 5916 hetero 7egq 100.0 E 1 E R1AB_SARS2 C 1 C R1AB_SARS2 5676 Helicase Non-structural protein 7[72 aa] pdb_complex 4423 5324 hetero 6m71 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 C 1 D R1AB_SARS2 4809 RNA-directed RNA polymerase Non-structural protein 8[43 aa] pdb_complex 4423 5324 hetero 6m71 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 D 1 B R1AB_SARS2 4662:4663:4665:4715-4718:4720-4724:4730-4733:4760:4763:4766:4767:4771-4776:4778-4781:4783:4784:4790:4792:4794-4797:4799:4897:4898:4901:4906:4907:4910:5058 RNA-directed RNA polymerase Non-structural protein 8[113 aa] pdb_complex 4509 5311 hetero 6nur 97.0 A 1 A R1AB_CVHSA D 1 D R1A_CVHSA 4807:4809 NSP12 NSP8[109 aa] pdb_complex 4396 5321 hetero 6xez 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 D 1 D R1AB_SARS2 4807:5239:5243:5245:5287:5290:5291:5294:5295:5297-5299 RNA-directed RNA polymerase Non-structural protein 8[186 aa] pdb_complex 5325 5920 hetero 6xez 100.0 E 1 E R1AB_SARS2 D 1 D R1AB_SARS2 5392:5416:5577:5580 Helicase Non-structural protein 8[186 aa] pdb_complex 4396 5324 hetero 7btf 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 D 1 D R1AB_SARS2 4807 RNA-directed RNA polymerase Non-structural protein 8[104 aa] pdb_complex 4423 5320 hetero 7bw4 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 B 1 B R1AB_SARS2 4662-4665:4715-4718:4720-4724:4731:4732:4736:4760:4763:4764:4767:4770-4781:4783:4794-4797:4799:4901:4906:4910:5058 RNA-directed RNA polymerase Non-structural protein 8[115 aa] pdb_complex 5325 5920 hetero 7cxm 100.0 H 1 F R1AB_SARS2 B 1 B R1AB_SARS2 5369:5370:5390-5392:5403:5405:5414-5417 Helicase Non-structural protein 8[187 aa] pdb_complex 5325 5920 hetero 7cxm 100.0 I 1 E R1AB_SARS2 D 1 D R1AB_SARS2 5402:5577:5580 Helicase Non-structural protein 8[186 aa] pdb_complex 5326 5917 hetero 7cyq 100.0 G 1 F R1AB_SARS2 B 1 B R1AB_SARS2 5377:5378 Helicase Non-structural protein 8[187 aa] pdb_complex 4396 5321 hetero 7ed5 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 B 1 B R1AB_SARS2 4661-4665:4715:4716:4718:4720-4724:4730:4732:4733:4757:4760:4763:4766:4767:4770-4784:4788:4790:4792:4794-4797:4799:4839:4901:4906:4907:4909:4910:4915:5058 RNA-directed RNA polymerase Non-structural protein 8[150 aa] pdb_complex 4396 5321 hetero 7ed5 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 D 1 D R1AB_SARS2 4807:4809:4813:5239:5240:5243:5245:5246:5287:5290:5291:5294:5295:5297-5300 RNA-directed RNA polymerase Non-structural protein 8[154 aa] pdb_complex 5326 5916 hetero 7egq 100.0 E 1 E R1AB_SARS2 B 1 B R1AB_SARS2 5482:5483:5486:5528:5529 Helicase Non-structural protein 8[187 aa] pdb_complex 5926 6449 hetero 7egq 100.0 P 1 X R1AB_SARS2 D 1 D R1AB_SARS2 6442 Proofreading exoribonuclease Non-structural protein 8[186 aa] pdb_complex 4424 5321 hetero 7l1f 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 B 1 C R1AB_SARS2 4662-4666:4716:4718:4720-4724:4728:4730-4733:4760:4763:4766:4767:4771-4781:4784:4790:4797:4839:4901:4907:4909:4910 RNA-directed RNA polymerase Non-structural protein 8[114 aa] pdb_complex 5325 5914 hetero 7rdz 100.0 E 1 E R1AB_SARS2 D 1 D R1AB_SARS2 5403 Helicase Non-structural protein 8[185 aa] pdb_complex 5325 5914 hetero 7re0 100.0 E 1 E R1AB_SARS2 B 1 B R1AB_SARS2 5377:5378 Helicase Non-structural protein 8[186 aa] pdb_complex 4395 5321 hetero 7re3 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 G 1 H R1AB_SARS2 4586:4590:4672:4676 RNA-directed RNA polymerase Non-structural protein 8[186 aa] pdb_complex 4396 5321 hetero 6xez 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 E 1 E R1AB_SARS2 5293-5295 RNA-directed RNA polymerase Helicase[596 aa] pdb_complex 4396 5321 hetero 7cxn 99.9 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 H 1 F R1AB_SARS2 4754 RNA-directed RNA polymerase Helicase[596 aa] pdb_complex 5928 6450 hetero 7egq 100.0 H 1 K R1AB_SARS2 M 1 R R1AB_SARS2 6390-6392:6404:6410 Proofreading exoribonuclease Helicase[588 aa] pdb_complex 4395 5321 hetero 7re3 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 N 1 L R1AB_SARS2 4432:4469:4473:4474:4612:4615-4617:4625:4627 RNA-directed RNA polymerase Helicase[590 aa] pdb_complex 5325 5920 hetero 6xez 100.0 E 1 E R1AB_SARS2 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 5416:5417:5420 Helicase RNA-directed RNA polymerase[926 aa] pdb_complex 5325 5920 hetero 7cxn 100.0 H 1 F R1AB_SARS2 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 5517 Helicase RNA-directed RNA polymerase[926 aa] pdb_complex 5326 5916 hetero 7egq 100.0 E 1 E R1AB_SARS2 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 5326 Helicase RNA-directed RNA polymerase[926 aa] pdb_complex 5928 6450 hetero 7egq 100.0 H 1 K R1AB_SARS2 I 1 N R1AB_SARS2 6038:6093:6094:6097:6098:6330-6332:6366:6392-6395:6416:6417:6424:6427 Proofreading exoribonuclease RNA-directed RNA polymerase[926 aa] pdb_complex 5325 5914 hetero 7re3 100.0 F 1 F R1AB_SARS2 J 1 G R1AB_SARS2 5481:5510:5513:5517:5519:5540-5542:5668:5669 Helicase RNA-directed RNA polymerase[927 aa] pdb_complex 4423 5311 hetero 6xqb 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 D 1 D R1AB_SARS2 4809 RNA-directed RNA polymerase Non-structural protein 8[31 aa] pdb_complex 4396 5321 hetero 7aap 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 D 1 D R1AB_SARS2 4807:4809 Non-structural protein 12 Non-structural protein 8[28 aa] pdb_complex 4423 5324 hetero 7bv1 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 D 1 D R1AB_SARS2 4809 RNA-directed RNA polymerase Non-structural protein 8[99 aa] pdb_complex 4396 5321 hetero 7cyq 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 I 1 G R1AB_SARS2 4428:4430:4594:4596:4598:4613:4615-4619:4623-4625:4681:4683:5120:5125:5127 RNA-directed RNA polymerase Non-structural protein 9[113 aa] pdb_complex 5928 6450 hetero 7egq 100.0 H 1 K R1AB_SARS2 F 1 G R1AB_SARS2 6020:6027-6029 Proofreading exoribonuclease Non-structural protein 9[113 aa] pdb_complex 4396 5321 hetero 7egq 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 H 1 K R1AB_SARS2 4473:4476 RNA-directed RNA polymerase Proofreading exoribonuclease[523 aa] pdb_complex 4396 5321 hetero 7egq 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 P 1 X R1AB_SARS2 4818:4822-4824:5271:5278:5281:5285:5296-5298:5309 RNA-directed RNA polymerase Proofreading exoribonuclease[524 aa] pdb_complex 5326 5916 hetero 7egq 100.0 E 1 E R1AB_SARS2 P 1 X R1AB_SARS2 5391:5392:5414-5416:5419 Helicase Proofreading exoribonuclease[524 aa] pdb_complex 4423 5321 hetero 7oyg 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 B 1 B R1AB_SARS2 4662:4663:4665:4716-4718:4720-4723:4770:4771:4774:4778-4784:4788:4790:4794:4795:4797:4799:4839:5067 SARS-CoV-2 RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (nsp12) SARS-CoV-2 nsp8[81 aa] pdb_complex 4398 5320 hetero 7thm 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 C 1 C R1AB_SARS2 4804:4807:4812:4832:4835:4837:5235 RNA-directed RNA polymerase Non-structural protein 7[37 aa] pdb_complex 4398 5320 hetero 7thm 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 E 1 G R1AB_SARS2 4428-4432:4594:4596:4598:4613:4615:4623:4625:4683:5120:5125:5127 RNA-directed RNA polymerase Non-structural protein 9[74 aa] pdb_complex 1565 1878 hetero 8cx9 100.0 A 1 B R1A_SARS2 G 1 F RL40_HUMAN 1576-1581:1626:1629:1633:1697:1700:1701 Papain-like protease nsp3 Ubiquitin variant UbV.CV2.1[75 aa] pdb_complex 1565 1878 hetero 8cx9 100.0 A 1 B R1A_SARS2 H 1 G RL40_HUMAN 1625:1628:1629:1632:1633:1636 Papain-like protease nsp3 Ubiquitin variant UbV.CV2.1[75 aa] pdb_complex 1565 1877 hetero 8iho 100.0 A 1 A R1A_SARS2 C 1 D 1669:1672:1674:1675:1725-1727:1811:1827:1830-1836:1849:1864 Papain-like protease nsp3 covalent inhibitor[4 aa] pdb_complex 1565 1877 hetero 8iho 100.0 A 1 A R1A_SARS2 D 1 E 1810 Papain-like protease nsp3 covalent inhibitor[4 aa] pdb_complex 4396 5321 hetero 8sq9 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 E 1 G R1AB_SARS2 4428-4432:4594:4596:4598:4613:4615:4618:4623-4625:4681:4683:5120:5125:5127:5128 RNA-directed RNA polymerase Non-structural protein 9[98 aa] pdb_complex 4398 5317 nucleotide 8urb 60.7 A 1 A U6BRU0_9ALPC E 1 I 4985:5150-5153:5205:5206:5228:5232:5241:5247:5249:5250:5253:5254:5257 nsp12 RNA (33-MER) pdb_complex 4398 5317 nucleotide 8urb 60.7 A 1 A U6BRU0_9ALPC F 1 J 4892:4893:4899:4937:4950:4951:4961:4969:4972:4981:4984:4986:4987:5074-5077:5081:5252:5306:5307 nsp12 RNA (55-MER) pdb_complex 4398 5317 nucleotide 8g6r 60.9 A 1 A A0A0U2C263_9ALPC D 1 I 4889:4890:4985:5151:5152:5205-5207:5228:5232:5241:5246:5250:5253:5254:5257 nsp12 RNA (5'-R(P*AP*AP*GP*AP*AP*GP*CP*UP*AP*UP*UP*AP*AP.. pdb_complex 4398 5317 nucleotide 8g6r 60.9 A 1 A A0A0U2C263_9ALPC E 1 J 4800:4888:4891-4893:4899:4903:4936-4938:4949:4951:4961:4972:4981:4984:4986:4987:5074-5077:5081:5306:5307:5312:5316 nsp12 RNA (5'-R(P*GP*GP*UP*UP*GP*UP*GP*AP*UP*UP*UP*UP*AP.. pdb_complex 6453 6797 nucleotide 7tj2 99.7 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 G 1 G 6699:6701:6741:6743:6745:6782:6784:6786:6791:6792:6794 Uridylate-specific endoribonuclease nsp15 RNA (31-MER) pdb_complex 6453 6796 nucleotide 7tj2 99.7 C 1 C R1AB_SARS2 G 1 G 6464:6470:6598:6599 Uridylate-specific endoribonuclease nsp15 RNA (31-MER) pdb_complex 6453 6796 nucleotide 7tj2 99.7 E 1 E R1AB_SARS2 G 1 G 6562:6564:6584:6588 Uridylate-specific endoribonuclease nsp15 RNA (31-MER) pdb_complex 6453 6797 nucleotide 7tj2 99.7 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 H 1 H 6694:6695:6766:6767:6769:6784 Uridylate-specific endoribonuclease nsp15 RNA (31-MER) pdb_complex 6453 6796 nucleotide 7tj2 99.7 C 1 C R1AB_SARS2 H 1 H 6516 Uridylate-specific endoribonuclease nsp15 RNA (31-MER) pdb_complex 6453 6796 nucleotide 7tj2 99.7 E 1 E R1AB_SARS2 H 1 H 6587:6588 Uridylate-specific endoribonuclease nsp15 RNA (31-MER) pdb_complex 6453 6797 nucleotide 7tqv 99.7 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 G 1 G 6699:6701:6741:6743:6745:6782:6784:6791:6792:6794:6796 Uridylate-specific endoribonuclease RNA (33-MER) pdb_complex 6453 6796 nucleotide 7tqv 99.7 C 1 C R1AB_SARS2 G 1 G 6464:6470:6598:6599 Uridylate-specific endoribonuclease RNA (33-MER) pdb_complex 6453 6796 nucleotide 7tqv 99.7 E 1 E R1AB_SARS2 G 1 G 6562:6564:6584:6588 Uridylate-specific endoribonuclease RNA (33-MER) pdb_complex 6453 6797 nucleotide 7tqv 99.7 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 H 1 H 6694:6695:6767:6769:6782:6784 Uridylate-specific endoribonuclease RNA (33-MER) pdb_complex 6453 6796 nucleotide 7tqv 99.7 C 1 C R1AB_SARS2 H 1 H 6578:6580 Uridylate-specific endoribonuclease RNA (33-MER) pdb_complex 6453 6796 nucleotide 7tqv 99.7 E 1 E R1AB_SARS2 H 1 H 6587:6588 Uridylate-specific endoribonuclease RNA (33-MER) pdb_complex 5927 6448 nucleotide 7n0d 99.8 B 1 B R1AB_SARS2 E 1 T 5931:5934:5938:5983:6020:6026-6029 Proofreading exoribonuclease RNA (5'-R(*GP*GP*GP*GP*AP*UP*GP*UP*GP*AP*UP*UP*UP*.. pdb_complex 5927 6448 nucleotide 7n0d 99.8 B 1 B R1AB_SARS2 F 1 K 5927:6015-6018:6020:6029:6066:6071:6111:6112:6170:6176-6178:6193 Proofreading exoribonuclease RNA (5'-R(*CP*UP*AP*UP*UP*AP*AP*AP*AP*UP*CP*AP*CP*.. pdb_complex 5927 6448 nucleotide 7n0d 99.8 B 1 B R1AB_SARS2 G 1 P 6023 Proofreading exoribonuclease RNA (5'-R(*CP*CP*CP*CP*C)-3') pdb_complex 5927 6448 nucleotide 7n0d 99.8 D 1 D R1AB_SARS2 G 1 P 6015-6018:6020:6029:6066:6071:6111:6112:6170:6176-6178:6193 Proofreading exoribonuclease RNA (5'-R(*CP*CP*CP*CP*C)-3') pdb_complex 5926 6448 nucleotide 7n0c 99.8 B 1 B R1AB_SARS2 C 1 T 5931:5934:5983:6020:6022:6026-6029:6064 Proofreading exoribonuclease RNA (25-MER) pdb_complex 5926 6448 nucleotide 7n0c 99.8 B 1 B R1AB_SARS2 D 1 D 5926:5927:6015-6018:6020:6066:6070:6071:6111:6112:6115:6170:6176-6178:6193 Proofreading exoribonuclease RNA (24-MER) pdb_complex 4396 5321 nucleotide 7cxm 99.9 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 F 1 J 4888:4892:4893:4935:4949-4951:4961:4969:4972:4982:4984:4986:4987:5074-5077:5079:5081:5306:5307:5316 RNA-directed RNA polymerase RNA (26-MER) pdb_complex 6453 6798 nucleotide 6x1b 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 C 1 D 6696:6701:6741:6743-6745:6784:6792:6794-6796 Uridylate-specific endoribonuclease DNA (5'-R(*GP*U)-3') pdb_complex 4396 5321 nucleotide 6xez 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 G 1 P 4905:5150-5153:5205-5207:5228:5232:5241:5246:5250:5253:5254:5257 RNA-directed RNA polymerase Product RNA pdb_complex 4396 5321 nucleotide 6xez 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 H 1 T 4888:4892:4893:4935:4951:4961:4969:4982:4984:4986:4987:5074-5077:5079:5081:5249:5306:5307:5316 RNA-directed RNA polymerase Template RNA pdb_complex 4423 5311 nucleotide 6xqb 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 E 1 E 4888:4890:4905:5150-5153:5205:5206:5228:5232:5249:5250:5253:5254 RNA-directed RNA polymerase RNA (5'-R(*GP*UP*GP*GP*GP*CP*CP*CP*A)-3') pdb_complex 4423 5311 nucleotide 6xqb 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 F 1 F 4889:4892:4893:4961:4969:4981:4982:4984:4986:4987:5074-5079:5081:5249:5307 RNA-directed RNA polymerase RNA (5'-R(*GP*UP*GP*GP*GP*CP*CP*CP*A)-3') pdb_complex 4423 5321 nucleotide 6yyt 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 E 1 P 4905:5150-5153:5205:5206:5228:5232:5241:5246:5250:5253:5257 nsp12 RNA product pdb_complex 4423 5321 nucleotide 6yyt 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 G 1 T 4892:4893:4899:4933:4935:4937:4949:4951:4961:4969:4972:4982:4984:4986:4987:5074-5077:5081:5252:5253:5306:5307:5312:5316 nsp12 RNA product pdb_complex 4396 5321 nucleotide 7aap 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 E 1 P 4891:4905:4937:5150-5152:5205-5207:5228:5232:5241:5250:5253:5254:5257 Non-structural protein 12 RNA (5'-R(P*UP*UP*AP*AP*GP*UP*UP*AP*U)-3') pdb_complex 4396 5321 nucleotide 7aap 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 F 1 T 4892:4893:4899:4933:4935:4949:4950:4961:4969:4972:4982:4984:4986:4987:5074-5077:5081:5249:5252:5306:5316 Non-structural protein 12 RNA (5'-R(P*UP*UP*CP*AP*UP*AP*AP*CP*UP*UP*AP*A)-3'.. pdb_complex 4423 5321 nucleotide 7b3b 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 D 1 P 4905:5151-5153:5205-5207:5228:5232:5241:5250:5253:5254:5257 RNA-directed RNA polymerase nsp12 DNA/RNA (5'-R(P*CP*UP*AP*CP*GP*CP*G)-D(P*(RMP))-R(.. pdb_complex 4423 5321 nucleotide 7b3b 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 E 1 T 4888:4892:4893:4899:4933:4935:4937:4947:4949-4951:4961:4969:4972:4981:4982:4984:4986:4987:5074-5077:5079:5081:5253:5307:5316 RNA-directed RNA polymerase nsp12 RNA (5'-R(P*UP*GP*CP*AP*UP*CP*GP*CP*GP*UP*AP*G)-3'.. pdb_complex 4423 5321 nucleotide 7b3c 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 D 1 P 4891:5015:5074:5083:5150-5152:5205:5206:5228:5232:5241:5249:5250:5253:5257 RNA-directed RNA polymerase nsp12 DNA/RNA (5'-R(P*CP*UP*AP*CP*GP*CP*A)-D(P*(RMP))-R(.. pdb_complex 4423 5321 nucleotide 7b3c 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 E 1 T 4888:4892:4893:4899:4935:4949-4951:4961:4969:4972:4982:4984:4986:4987:5074-5077:5079:5081:5249:5303:5307:5312:5316 RNA-directed RNA polymerase nsp12 RNA (5'-R(P*UP*CP*AP*CP*UP*UP*GP*CP*GP*UP*AP*G)-3'.. pdb_complex 4423 5321 nucleotide 7b3d 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 D 1 P 4891:4905:5150-5152:5205:5206:5228:5232:5241:5246:5250:5253:5257 SARS-CoV-2 RNA-dependent RNA polymerase nsp12 RNA (5'-R(P*CP*UP*AP*CP*GP*CP*AP*GP*UP*G)-3') pdb_complex 4423 5321 nucleotide 7b3d 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 E 1 T 4888:4892:4893:4899:4903:4933:4935:4937:4949-4951:4961:4969:4972:4982:4984:4986:4987:5074-5077:5081:5249:5252:5253:5306:5307:5316 SARS-CoV-2 RNA-dependent RNA polymerase nsp12 RNA (5'-R(P*UP*GP*CP*AP*CP*UP*GP*CP*GP*UP*AP*G)-3'.. pdb_complex 4423 5321 nucleotide 7bv2 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 D 1 P 4891:4905:5151:5152:5205-5207:5228:5232:5241:5246:5250:5253:5254:5257 RNA-directed RNA polymerase Primer pdb_complex 4423 5321 nucleotide 7bv2 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 E 1 T 4888:4892:4893:4899:4933:4935:4937:4949-4952:4961:4969:4972:4982:4984:4986:4987:5074-5077:5081:5256:5312:5316 RNA-directed RNA polymerase Templete pdb_complex 4393 5321 nucleotide 7bzf 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 E 1 F 4888:4892:4893:4937:4947:4949-4951:4961:4969:4982-4984:4986:4987:5074-5077:5081:5249:5256:5305:5307:5316 RNA-directed RNA polymerase RNA (31-MER) pdb_complex 4393 5321 nucleotide 7bzf 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 F 1 G 5151:5152:5205-5207:5228:5232:5237:5241:5249:5250:5253:5257 RNA-directed RNA polymerase RNA (5'-R(*UP*GP*UP*UP*CP*GP*AP*CP*GP*AP*CP*AP*CP*.. pdb_complex 4393 5321 nucleotide 7c2k 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 E 1 F 4888:4891-4893:4899:4900:4949:4950:4969:4982:4984:4986:4987:5074-5077:5081:5253:5256:5306:5307:5312:5316 RNA-directed RNA polymerase RNA (29-MER) pdb_complex 4393 5321 nucleotide 7c2k 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 F 1 G 4891:4937:4949:5015:5074:5150-5152:5205:5206:5228:5232:5241:5250:5253:5254:5257 RNA-directed RNA polymerase RNA (5'-R(*UP*GP*UP*UP*CP*GP*AP*CP*GP*AP*CP*AP*CP*.. pdb_complex 4423 5320 nucleotide 7ctt 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 E 1 Q 4891:4905:5150-5153:5205-5207:5228:5232:5237:5239:5249:5250:5253:5254:5257 RNA-directed RNA polymerase Primer-RNA (5'-R(P*UP*UP*CP*UP*CP*CP*UP*AP*AP*GP*A.. pdb_complex 4423 5320 nucleotide 7ctt 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 F 1 T 4888:4892:4893:4899:4933:4935:4949:4951:4952:4961:4969:4972:4982:4984:4986:4987:5075-5077:5081:5252:5256:5307:5312:5316 RNA-directed RNA polymerase Template-RNA (5'-R(P*AP*CP*UP*AP*GP*CP*UP*UP*CP*UP.. pdb_complex 4396 5321 nucleotide 7cxm 99.9 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 E 1 I 5151:5152:5205:5206:5228:5232:5247:5250:5253:5257 RNA-directed RNA polymerase RNA (25-MER) pdb_complex 5325 5920 nucleotide 7cxm 100.0 I 1 E R1AB_SARS2 G 1 L 5469:5499:5503:5504:5554:5633-5635:5658:5685:5686:5702:5731:5732:5734:5808-5810:5856:5858 Helicase RNA (5'-R(P*UP*UP*UP*UP*UP*U)-3') pdb_complex 4396 5321 nucleotide 7cyq 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 E 1 I 4905:5151-5153:5205-5207:5228:5232:5240:5247:5249:5250:5253:5254:5257 RNA-directed RNA polymerase Primer pdb_complex 4396 5321 nucleotide 7cyq 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 F 1 J 4800:4888:4892:4893:4899:4903:4933:4935:4949-4951:4961:4969:4972:4982:4984:4986:4987:5074-5079:5081:5256:5306:5307:5312:5316 RNA-directed RNA polymerase Template pdb_complex 4397 5321 nucleotide 7dfg 100.0 C 1 A R1AB_SARS2 A 1 P 4891:4905:5151-5153:5205:5206:5228:5232:5241:5247:5250:5253:5257 RNA-directed RNA polymerase RNA (5'-R(P*AP*GP*AP*UP*UP*AP*AP*GP*UP*UP*AP*U)-3'.. pdb_complex 4397 5321 nucleotide 7dfg 100.0 C 1 A R1AB_SARS2 B 1 T 4888:4892:4893:4899:4933:4935:4937:4949-4952:4961:4969:4972:4982:4984:4986:4987:5074-5077:5081:5249:5252:5256:5306:5307:5312:5316 RNA-directed RNA polymerase RNA (5'-R(P*CP*CP*CP*UP*AP*UP*AP*AP*CP*UP*UP*AP*AP.. pdb_complex 4397 5321 nucleotide 7dfh 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 E 1 P 4905:5151:5152:5205:5206:5228:5232:5237:5241:5246:5249:5250:5257 RNA-directed RNA polymeras RNA (5'-R(P*GP*CP*UP*AP*UP*GP*UP*G*(LIG))-3') pdb_complex 4397 5321 nucleotide 7dfh 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 F 1 T 4888:4892:4893:4899:4933:4935:4949:4951:4961:4969:4972:4982:4984:4986:4987:5074-5077:5079:5081:5249:5256:5316 RNA-directed RNA polymeras RNA (5'-R(P*CP*CP*CP*CP*CP*AP*CP*AP*UP*AP*GP*C)-3'.. pdb_complex 4396 5321 nucleotide 7doi 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 E 1 T 4800:4888:4892:4893:4899:4933:4935:4937:4949:4950:4961:4969:4972:4982:4984:4986:4987:5074-5077:5081:5249:5252:5256:5307:5312:5316 RNA-directed RNA polymerase RNA (5'-R(P*CP*CP*UP*AP*UP*AP*AP*CP*UP*UP*AP*AP*UP.. pdb_complex 4397 5321 nucleotide 7dok 100.0 C 1 A R1AB_SARS2 A 1 P 4905:5151:5152:5205-5207:5228:5232:5241:5249:5250:5253:5254:5257 RNA-directed RNA polymerase RNA (5'-R(P*GP*CP*UP*AP*UP*GP*UP*GP*AP*GP*AP*UP*UP.. pdb_complex 4396 5321 nucleotide 7ed5 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 E 1 I 4905:5205-5207:5228:5232:5241:5249:5250:5253:5254:5257 RNA-directed RNA polymerase RNA (5'-R(P*GP*CP*UP*AP*UP*GP*UP*GP*AP*GP*AP*UP*UP.. pdb_complex 4397 5321 nucleotide 7dok 100.0 C 1 A R1AB_SARS2 B 1 T 4888:4892:4893:4899:4933:4935:4949:4950:4961:4969:4982:4984:4986:4987:5074-5077:5081:5249:5252:5256:5306:5307:5312:5316 RNA-directed RNA polymerase RNA (5'-R(P*CP*CP*CP*UP*AP*UP*AP*AP*CP*UP*UP*AP*AP.. pdb_complex 4394 5321 nucleotide 7dte 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 E 1 F 4888:4892:4893:4899:4933:4935:4949-4951:4961:4969:4972:4975:4982:4984:4986:4987:5074-5077:5081:5252:5306:5307:5312:5316 RNA-directed RNA polymerase RNA (57-MER) pdb_complex 4394 5321 nucleotide 7dte 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 F 1 G 4905:5150-5153:5205:5206:5228:5232:5241:5249:5250:5253:5254:5257 RNA-directed RNA polymerase RNA (33-MER) pdb_complex 4396 5321 nucleotide 7ed5 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 F 1 J 4800:4888:4892:4893:4899:4935:4949-4951:4961:4969:4972:4982:4984:4986:4987:5074-5077:5081:5249:5256:5303:5306:5307:5312:5316 RNA-directed RNA polymerase RNA (5'-R(P*CP*CP*CP*CP*AP*UP*AP*AP*CP*UP*UP*AP*AP.. pdb_complex 4396 5321 nucleotide 7egq 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 T 1 J 4800:4888:4892:4893:4903:4933:4935:4936:4949-4952:4961:4969:4981:4982:4984:4986:4987:5074-5079:5081:5316 RNA-directed RNA polymerase Template RNA pdb_complex 5326 5916 nucleotide 7egq 100.0 E 1 E R1AB_SARS2 T 1 J 5526:5660:5664 Helicase Template RNA pdb_complex 4396 5321 nucleotide 7eiz 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 H 1 J 4888:4892:4893:4899:4935:4951:4961:4969:4982:4984:4986:4987:5074-5077:5079:5081:5249:5307:5316 RNA-directed RNA polymerase template pdb_complex 5325 5917 nucleotide 8gwe 100.0 F 1 F R1AB_SARS2 J 1 J 5392 Helicase nsp13 template pdb_complex 4395 5321 nucleotide 7krn 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 F 1 P 4891:4905:4941-4943:4945:4947:5015:5152:5205-5207:5228:5232:5241:5249:5250:5253:5254:5257 RNA-directed RNA polymerase RNA (37-MER) pdb_complex 4395 5321 nucleotide 7krn 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 G 1 T 4888:4892:4893:4899:4935:4937:4949-4951:4961:4969:4972:4982:4984:4986:4987:5074-5077:5081:5249:5252:5256:5306:5307:5316 RNA-directed RNA polymerase RNA (43-MER) pdb_complex 5325 5914 nucleotide 7krn 100.0 E 1 E R1AB_SARS2 G 1 T 5463:5467:5470:5502-5504:5554:5557:5633-5635:5659:5660:5663:5685-5687:5689:5714:5732:5734:5806:5809:5810:5838-5840:5856:5858:5876:5878:5884 Helicase RNA (43-MER) pdb_complex 4395 5321 nucleotide 7krp 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 F 1 T 4888:4892:4893:4899:4935:4937:4949-4951:4961:4969:4972:4982:4984:4986:4987:5074-5077:5079:5081:5249:5252:5256:5306:5307:5316 RNA-directed RNA polymerase RNA (36-MER) pdb_complex 4424 5321 nucleotide 7l1f 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 D 1 P 4947:5014:5015:5074:5079:5080:5083:5150-5152:5205:5206:5228:5241:5246:5250:5253 RNA-directed RNA polymerase RNA (5'-R(P*CP*UP*AP*AP*GP*AP*AP*GP*CP*UP*AP*UP*U*.. pdb_complex 4424 5321 nucleotide 7l1f 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 E 1 T 4888:4892:4893:4935:4950:4982:4984:4987:5074-5077:5081:5316 RNA-directed RNA polymerase RNA (5'-R(P*AP*UP*UP*UP*UP*AP*AP*UP*AP*GP*CP*UP*UP.. pdb_complex 6453 6797 nucleotide 7n06 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 G 1 G 6686:6696:6698:6699:6701:6741:6784:6791:6792:6794 Uridylate-specific endoribonuclease RNA (5'-R(*AP*UP*A)-3') pdb_complex 6453 6797 nucleotide 7n06 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 H 1 H 6466:6468 Uridylate-specific endoribonuclease RNA (5'-R(*AP*UP*A)-3') pdb_complex 5927 6448 nucleotide 7n0b 100.0 B 1 B R1AB_SARS2 C 1 T 5931:5934:5938:5983:6020:6027:6029 Proofreading exoribonuclease RNA (5'-R(*AP*UP*GP*UP*GP*AP*UP*UP*UP*UP*AP*AP*UP*.. pdb_complex 5927 6448 nucleotide 7n0b 100.0 B 1 B R1AB_SARS2 D 1 D 5927:6015-6018:6020:6070:6071:6111:6115:6170:6176-6178:6198 Proofreading exoribonuclease RNA (5'-R(*AP*GP*AP*AP*GP*CP*UP*AP*UP*UP*AP*AP*AP*.. pdb_complex 6453 6796 nucleotide 7n33 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 G 1 G 6686:6696-6699:6701:6741:6743-6745:6794 Uridylate-specific endoribonuclease RNA (5'-R(*A)-D(*(UFT))-R(P*A)-3') pdb_complex 4423 5321 nucleotide 7ozu 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 D 1 P 4905:5150-5153:5205:5206:5228:5232:5241:5246:5250:5253:5257 Replicase polyprotein 1ab Product RNA pdb_complex 4423 5321 nucleotide 7ozu 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 E 1 T 4888:4892:4893:4899:4903:4933:4935:4937:4949-4951:4961:4969:4972:4982:4984:4986:4987:5074-5077:5081:5249:5252:5253:5306:5307:5312:5316 Replicase polyprotein 1ab Template RNA pdb_complex 4423 5321 nucleotide 7ozv 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 D 1 P 4905:5150-5152:5205:5206:5228:5232:5241:5246:5250:5253 Replicase polyprotein 1ab Product RNA pdb_complex 4395 5321 nucleotide 7rdx 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 H 1 T 4800:4888:4892:4893:4899:4903:4933:4935:4937:4949-4952:4961:4969:4972:4982:4984:4986:4987:5074-5079:5081:5249:5252:5256:5306:5307:5312:5316 RNA-directed RNA polymerase Template RNA pdb_complex 5325 5914 nucleotide 7rdx 100.0 E 1 E R1AB_SARS2 H 1 T 5499-5504:5557:5661:5685:5706 Helicase Template RNA pdb_complex 4395 5321 nucleotide 7rdy 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 H 1 T 4800:4888:4892:4893:4899:4933:4935:4937:4949-4951:4961:4969:4972:4982:4984:4986:4987:5074-5079:5081:5252:5253:5256:5306:5307:5312:5316 RNA-directed RNA polymerase Template RNA pdb_complex 5325 5914 nucleotide 7rdy 100.0 E 1 E R1AB_SARS2 H 1 T 5463:5470:5502-5504:5554:5557:5633-5635:5659:5685-5687:5689:5702:5714:5732:5734:5806:5809:5810:5838-5840:5856:5858:5859:5876:5878 Helicase Template RNA pdb_complex 4395 5321 nucleotide 7rdz 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 H 1 T 4800:4888:4892:4893:4899:4903:4933:4935:4937:4949-4951:4961:4969:4972:4982:4984:4986:4987:5074-5077:5079:5081:5252:5256:5306:5307:5312:5316 RNA-directed RNA polymerase Template RNA pdb_complex 4395 5321 nucleotide 7uo4 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 E 1 P 5080:5151-5153:5205-5207:5228:5232:5241:5247:5249:5250:5253:5254:5257 RNA-directed RNA polymerase Product RNA (35-MER) pdb_complex 4395 5321 nucleotide 7uo4 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 F 1 T 4888:4892:4893:4935:4937:4949-4952:4961:4969:4972:4982:4984:4986:4987:5074-5077:5079:5081:5252:5256:5306:5307:5312:5316 RNA-directed RNA polymerase Template RNA (55-MER) pdb_complex 4396 5321 nucleotide 7uo7 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 D 1 P 5079:5080:5151-5153:5205-5207:5228:5232:5241:5247:5249:5250:5253:5254:5257 RNA-directed RNA polymerase Product RNA (35-MER) pdb_complex 4396 5321 nucleotide 7uo7 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 E 1 T 4888:4892:4893:4935:4949-4952:4961:4969:4972:4982:4984:4986:4987:5074-5077:5079:5081:5252:5256:5306:5307:5312:5316 RNA-directed RNA polymerase Template RNA (55-MER) pdb_complex 4396 5321 nucleotide 7uo9 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 D 1 P 4891:5151:5152:5205:5206:5228:5232:5241:5249:5250:5253:5254:5257 RNA-directed RNA polymerase Product RNA (35-MER) pdb_complex 4396 5321 nucleotide 7uo9 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 E 1 T 4800:4888:4892:4893:4899:4903:4933:4935:4936:4938:4949-4951:4961:4969:4972:4982:4984:4986:4987:5074-5079:5081:5249:5252:5256:5306:5307:5312:5316 RNA-directed RNA polymerase Template RNA (55-MER) pdb_complex 4393 5321 nucleotide 7uob 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 E 1 P 5205:5206:5228:5232:5241:5249:5250:5253:5254:5257 RNA-directed RNA polymerase Product RNA (35-MER) pdb_complex 4393 5321 nucleotide 7uob 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 F 1 T 4892:4893:4899:4935:4949-4951:4961:4969:4972:4982:4984:4986:4987:5074-5077:5079:5081:5306:5307:5312:5316 RNA-directed RNA polymerase Template RNA (55-MER) pdb_complex 4393 5321 nucleotide 7uoe 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 F 1 T 4888:4892:4893:4899:4933:4935:4937:4949-4951:4961:4969:4972:4982:4984:4986:4987:5074-5079:5081:5252:5256:5306:5307:5312:5316 RNA-directed RNA polymerase Template RNA (55-MER) pdb_complex 4396 5323 nucleotide 8gw1 99.9 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 F 1 J 4888:4892:4893:4935:4937:4949-4951:4961:4969:4982:4984:4986:4987:5074-5077:5081:5306:5307:5316:5323 Replicase polyprotein 1ab Template pdb_complex 5326 5917 nucleotide 8gw1 100.0 G 1 E R1AB_SARS2 F 1 J 5392 Helicase Template pdb_complex 4396 5321 nucleotide 8gwb 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 H 1 M 4429:4431:4441-4444:4600:4610:5105 RNA-directed RNA polymerase RNA (5'-R(P*AP*U)-3') pdb_complex 4396 5321 nucleotide 8gwb 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 J 1 J 4800:4888:4892:4893:4899:4935:4937:4949:4950:4961:4969:4972:4982:4984:4986:4987:5074-5077:5081:5252:5256:5306:5307:5312:5316 RNA-directed RNA polymerase template pdb_complex 5326 5917 nucleotide 8gwb 100.0 E 1 F R1AB_SARS2 J 1 J 5391:5392:5401-5403 Helicase template pdb_complex 4393 5323 nucleotide 8gwe 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 H 1 H 4429:4431:4433:4434:4440-4444:4466-4468:4471:4600:5105 RNA-directed RNA polymerase RNA (5'-R(P*AP*UP*UP*A)-3') pdb_complex 4396 5321 nucleotide 8sq9 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 F 1 P 4891:5151-5153:5205:5206:5228:5232:5241:5249:5250:5253:5254:5257 RNA-directed RNA polymerase Primer RNA pdb_complex 4393 5321 nucleotide 8sqj 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 F 1 P 5150-5152:5205:5206:5228:5232:5241:5249:5250:5253:5257 RNA-directed RNA polymerase Primer RNA pdb_complex 4393 5321 nucleotide 8sqj 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 G 1 T 4800:4888:4892:4893:4899:4933:4935:4949:4951:4961:4969:4982:4984:4986:4987:5074-5077:5081:5306:5307:5316 RNA-directed RNA polymerase Template RNA pdb_complex 4393 5321 nucleotide 8sqj 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 H 1 O 4427:4429:4431:4433:4440-4443:4465-4467:4600:4610:4613:5103:5105:5110:5113 RNA-directed RNA polymerase SARS-CoV-2 5' UTR pdb_complex 4393 5321 nucleotide 8sqk 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 F 1 P 5150-5152:5205:5206:5228:5232:5241:5249:5250:5253:5257 RNA-directed RNA polymerase nsp12 Primer RNA pdb_complex 4393 5321 nucleotide 8sqk 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 G 1 T 4800:4888:4892:4893:4899:4933:4935:4949:4951:4961:4969:4982:4984:4986:4987:5074-5077:5081:5306:5307:5316 RNA-directed RNA polymerase nsp12 Template RNA pdb_complex 4393 5321 nucleotide 8sqk 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 H 1 O 4427:4429:4440-4442:4610:5103:5105 RNA-directed RNA polymerase nsp12 SARS-CoV-2 5' UTR pdb_complex 5926 6450 compound 5c8s 94.9 B 1 B R1AB_CVHSA L 1 B G3A 6231:6234:6235:6238:6261:6263:6310:6311:6313:6326:6345:6347:6348:6351:6353:6431 Guanine-N7 methyltransferase GUANOSINE-P3-ADENOSINE-5',5'-TRIPHOSPHATE[50 atoms.. pdb_complex 5926 6450 compound 5c8t 94.9 B 1 B R1AB_CVHSA K 1 B SAM 6217:6258:6260:6277-6279:6291-6293:6310-6312:6314 Guanine-N7 methyltransferase S-ADENOSYLMETHIONINE[27 atoms] pdb_complex 5926 6450 compound 5c8s 94.9 B 1 B R1AB_CVHSA K 1 B SAH 6217:6258-6260:6277-6279:6291-6293:6310-6312:6314 Guanine-N7 methyltransferase S-ADENOSYL-L-HOMOCYSTEINE[26 atoms] pdb_complex 1564 1878 compound 7e35 99.7 B 1 A R1AB_SARS2 D 1 B GYX 1771:1831 Non-structural protein 3 N-[(3-acetamidophenyl)methyl]-1-[(1R)-1-naphthalen.. pdb_complex 1564 1878 compound 7e35 99.7 B 1 A R1AB_SARS2 F 1 A GYX 1725:1727:1810:1811:1827:1830-1832:1836:1864 Non-structural protein 3 N-[(3-acetamidophenyl)methyl]-1-[(1R)-1-naphthalen.. pdb_complex 1565 1878 compound 7rzc 100.0 A 1 A R1A_SARS2 D 1 A JWX 1720:1725-1727:1730:1810:1811:1827:1831:1836 Non-structural protein 3 (1R)-N-[(1H-indol-3-yl)methyl]-N-methyl-1-(naphtha.. pdb_complex 5326 5917 compound 5rl6 100.0 B 1 B R1AB_SARS2 H 1 B LJA 5470:5471:5475:5509:5516:5548:5550:5551:5553 Helicase N-[3-(carbamoylamino)phenyl]acetamide[14 atoms] pdb_complex 5949 6449 compound 5slf 100.0 A 1 D R1AB_SARS2 G 1 D LJA 6258:6259:6278-6280:6311:6345:6351 Proofreading exoribonuclease nsp14 N-[3-(carbamoylamino)phenyl]acetamide[14 atoms] pdb_complex 5949 6449 compound 5slf 100.0 A 1 D R1AB_SARS2 H 1 D LJA 6021:6022:6028-6030:6032:6044-6046:6084:6122 Proofreading exoribonuclease nsp14 N-[3-(carbamoylamino)phenyl]acetamide[14 atoms] pdb_complex 5326 5917 compound 5rl7 100.0 A 1 B R1AB_SARS2 C 1 B VVD 5471:5475:5509:5548:5550-5553 Helicase 5-(acetylamino)-2-fluorobenzoic acid[14 atoms] pdb_complex 5325 5916 compound 5rl7 100.0 B 1 A R1AB_SARS2 I 1 A VVD 5588:5609-5611:5614:5644:5766 Helicase 5-(acetylamino)-2-fluorobenzoic acid[14 atoms] pdb_complex 5326 5917 compound 5rl8 100.0 A 1 B R1AB_SARS2 C 1 B VVG 5657-5659:5673:5675:5685-5688:5714 Helicase N-(2-fluorophenyl)ethanesulfonamide[13 atoms] pdb_complex 5326 5917 compound 5rl8 100.0 A 1 B R1AB_SARS2 D 1 B VVG 5405-5407:5409:5412:5414 Helicase N-(2-fluorophenyl)ethanesulfonamide[13 atoms] pdb_complex 5326 5917 compound 5rl9 100.0 B 1 B R1AB_SARS2 H 1 B UR7 5585:5609-5611:5614:5644:5766 Helicase 1-(3-fluoro-4-methylphenyl)methanesulfonamide[13 a.. pdb_complex 5325 5916 compound 5rlb 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 C 1 A VVJ 5330:5347:5453:5456:5457:5460:5559 Helicase N-cycloheptyl-N-methylmethanesulfonamide[13 atoms].. pdb_complex 5326 5917 compound 5rlc 100.0 B 1 B R1AB_SARS2 H 1 B VVM 5452:5453:5456:5560-5562:5564-5566 Helicase 4-amino-N-phenylbenzene-1-sulfonamide[17 atoms] pdb_complex 5326 5917 compound 5rld 100.0 B 1 B R1AB_SARS2 H 1 B VVY 5451-5453:5456:5560:5562 Helicase 2-phenoxy-1-(pyrrolidin-1-yl)ethan-1-one[15 atoms].. pdb_complex 5326 5917 compound 5rle 100.0 B 1 B R1AB_SARS2 H 1 B VVP 5875-5877:5880 Helicase 4-methoxy-1H-indole[11 atoms] pdb_complex 5325 5916 compound 5rlf 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 C 1 A NY7 5791:5797:5907-5911 Helicase N-(2-methoxy-5-methylphenyl)glycinamide[14 atoms] pdb_complex 5326 5917 compound 5rlg 100.0 A 1 B R1AB_SARS2 C 1 B VW1 5794:5829:5830:5832:5833:5867 Helicase (2S)-2-(4-cyanophenoxy)propanamide[14 atoms] pdb_complex 5326 5917 compound 5rlh 100.0 B 1 B R1AB_SARS2 H 1 B K2P 5806:5810:5811:5839:5876:5878 Helicase 2-(trifluoromethoxy)benzoic acid[14 atoms] pdb_complex 5325 5916 compound 5rli 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 C 1 A JFM 5330:5345:5347:5453:5456:5457:5460:5559:5560 Helicase N-(2-phenylethyl)methanesulfonamide[13 atoms] pdb_complex 5326 5917 compound 5rli 100.0 B 1 B R1AB_SARS2 I 1 B JFM 5609-5614:5644:5766 Helicase N-(2-phenylethyl)methanesulfonamide[13 atoms] pdb_complex 5326 5917 compound 5rlj 100.0 B 1 B R1AB_SARS2 H 1 B VW4 5609-5614:5644:5766 Helicase (2S)-2-phenylpropane-1-sulfonamide[13 atoms] pdb_complex 5326 5917 compound 5rlk 100.0 B 1 B R1AB_SARS2 H 1 B NYV 5633:5635:5659:5661:5662:5683:5685:5686 Helicase 1-(propan-2-yl)-1H-imidazole-4-sulfonamide[12 atom.. pdb_complex 5326 5917 compound 5rll 100.0 B 1 B R1AB_SARS2 H 1 B H04 5875-5877:5880 Helicase 1-(2-ethoxyphenyl)piperazine[15 atoms] pdb_complex 5326 5917 compound 5rlm 100.0 B 1 B R1AB_SARS2 H 1 B VW7 5339:5345:5346 Helicase N-(8-methyl-1,2,3,4-tetrahydroquinolin-5-yl)acetam.. pdb_complex 5325 5916 compound 5rln 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 C 1 A NZG 5585:5588:5609-5611:5614:5644:5766 Helicase 3-(acetylamino)-4-fluorobenzoic acid[14 atoms] pdb_complex 5326 5917 compound 5rlo 100.0 B 1 B R1AB_SARS2 H 1 B UQS 5610:5611:5614:5764:5766:5788 Helicase N-[(2-fluorophenyl)methyl]-1H-pyrazol-4-amine[14 a.. pdb_complex 5326 5917 compound 5rlp 100.0 B 1 B R1AB_SARS2 H 1 B VWA 5875-5877:5880 Helicase (1S)-1-(4-fluorophenyl)-N-methylethan-1-amine[11 a.. pdb_complex 5325 5916 compound 5rlq 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 C 1 A UVA 5797:5907-5911 Helicase N-methyl-2-(methylsulfonyl)aniline[12 atoms] pdb_complex 5326 5917 compound 5rlr 100.0 B 1 B R1AB_SARS2 H 1 B VWD 5609-5611:5614:5644:5766:5767:5864 Helicase (1R)-2-(methylsulfonyl)-1-phenylethan-1-ol[13 atom.. pdb_complex 5325 5916 compound 5rls 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 C 1 A VWG 5609-5611:5614:5644:5764:5766 Helicase N-hydroxyquinoline-2-carboxamide[14 atoms] pdb_complex 6453 6798 compound 5sac 100.0 B 4 B R1AB_SARS2 E 4 B VWG 6577:6578:6583:6596-6600 Uridylate-specific endoribonuclease N-hydroxyquinoline-2-carboxamide[14 atoms] pdb_complex 5326 5917 compound 5rlt 100.0 B 1 B R1AB_SARS2 H 1 B UVJ 5376:5377:5395:5399:5401 Helicase 3-(2-methyl-1H-benzimidazol-1-yl)propanamide[15 at.. pdb_complex 5325 5916 compound 5rlu 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 C 1 A JG4 5876:5877:5880 Helicase 2-(thiophen-2-yl)-1H-imidazole[10 atoms] pdb_complex 5326 5917 compound 5rlu 100.0 B 1 B R1AB_SARS2 I 1 B JG4 5475:5509:5516:5548:5550 Helicase 2-(thiophen-2-yl)-1H-imidazole[10 atoms] pdb_complex 5325 5916 compound 5rlv 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 C 1 A VWJ 5585:5611:5614:5648:5766 Helicase N-(propan-2-yl)-1H-benzimidazol-2-amine[13 atoms] pdb_complex 5325 5916 compound 5rlv 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 D 1 A VWJ 5689:5690:5713:5714:5716 Helicase N-(propan-2-yl)-1H-benzimidazol-2-amine[13 atoms] pdb_complex 5326 5917 compound 5rlv 100.0 B 1 B R1AB_SARS2 J 1 B VWJ 5875-5877:5880 Helicase N-(propan-2-yl)-1H-benzimidazol-2-amine[13 atoms] pdb_complex 5325 5916 compound 5rlw 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 C 1 A S9S 5330:5345:5347:5453:5456:5457:5460:5559:5560 Helicase ~{N}-[2-(4-fluorophenyl)ethyl]methanesulfonamide[1.. pdb_complex 5326 5917 compound 5rlw 100.0 B 1 B R1AB_SARS2 I 1 B S9S 5609-5614:5644:5766 Helicase ~{N}-[2-(4-fluorophenyl)ethyl]methanesulfonamide[1.. pdb_complex 5325 5916 compound 5rly 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 C 1 A K34 5585:5588:5609-5611:5614:5766 Helicase 5-(1,3-thiazol-2-yl)-1H-1,2,4-triazole[10 atoms] pdb_complex 5326 5917 compound 5rly 100.0 B 1 B R1AB_SARS2 I 1 B K34 5875-5877:5880 Helicase 5-(1,3-thiazol-2-yl)-1H-1,2,4-triazole[10 atoms] pdb_complex 5326 5917 compound 5rly 100.0 B 1 B R1AB_SARS2 J 1 B K34 5799-5802:5916 Helicase 5-(1,3-thiazol-2-yl)-1H-1,2,4-triazole[10 atoms] pdb_complex 5326 5917 compound 5rlz 100.0 A 1 B R1AB_SARS2 C 1 B VWM 5501:5503:5809:5810:5838-5840:5878 Helicase (3R)-1-acetyl-3-hydroxypiperidine-3-carboxylic aci.. pdb_complex 5326 5917 compound 5rm0 100.0 B 1 B R1AB_SARS2 H 1 B S7G 5333:5452:5453:5456:5560 Helicase ~{N}-[(3~{R})-1,2,3,4-tetrahydroquinolin-3-yl]etha.. pdb_complex 5326 5917 compound 5rm1 100.0 B 1 B R1AB_SARS2 H 1 B RY4 5330:5345:5347:5453:5456:5457:5460:5559:5560 Helicase N-[4-(aminomethyl)phenyl]methanesulfonamide[13 ato.. pdb_complex 5326 5917 compound 5rm2 100.0 B 1 B R1AB_SARS2 H 1 B UXG 5589:5609-5611:5614:5764:5766:5788 Helicase 1-(diphenylmethyl)azetidin-3-ol[18 atoms] pdb_complex 5326 5917 compound 5rm2 100.0 B 1 B R1AB_SARS2 I 1 B UXG 5740:5875-5877:5880:5881 Helicase 1-(diphenylmethyl)azetidin-3-ol[18 atoms] pdb_complex 5326 5917 compound 5rm3 100.0 A 1 B R1AB_SARS2 C 1 B S7J 5798:5819:5822:5823:5826:5914:5915:5917 Helicase 2-(trifluoromethyl)pyrimidine-5-carboxamide[13 ato.. pdb_complex 5325 5916 compound 5rm4 100.0 B 1 A R1AB_SARS2 H 1 A PK4 5689-5691:5713:5714:5716 Helicase 2-fluoro-N,3-dimethylbenzene-1-sulfonamide[13 atom.. pdb_complex 5326 5917 compound 5rm5 100.0 B 1 B R1AB_SARS2 H 1 B NUA 5625:5627:5676:5678:5690:5691 Helicase N-(1-ethyl-1H-pyrazol-4-yl)cyclobutanecarboxamide[.. pdb_complex 5326 5917 compound 5rm6 100.0 B 1 B R1AB_SARS2 H 1 B HR5 5796:5798:5819:5822:5823:5826:5827:5914:5917 Helicase ~{N}-(cyclobutylmethyl)-1,5-dimethyl-pyrazole-4-ca.. pdb_complex 5326 5917 compound 5rm7 100.0 B 1 B R1AB_SARS2 H 1 B N0E 5588:5609-5611:5614:5644:5764:5766:5788 Helicase ~{N}-(4-hydroxyphenyl)-3-phenyl-propanamide[18 ato.. pdb_complex 5325 5916 compound 5rm8 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 C 1 A GQJ 5787-5791 Helicase methyl (2~{S},4~{R})-1-(furan-2-ylcarbonyl)-4-oxid.. pdb_complex 5326 5917 compound 5rm9 100.0 B 1 B R1AB_SARS2 H 1 B EJQ 5796:5798:5819:5822:5823:5826:5827:5914:5915:5917 Helicase ~{N}-(4-fluorophenyl)-2-pyrrolidin-1-yl-ethanamide.. pdb_complex 5949 6449 compound 5slv 100.0 A 1 D R1AB_SARS2 G 1 D EJQ 5967-5970:5979:5982:5983:6117:6118 Proofreading exoribonuclease nsp14 ~{N}-(4-fluorophenyl)-2-pyrrolidin-1-yl-ethanamide.. pdb_complex 5326 5917 compound 5rma 100.0 B 1 B R1AB_SARS2 H 1 B JHJ 5526:5807:5814:5841:5844:5845:5848:5849 Helicase N-(4-methoxyphenyl)-N'-pyridin-4-ylurea[18 atoms] pdb_complex 5325 5916 compound 5rmb 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 C 1 A VWV 5605:5758:5761:5780-5782:5784 Helicase ethyl (1,1-dioxo-1lambda~6~,4-thiazinan-4-yl)aceta.. pdb_complex 5326 5917 compound 5rmc 100.0 B 1 B R1AB_SARS2 H 1 B 6SU 5557:5558:5684:5685:5687:5706:5710:5713:5714 Helicase methyl 3-(methylsulfonylamino)benzoate[15 atoms] pdb_complex 5325 5916 compound 5rmd 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 C 1 A VWY 5330:5345:5347:5453:5456:5457:5460:5559:5560 Helicase N-ethyl-4-[(methylsulfonyl)amino]benzamide[16 atom.. pdb_complex 5326 5917 compound 5rme 100.0 A 1 B R1AB_SARS2 C 1 B RYM 5452:5453:5560-5562:5712 Helicase 4-(benzimidazol-1-ylmethyl)benzenecarbonitrile[18 .. pdb_complex 5325 5916 compound 5rmf 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 C 1 A NX7 5605:5758:5761:5781:5784 Helicase (2,6-difluorophenyl)(pyrrolidin-1-yl)methanone[15 .. pdb_complex 5326 5917 compound 5rmg 100.0 B 1 B R1AB_SARS2 H 1 B MUK 5798:5823:5826:5914:5915:5917 Helicase 4,6-dimethyl-~{N}-phenyl-pyrimidin-2-amine[15 atom.. pdb_complex 5325 5916 compound 5rmh 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 C 1 A VX4 5564-5567:5601:5752 Helicase [(4S)-4-methylazepan-1-yl](1,3-thiazol-4-yl)methan.. pdb_complex 5325 5916 compound 5rmi 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 C 1 A STV 5627:5675:5676:5690:5691 Helicase ~{N}-(1,3-benzodioxol-5-ylmethyl)ethanesulfonamide.. pdb_complex 5326 5917 compound 5rmj 100.0 A 1 B R1AB_SARS2 C 1 B JOV 5796:5798:5819:5822:5823:5826:5827:5914:5915:5917 Helicase 3-chloro-N-(1-hydroxy-2-methylpropan-2-yl)benzamid.. pdb_complex 6453 6798 compound 5sa8 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 C 1 A JOV 6653:6710:6714-6717:6735 Uridylate-specific endoribonuclease 3-chloro-N-(1-hydroxy-2-methylpropan-2-yl)benzamid.. pdb_complex 6453 6798 compound 5sa8 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 C 2 A JOV 6617 Uridylate-specific endoribonuclease 3-chloro-N-(1-hydroxy-2-methylpropan-2-yl)benzamid.. pdb_complex 6453 6798 compound 5sa8 100.0 B 4 B R1AB_SARS2 D 6 B JOV 6654 Uridylate-specific endoribonuclease 3-chloro-N-(1-hydroxy-2-methylpropan-2-yl)benzamid.. pdb_complex 5326 5917 compound 5rmk 100.0 B 1 B R1AB_SARS2 H 1 B O2A 5876:5877:5880 Helicase N-methyl-1H-indole-7-carboxamide[13 atoms] pdb_complex 5949 6449 compound 5sl1 100.0 A 1 D R1AB_SARS2 G 1 D O2A 6276:6291-6294:6299:6300:6302 Proofreading exoribonuclease nsp14 N-methyl-1H-indole-7-carboxamide[13 atoms] pdb_complex 5325 5916 compound 5rml 100.0 B 1 A R1AB_SARS2 H 1 A VXD 5466:5469:5470:5473:5504:5732:5734:5735 Helicase N-(3-chloro-2-methylphenyl)glycinamide[13 atoms] pdb_complex 5326 5917 compound 5rmm 100.0 B 1 B R1AB_SARS2 H 1 B VXG 5501:5503:5809:5810:5838-5840:5856:5858:5878 Helicase (3S,4R)-1-acetyl-4-phenylpyrrolidine-3-carboxylic .. pdb_complex 6453 6798 compound 5s6x 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 D 1 A WUG 6494-6496:6510:6538:6540:6543 Uridylate-specific endoribonuclease 1-(2,4-dimethyl-1H-imidazol-5-yl)methanamine[9 ato.. pdb_complex 6453 6798 compound 5s6y 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 D 1 A WUJ 6604-6607:6640-6643 Uridylate-specific endoribonuclease N-[(furan-2-yl)methyl]urea[10 atoms] pdb_complex 6453 6798 compound 5s6y 100.0 B 4 B R1AB_SARS2 F 4 B WUJ 6634:6635:6637:6639 Uridylate-specific endoribonuclease N-[(furan-2-yl)methyl]urea[10 atoms] pdb_complex 6453 6798 compound 5s6z 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 D 1 A WUM 6493-6496:6498:6510:6543 Uridylate-specific endoribonuclease 4-[(dimethylamino)methyl]-1,3-thiazol-2-amine[10 a.. pdb_complex 6453 6798 compound 5s70 100.0 B 4 B R1AB_SARS2 E 4 B WUS 6784:6791:6794 Uridylate-specific endoribonuclease (5R)-2-methyl-4,5,6,7-tetrahydro-1H-benzimidazol-5.. pdb_complex 6453 6798 compound 5s71 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 D 1 A WUV 6718 Uridylate-specific endoribonuclease 5'-thiothymidine[17 atoms] pdb_complex 6453 6798 compound 5s71 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 D 2 A WUV 6495:6496:6498:6510:6513:6538:6540:6543 Uridylate-specific endoribonuclease 5'-thiothymidine[17 atoms] pdb_complex 6453 6798 compound 5s72 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 D 1 A WUY 6500:6501:6539:6542:6544:6545:6547:6548:6722:6723 Uridylate-specific endoribonuclease N-(2-aminoethyl)-N'-phenylurea[13 atoms] pdb_complex 6453 6798 compound 5s72 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 D 2 A WUY 6490-6492 Uridylate-specific endoribonuclease N-(2-aminoethyl)-N'-phenylurea[13 atoms] pdb_complex 6453 6798 compound 5sa4 100.0 B 4 B R1AB_SARS2 C 4 B K3A 6586:6587:6600:6601:6603:6633:6636:6638 Uridylate-specific endoribonuclease N-(5-methyl-1H-pyrazol-3-yl)acetamide[10 atoms] pdb_complex 6453 6798 compound 5sa5 100.0 B 4 B R1AB_SARS2 E 4 B ZQA 6655:6657:6663:6666:6667:6707:6711 Uridylate-specific endoribonuclease 4-ethyl-2-(1H-imidazol-5-yl)-1,3-thiazole[12 atoms.. pdb_complex 6453 6798 compound 5sa6 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 C 1 A O3G 6524:6525:6528-6530:6537:6546:6547 Uridylate-specific endoribonuclease N-benzyl-1-(4-fluorophenyl)methanamine[16 atoms] pdb_complex 6453 6798 compound 5sa6 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 C 2 A O3G 6488 Uridylate-specific endoribonuclease N-benzyl-1-(4-fluorophenyl)methanamine[16 atoms] pdb_complex 6453 6798 compound 5sa7 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 C 1 A WL7 6530:6548:6549:6559:6567 Uridylate-specific endoribonuclease 4-amino-N-(2-hydroxyethyl)-N-methylbenzene-1-sulfo.. pdb_complex 6453 6798 compound 5sa9 100.0 B 4 B R1AB_SARS2 C 4 B GWG 6583:6586:6587:6600-6603:6633:6638 Uridylate-specific endoribonuclease 1-methylindazole-3-carboxamide[13 atoms] pdb_complex 6453 6798 compound 5saa 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 D 1 A ZQD 6610:6620-6627 Uridylate-specific endoribonuclease 3-[(2S)-1-(methanesulfonyl)pyrrolidin-2-yl]-5-meth.. pdb_complex 6453 6798 compound 5sab 100.0 B 4 B R1AB_SARS2 E 4 B WJD 6583:6587:6600:6601:6603:6633:6636:6638 Uridylate-specific endoribonuclease 2-methoxy-N-phenylacetamide[12 atoms] pdb_complex 6453 6798 compound 5sad 100.0 B 4 B R1AB_SARS2 C 4 B EJW 6587:6600:6601:6603:6633:6636:6638 Uridylate-specific endoribonuclease (3-phenyl-1,2-oxazol-5-yl)methylazanium[13 atoms] pdb_complex 6453 6798 compound 5sae 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 D 1 A W3G 6495:6496:6510:6538:6543 Uridylate-specific endoribonuclease pyridazin-3(2H)-one[7 atoms] pdb_complex 6453 6798 compound 5saf 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 D 1 A WOY 6784:6791:6792:6794 Uridylate-specific endoribonuclease 6,7-dihydro-5H-pyrrolo[2,3-d]pyrimidine[9 atoms] pdb_complex 6453 6798 compound 5sag 100.0 B 4 B R1AB_SARS2 C 4 B ZQG 6525:6528-6530 Uridylate-specific endoribonuclease 3-(1H-imidazol-2-yl)propan-1-amine[9 atoms] pdb_complex 6453 6798 compound 5sag 100.0 B 4 B R1AB_SARS2 C 6 B ZQG 6488 Uridylate-specific endoribonuclease 3-(1H-imidazol-2-yl)propan-1-amine[9 atoms] pdb_complex 6453 6798 compound 5sah 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 C 1 A ZQJ 6643-6645:6756 Uridylate-specific endoribonuclease 2-methyl-5,6,7,8-tetrahydropyrido[4,3-c]pyridazin-.. pdb_complex 6453 6798 compound 5sah 100.0 B 4 B R1AB_SARS2 D 4 B ZQJ 6784:6791:6792:6794 Uridylate-specific endoribonuclease 2-methyl-5,6,7,8-tetrahydropyrido[4,3-c]pyridazin-.. pdb_complex 6453 6798 compound 5sai 100.0 B 4 B R1AB_SARS2 C 4 B ZQM 6586:6587:6600:6601:6603:6633:6636:6638 Uridylate-specific endoribonuclease N-{2-[(propan-2-yl)sulfanyl]phenyl}urea[14 atoms] pdb_complex 5949 6449 compound 5skw 100.0 A 1 D R1AB_SARS2 B 1 D LF6 6011:6012:6037:6038:6098:6102:6203:6337 Proofreading exoribonuclease nsp14 {(1R,2R)-2-[(Z)-(3-methyl-1,2,4-thiadiazol-5(2H)-y.. pdb_complex 5949 6449 compound 5skx 100.0 A 1 D R1AB_SARS2 B 1 D T6J 5985:5986:6125:6126:6142:6144:6160 Proofreading exoribonuclease nsp14 2-[(methylsulfonyl)methyl]-1H-benzimidazole[14 ato.. pdb_complex 5949 6449 compound 5sky 100.0 A 1 D R1AB_SARS2 G 1 D O2M 6017-6019:6031:6033:6043:6193-6195:6198 Proofreading exoribonuclease nsp14 N-[(4-methyl-1,3-thiazol-2-yl)methyl]-1H-pyrazole-.. pdb_complex 5949 6449 compound 5skz 100.0 A 1 D R1AB_SARS2 G 1 D NVD 6011:6012:6037:6102:6203:6337 Proofreading exoribonuclease nsp14 N-{[4-(dimethylamino)phenyl]methyl}-4H-1,2,4-triaz.. pdb_complex 5949 6449 compound 5sl0 100.0 A 1 D R1AB_SARS2 G 1 D B0V 6249:6251:6303:6320:6436:6438 Proofreading exoribonuclease nsp14 2-methoxy-~{N}-(2,4,6-trimethylphenyl)ethanamide[1.. pdb_complex 5949 6449 compound 5sl0 100.0 A 1 D R1AB_SARS2 H 1 D B0V 6257:6276:6291-6293:6295:6300:6302 Proofreading exoribonuclease nsp14 2-methoxy-~{N}-(2,4,6-trimethylphenyl)ethanamide[1.. pdb_complex 5949 6449 compound 5sl2 100.0 A 1 D R1AB_SARS2 G 1 D LFO 6276:6291-6294:6297:6299:6300 Proofreading exoribonuclease nsp14 N,1-dimethyl-1H-indole-3-carboxamide[14 atoms] pdb_complex 5949 6449 compound 5sl3 100.0 A 1 D R1AB_SARS2 G 1 D LGR 6100-6104:6137:6153:6222-6224 Proofreading exoribonuclease nsp14 2-[acetyl(methyl)amino]benzoic acid[14 atoms] pdb_complex 5949 6449 compound 5sl4 100.0 A 1 D R1AB_SARS2 G 1 D LHR 6011:6012:6037:6038:6102:6203:6331:6337 Proofreading exoribonuclease nsp14 N-(1H-indazol-6-yl)acetamide[13 atoms] pdb_complex 5949 6449 compound 5sl4 100.0 A 1 D R1AB_SARS2 H 1 D LHR 6239:6263-6265:6267 Proofreading exoribonuclease nsp14 N-(1H-indazol-6-yl)acetamide[13 atoms] pdb_complex 5949 6449 compound 5sl5 100.0 A 1 D R1AB_SARS2 G 1 D WNV 6100-6104:6222-6224 Proofreading exoribonuclease nsp14 N,N,2,3-tetramethylbenzamide[13 atoms] pdb_complex 5949 6449 compound 5sl6 100.0 A 1 D R1AB_SARS2 G 1 D 60P 6221:6223:6228:6348 Proofreading exoribonuclease nsp14 3-methylthiophene-2-carboxylic acid[9 atoms] pdb_complex 5949 6449 compound 5sl6 100.0 A 1 D R1AB_SARS2 H 1 D 60P 6291-6293:6300:6302 Proofreading exoribonuclease nsp14 3-methylthiophene-2-carboxylic acid[9 atoms] pdb_complex 5949 6449 compound 5sl7 100.0 A 1 D R1AB_SARS2 G 1 D W0G 6243:6246:6247:6266:6269:6270 Proofreading exoribonuclease nsp14 (3R)-1-(2-fluorophenyl)-3-(methylamino)pyrrolidin-.. pdb_complex 5949 6449 compound 5sl8 100.0 A 1 D R1AB_SARS2 G 1 D JGD 6248:6249:6443 Proofreading exoribonuclease nsp14 N,N-dimethylpyridin-4-amine[9 atoms] pdb_complex 5949 6449 compound 5sl9 100.0 A 1 D R1AB_SARS2 G 1 D O0S 6259:6280:6311:6326:6345:6351:6353:6431 Proofreading exoribonuclease nsp14 N-{4-[(pyrimidin-2-yl)oxy]phenyl}acetamide[17 atom.. pdb_complex 5949 6449 compound 5sla 100.0 A 1 D R1AB_SARS2 G 1 D LJR 6394-6396:6403:6445 Proofreading exoribonuclease nsp14 1-cyclohexyl-N-methylmethanesulfonamide[12 atoms] pdb_complex 5949 6449 compound 5sla 100.0 A 1 D R1AB_SARS2 H 1 D LJR 6259:6280:6311:6326:6345:6351:6353:6431 Proofreading exoribonuclease nsp14 1-cyclohexyl-N-methylmethanesulfonamide[12 atoms] pdb_complex 5949 6449 compound 5slb 100.0 A 1 D R1AB_SARS2 G 1 D LJK 6231:6234:6235:6238:6310:6311:6345:6347:6431 Proofreading exoribonuclease nsp14 3-methyl-N-(2-methylbutan-2-yl)-1H-pyrazole-5-carb.. pdb_complex 5949 6449 compound 5slc 100.0 A 1 D R1AB_SARS2 G 1 D U1V 6280:6281:6311:6313:6326:6345:6351-6354 Proofreading exoribonuclease nsp14 1-(4-fluoro-2-methylphenyl)methanesulfonamide[13 a.. pdb_complex 5949 6449 compound 5sld 100.0 A 1 D R1AB_SARS2 G 1 D LJ6 6280:6311:6313:6326:6345:6351:6353 Proofreading exoribonuclease nsp14 (2R)-3-(3,5-dimethyl-1,2-oxazol-4-yl)-N,N,2-trimet.. pdb_complex 5949 6449 compound 5sle 100.0 A 1 D R1AB_SARS2 G 1 D JGA 6259:6278:6280:6310:6311:6326:6351:6353 Proofreading exoribonuclease nsp14 N-ethyl-N'-(5-methyl-1,2-oxazol-3-yl)urea[12 atoms.. pdb_complex 5949 6449 compound 5sle 100.0 A 1 D R1AB_SARS2 H 1 D JGA 5967-5970:5979:5982:6118 Proofreading exoribonuclease nsp14 N-ethyl-N'-(5-methyl-1,2-oxazol-3-yl)urea[12 atoms.. pdb_complex 5949 6449 compound 5slg 100.0 A 1 D R1AB_SARS2 G 1 D NZJ 6258:6259:6278-6280:6310-6312:6345:6351:6353 Proofreading exoribonuclease nsp14 1-(3-methylbenzene-1-carbonyl)piperidine-4-carboxa.. pdb_complex 5949 6449 compound 5slh 100.0 A 1 D R1AB_SARS2 G 1 D LLU 6188:6189:6200:6337 Proofreading exoribonuclease nsp14 (2S)-2-(2-fluorophenoxy)propanoic acid[13 atoms] pdb_complex 5949 6449 compound 5sli 100.0 A 1 D R1AB_SARS2 G 1 D LL0 6370:6396:6397:6399:6441:6442:6445 Proofreading exoribonuclease nsp14 2-(difluoromethoxy)benzene-1-sulfonamide[14 atoms].. pdb_complex 5949 6449 compound 5sli 100.0 A 1 D R1AB_SARS2 H 1 D LL0 6251:6319:6320:6436:6438 Proofreading exoribonuclease nsp14 2-(difluoromethoxy)benzene-1-sulfonamide[14 atoms].. pdb_complex 5949 6449 compound 5sli 100.0 A 1 D R1AB_SARS2 I 1 D LL0 6276:6291-6293:6302 Proofreading exoribonuclease nsp14 2-(difluoromethoxy)benzene-1-sulfonamide[14 atoms].. pdb_complex 5949 6449 compound 5slj 100.0 A 1 D R1AB_SARS2 G 1 D LKU 6255:6257:6276:6291-6294:6299-6302:6307 Proofreading exoribonuclease nsp14 3-fluoro-N-(3-hydroxy-4-methylphenyl)benzamide[18 .. pdb_complex 5949 6449 compound 5slk 100.0 A 1 D R1AB_SARS2 G 1 D LKL 6231:6234:6235:6238:6310:6311:6345:6347:6431 Proofreading exoribonuclease nsp14 2-[(5-chloro-3-fluoropyridin-2-yl)(methyl)amino]et.. pdb_complex 5949 6449 compound 5sll 100.0 A 1 D R1AB_SARS2 G 1 D LK6 5984-5986:6125:6126:6160 Proofreading exoribonuclease nsp14 N-[(3R)-3-methyl-1,1-dioxo-1lambda~6~-thiolan-3-yl.. pdb_complex 5949 6449 compound 5slm 100.0 A 1 D R1AB_SARS2 G 1 D WN1 6255:6257:6276:6291-6294:6299-6302 Proofreading exoribonuclease nsp14 N-(2-fluorophenyl)-3-methoxybenzamide[18 atoms] pdb_complex 5949 6449 compound 5sln 100.0 A 1 D R1AB_SARS2 G 1 D LUY 6255:6257:6276:6291:6292:6295:6307 Proofreading exoribonuclease nsp14 ~{N}-(2-phenylethyl)-1~{H}-benzimidazol-2-amine[18.. pdb_complex 5949 6449 compound 5slo 100.0 A 1 D R1AB_SARS2 G 1 D JJM 6258:6259:6278:6280:6311:6312:6326:6345:6351:6353:6431 Proofreading exoribonuclease nsp14 1-methyl-N-(3-methylphenyl)-1H-pyrazolo[3,4-d]pyri.. pdb_complex 5949 6449 compound 5slp 100.0 A 1 D R1AB_SARS2 G 1 D UWY 6384:6385:6390:6391:6414:6417 Proofreading exoribonuclease nsp14 N-(1-ethyl-1H-pyrazol-4-yl)cyclopentanecarboxamide.. pdb_complex 5949 6449 compound 5slq 100.0 A 1 D R1AB_SARS2 G 1 D ELQ 6243:6246:6247:6266:6268-6270 Proofreading exoribonuclease nsp14 [3,4-bis(fluoranyl)phenyl]-(4-methylpiperazin-1-yl.. pdb_complex 5949 6449 compound 5slr 100.0 A 1 D R1AB_SARS2 G 1 D LO6 6085:6086:6088:6089:6144:6159:6160 Proofreading exoribonuclease nsp14 2-(difluoromethoxy)-1-[(2R,6S)-2,6-dimethylmorphol.. pdb_complex 5949 6449 compound 5sls 100.0 A 1 D R1AB_SARS2 G 1 D SZE 6100-6104:6137:6153:6222:6224 Proofreading exoribonuclease nsp14 4-(3-fluoranylpyridin-2-yl)-1-methyl-piperazin-2-o.. pdb_complex 5949 6449 compound 5slt 100.0 A 1 D R1AB_SARS2 G 1 D LNS 6100:6102-6104:6137:6153:6222:6224 Proofreading exoribonuclease nsp14 6-(methylcarbamoyl)pyridine-2-carboxylic acid[13 a.. pdb_complex 5949 6449 compound 5slu 100.0 A 1 D R1AB_SARS2 G 1 D UX1 5967:5970:5979:5982:5983:6118 Proofreading exoribonuclease nsp14 1-[(2-fluorophenyl)methyl]-N-methylcyclopropane-1-.. pdb_complex 5949 6449 compound 5slu 100.0 A 1 D R1AB_SARS2 H 1 D UX1 6028:6030:6032:6044-6046:6084:6115:6118:6119:6122 Proofreading exoribonuclease nsp14 1-[(2-fluorophenyl)methyl]-N-methylcyclopropane-1-.. pdb_complex 5949 6449 compound 5slw 100.0 A 1 D R1AB_SARS2 G 1 D U0V 6011:6037:6038:6102:6203:6331-6333:6337 Proofreading exoribonuclease nsp14 2-fluoro-N-[2-(pyridin-4-yl)ethyl]benzamide[18 ato.. pdb_complex 5949 6449 compound 5slw 100.0 A 1 D R1AB_SARS2 H 1 D U0V 6258:6259:6278-6280:6310:6311:6326:6345:6351:6353:6431 Proofreading exoribonuclease nsp14 2-fluoro-N-[2-(pyridin-4-yl)ethyl]benzamide[18 ato.. pdb_complex 5949 6449 compound 5slx 100.0 A 1 D R1AB_SARS2 G 1 D LMW 5967:5970:5982:5983:6117:6118:6121 Proofreading exoribonuclease nsp14 2-[(4-aminophenyl)(ethyl)amino]ethan-1-ol[13 atoms.. pdb_complex 5949 6449 compound 5slx 100.0 A 1 D R1AB_SARS2 H 1 D LMW 6255:6276:6291:6292:6295:6307 Proofreading exoribonuclease nsp14 2-[(4-aminophenyl)(ethyl)amino]ethan-1-ol[13 atoms.. pdb_complex 5949 6449 compound 5sly 100.0 A 1 D R1AB_SARS2 G 1 D LM6 6276:6290-6295:6302 Proofreading exoribonuclease nsp14 1-(1-ethyl-1H-pyrazol-5-yl)-N-methylmethanamine[10.. pdb_complex 5949 6449 compound 5slz 100.0 A 1 D R1AB_SARS2 G 1 D LQP 5967:5982:5983:6117:6118:6121 Proofreading exoribonuclease nsp14 2-(difluoromethoxy)-1-[(3aR,6aS)-hexahydrocyclopen.. pdb_complex 5949 6449 compound 5sm0 100.0 A 1 D R1AB_SARS2 G 1 D LQI 6259:6278-6280:6311:6326:6345:6351:6353:6431 Proofreading exoribonuclease nsp14 (1-benzofuran-2-yl)(4-methylpiperidin-1-yl)methano.. pdb_complex 5949 6449 compound 5sm1 100.0 A 1 D R1AB_SARS2 G 1 D WH1 6243:6246:6247:6250:6251:6268-6271 Proofreading exoribonuclease nsp14 N-methyl-N-[2-(pyridin-2-yl)ethyl]benzamide[18 ato.. pdb_complex 5949 6449 compound 5sm2 100.0 A 1 D R1AB_SARS2 G 1 D LQ3 6259:6280:6311:6326:6345:6351:6353:6431 Proofreading exoribonuclease nsp14 (5S)-5-(difluoromethoxy)pyridin-2(5H)-one[11 atoms.. pdb_complex 5949 6449 compound 5sm2 100.0 A 1 D R1AB_SARS2 H 1 D LQ3 5954:5980:5985-5987:5994-5997:6126 Proofreading exoribonuclease nsp14 (5S)-5-(difluoromethoxy)pyridin-2(5H)-one[11 atoms.. pdb_complex 5949 6449 compound 5sm3 100.0 A 1 D R1AB_SARS2 G 1 D GT4 6220-6223:6227:6228:6231:6347:6348 Proofreading exoribonuclease nsp14 ~{N}-(4-hydroxyphenyl)-2-methoxy-ethanamide[13 ato.. pdb_complex 5949 6449 compound 5sm4 100.0 A 1 D R1AB_SARS2 G 1 D AWD 6255:6257:6276:6291-6294:6299:6300:6302 Proofreading exoribonuclease nsp14 ~{N}-(4-fluorophenyl)-4-methyl-piperazine-1-carbox.. pdb_complex 5949 6449 compound 5sm5 100.0 A 1 D R1AB_SARS2 G 1 D S5J 6235:6236:6238:6239:6263-6265:6267 Proofreading exoribonuclease nsp14 2-[4-(2-methoxyphenyl)piperazin-1-yl]ethanenitrile.. pdb_complex 5949 6449 compound 5sm6 100.0 A 1 D R1AB_SARS2 G 1 D K1A 6011:6037:6038:6102:6203:6336:6337 Proofreading exoribonuclease nsp14 3-[(3,5-dimethyl-1,2-oxazol-4-yl)methyl]-5-methyl-.. pdb_complex 5949 6449 compound 5sm7 100.0 A 1 D R1AB_SARS2 G 1 D LPU 6280:6311:6313:6326:6345:6351:6353:6431 Proofreading exoribonuclease nsp14 1-(methanesulfonyl)piperidin-4-ol[11 atoms] pdb_complex 5949 6449 compound 5sm8 100.0 A 1 D R1AB_SARS2 G 1 D WKA 6280:6311:6313:6326:6345:6351:6353:6431 Proofreading exoribonuclease nsp14 N-(2,1,3-benzoxadiazol-4-yl)acetamide[13 atoms] pdb_complex 5949 6449 compound 5sm9 100.0 A 1 D R1AB_SARS2 G 1 D VZS 6255:6276:6290-6294:6297-6300:6302 Proofreading exoribonuclease nsp14 N-(2-methoxy-5-methylphenyl)-N'-4H-1,2,4-triazol-4.. pdb_complex 5949 6449 compound 5sma 100.0 A 1 D R1AB_SARS2 G 1 D NZD 6257:6276:6291-6294:6297:6299:6300:6302 Proofreading exoribonuclease nsp14 4-methyl-N-phenylpiperazine-1-carboxamide[16 atoms.. pdb_complex 5949 6449 compound 5smb 100.0 A 1 D R1AB_SARS2 G 1 D LRR 6259:6278:6280:6311:6313:6326:6345:6351:6353:6431 Proofreading exoribonuclease nsp14 1-(morpholin-4-yl)-4-phenylbutan-1-one[17 atoms] pdb_complex 5949 6449 compound 5smc 100.0 A 1 D R1AB_SARS2 G 1 D LRF 6280:6281:6311:6313:6326:6345:6351-6354:6431 Proofreading exoribonuclease nsp14 N~2~-(4-cyano-3-methyl-1,2-thiazol-5-yl)-N~2~-meth.. pdb_complex 5949 6449 compound 5smc 100.0 A 1 D R1AB_SARS2 H 1 D LRF 6290-6294:6299:6300:6302 Proofreading exoribonuclease nsp14 N~2~-(4-cyano-3-methyl-1,2-thiazol-5-yl)-N~2~-meth.. pdb_complex 5949 6449 compound 5smd 100.0 A 1 D R1AB_SARS2 G 1 D WKS 6017:6018:6193-6195:6198 Proofreading exoribonuclease nsp14 2,4-dimethyl-6-(piperazin-1-yl)pyrimidine[14 atoms.. pdb_complex 5949 6449 compound 5sme 100.0 A 1 D R1AB_SARS2 G 1 D I8D 5967:5982:5983:6118:6121 Proofreading exoribonuclease nsp14 (4-chlorophenyl)(thiomorpholin-4-yl)methanone[15 a.. pdb_complex 5949 6449 compound 5smf 100.0 A 1 D R1AB_SARS2 G 1 D K1S 5966:5967:6028-6030:6032:6114:6115:6118 Proofreading exoribonuclease nsp14 N,N-diethyl-5-methyl[1,2,4]triazolo[1,5-a]pyrimidi.. pdb_complex 5949 6449 compound 5smf 100.0 A 1 D R1AB_SARS2 H 1 D K1S 6027:6118:6121:6122 Proofreading exoribonuclease nsp14 N,N-diethyl-5-methyl[1,2,4]triazolo[1,5-a]pyrimidi.. pdb_complex 5949 6449 compound 5smg 100.0 A 1 D R1AB_SARS2 G 1 D LR9 6231:6234:6311:6326:6345:6347:6351:6353:6431 Proofreading exoribonuclease nsp14 3-amino-N-ethyl-N-methylbenzamide[13 atoms] pdb_complex 5949 6449 compound 5smh 100.0 A 1 D R1AB_SARS2 G 1 D 7ZC 6220:6221:6223:6228:6231:6347:6348 Proofreading exoribonuclease nsp14 1-(5-methoxy-1H-indol-3-yl)-N,N-dimethyl-methanami.. pdb_complex 5949 6449 compound 5smi 100.0 A 1 D R1AB_SARS2 G 1 D LQV 5967-5971:5982:5983:6118 Proofreading exoribonuclease nsp14 (2S)-N-(5-methylpyridin-2-yl)oxolane-2-carboxamide.. pdb_complex 6453 6798 compound 6wlc 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 C 1 A U5P 6701:6741:6743-6745:6794-6797 Uridylate-specific endoribonuclease URIDINE-5'-MONOPHOSPHATE[21 atoms] pdb_complex 6453 6796 compound 7k0r 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 G 1 A U5P 6696:6701:6741:6743-6745:6794 Uridylate-specific endoribonuclease URIDINE-5'-MONOPHOSPHATE[21 atoms] pdb_complex 4396 5323 compound 8gw1 99.9 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 T 1 G U5P 4427:4429:4431:4434:4441:4442:4600:4610 Replicase polyprotein 1ab URIDINE-5'-MONOPHOSPHATE[20 atoms] pdb_complex 6453 6798 compound 6wxc 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 C 1 A CMU 6696:6701:6741:6743-6745:6794:6796 Uridylate-specific endoribonuclease 5-CHLORO-6-(1-(2-IMINOPYRROLIDINYL) METHYL) URACIL.. pdb_complex 6453 6798 compound 6x4i 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 C 1 A U3P 6686:6698:6699:6701:6741:6784:6791:6792:6794 Uridylate-specific endoribonuclease 3'-URIDINEMONOPHOSPHATE[21 atoms] pdb_complex 4396 5321 compound 6xez 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 L 1 A ADP 4427:4442:4444:4465:4467:4471:4508:4601:4609:4610:4612 RNA-directed RNA polymerase ADENOSINE-5'-DIPHOSPHATE[27 atoms] pdb_complex 5325 5920 compound 6xez 100.0 E 1 E R1AB_SARS2 R 1 E ADP 5607-5612:5614:5767:5864:5891 Helicase ADENOSINE-5'-DIPHOSPHATE[27 atoms] pdb_complex 4396 5321 compound 6xez 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 M 1 A 1N7 4596:4615:4625 RNA-directed RNA polymerase CHAPSO[35 atoms] pdb_complex 4396 5321 compound 6xez 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 N 1 A 1N7 4589:4623:4680:4681 RNA-directed RNA polymerase CHAPSO[26 atoms] pdb_complex 4396 5321 compound 6xez 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 U 1 E 1N7 5297 RNA-directed RNA polymerase CHAPSO[36 atoms] pdb_complex 5325 5920 compound 6xez 100.0 E 1 E R1AB_SARS2 U 1 E 1N7 5369:5394:5414 Helicase CHAPSO[36 atoms] pdb_complex 5927 6448 compound 7n0d 99.8 B 1 B R1AB_SARS2 LA 1 H 1N7 6396:6403:6404:6442:6445 Proofreading exoribonuclease CHAPSO[25 atoms] pdb_complex 4396 5321 compound 7aap 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 M 1 T GE6 4937:5015:5074:5079:5083:5152:5206 Non-structural protein 12 [[(2~{R},3~{S},4~{R},5~{R})-5-(3-aminocarbonyl-5-f.. pdb_complex 4423 5321 compound 7bv2 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 K 1 P F86 4937:4947:5015:5074:5079:5083:5152 RNA-directed RNA polymerase [(2~{R},3~{S},4~{R},5~{R})-5-(4-azanylpyrrolo[2,1-.. pdb_complex 4393 5323 compound 8gwk 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 T 1 G F86 4427:4429:4431:4433:4434:4440:4441:5105 RNA-directed RNA polymerase [(2~{R},3~{S},4~{R},5~{R})-5-(4-azanylpyrrolo[2,1-.. pdb_complex 1564 1878 compound 7cjm 99.7 A 1 B R1AB_SARS2 B 1 B TTT 1725-1727:1730:1810:1811:1827:1831:1832:1836 Non-structural protein 3 5-amino-2-methyl-N-[(1R)-1-naphthalen-1-ylethyl]be.. pdb_complex 4396 5321 compound 7cyq 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 L 1 A GDP 4442:4444:4465:4467:4508:4601:4609:4610 RNA-directed RNA polymerase GUANOSINE-5'-DIPHOSPHATE[28 atoms] pdb_complex 4398 5321 compound 7d4f 100.0 D 1 A R1AB_SARS2 G 1 A H3U 4888:4889:4892:4961:4965:4968:4969:4972:4982:5077:5081:5150 RNA-directed RNA polymerase 8-(3-(3-aminobenzamido)-4-methylbenzamido)naphthal.. pdb_complex 4398 5321 compound 7d4f 100.0 D 1 A R1AB_SARS2 H 1 A H3U 4831:4940-4943:4945:4947:5228:5232:5253:5254:5257 RNA-directed RNA polymerase 8-(3-(3-aminobenzamido)-4-methylbenzamido)naphthal.. pdb_complex 4397 5321 compound 7dfg 100.0 C 1 A R1AB_SARS2 G 1 P 1RP 4937:5015:5072:5074:5079:5083:5152 RNA-directed RNA polymerase 6-fluoro-3-oxo-4-(5-O-phosphono-beta-D-ribofuranos.. pdb_complex 4397 5321 compound 7dfh 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 N 1 P RVP 4937:4947:4949:5014:5015:5072:5074:5083:5152 RNA-directed RNA polymeras RIBAVIRIN MONOPHOSPHATE[20 atoms] pdb_complex 4396 5321 compound 7doi 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 O 1 P HCU 4937:5015:5074:5079:5083:5152 RNA-directed RNA polymerase [(2R)-4-(2-azanyl-6-oxidanylidene-3H-purin-9-yl)-2.. pdb_complex 4396 5321 compound 7ed5 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 J 1 A AT9 4423:4425:4427:4442:4445:4447:4463:4465:4508:4511-4513:4515:4600:4609:4610 RNA-directed RNA polymerase [[(2R,3R,4R,5R)-5-(2-azanyl-6-oxidanylidene-1H-pur.. pdb_complex 4396 5321 compound 7ed5 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 K 1 A AT9 4937:4945:5012-5015:5074:5079:5083:5152:5190 RNA-directed RNA polymerase [[(2R,3R,4R,5R)-5-(2-azanyl-6-oxidanylidene-1H-pur.. pdb_complex 4396 5321 compound 7ed5 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 N 1 I AT9 5150-5153:5205:5206 RNA-directed RNA polymerase [[(2R,3R,4R,5R)-5-(2-azanyl-6-oxidanylidene-1H-pur.. pdb_complex 6453 6797 compound 7k1l 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 C 1 A UVC 6686:6697-6699:6701:6741:6743-6745:6792:6794-6796 Uridylate-specific endoribonuclease URIDINE-2',3'-VANADATE[21 atoms] pdb_complex 6453 6797 compound 7k1o 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 D 1 A VQV 6686:6698:6699:6701:6741:6784:6791:6792:6794 Uridylate-specific endoribonuclease 1-(3,5-di-O-phosphono-alpha-L-xylofuranosyl)pyrimi.. pdb_complex 6453 6798 compound 7keh 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 C 1 A B3P 6495:6496:6510:6538:6543 Uridylate-specific endoribonuclease 2-[3-(2-HYDROXY-1,1-DIHYDROXYMETHYL-ETHYLAMINO)-PR.. pdb_complex 6453 6798 compound 7keh 100.0 B 4 B R1AB_SARS2 E 6 B B3P 6718 Uridylate-specific endoribonuclease 2-[3-(2-HYDROXY-1,1-DIHYDROXYMETHYL-ETHYLAMINO)-PR.. pdb_complex 1564 1878 compound 7lbr 100.0 A 1 A R1A_SARS2 F 1 A XT7 1725-1727:1730:1811:1827:1829:1831:1832:1836:1864 Non-structural protein 3 5-[(azetidin-3-yl)amino]-N-[(1R)-1-{3-[5-({[(1S,3R.. pdb_complex 1564 1878 compound 7lbs 100.0 A 1 A R1A_SARS2 C 1 A XR8 1725-1727:1730:1811:1827:1829-1832:1836:1864 Non-structural protein 3 5-[(azetidin-3-yl)amino]-2-methyl-N-[(1R)-1-(3-{5-.. pdb_complex 1564 1878 compound 7llf 100.0 A 1 A R1A_SARS2 I 1 A Y54 1725-1727:1730:1811:1827:1829:1831:1832:1836:1864 Non-structural protein 3 5-[(azetidin-3-yl)amino]-N-[(1R)-1-{3-[5-({[(1R,3S.. pdb_complex 1564 1878 compound 7llz 100.0 A 1 A R1A_SARS2 C 1 A Y61 1725-1727:1730:1811:1827:1830-1832:1836:1864 Non-structural protein 3 N-[(1R)-1-(3-{5-[(acetylamino)methyl]thiophen-2-yl.. pdb_complex 1564 1878 compound 7los 100.0 A 1 A R1A_SARS2 E 1 A Y97 1725-1727:1730:1811:1827:1829:1831:1832:1836:1864 Non-structural protein 3 5-(azetidin-3-ylamino)-2-methyl-~{N}-[(1~{R})-1-[3.. pdb_complex 6453 6798 compound 7n7r 100.0 B 4 B R1AB_SARS2 C 4 B S6V 6586:6587:6589:6600:6601:6603:6633:6636:6638 Uridylate-specific endoribonuclease 1-[2-(2-oxidanylidenepyrrolidin-1-yl)ethyl]-3-phen.. pdb_complex 6453 6798 compound 7n7u 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 C 1 A 0MI 6494-6496:6510:6538:6540:6543 Uridylate-specific endoribonuclease 1-[(2~{R},4~{S},5~{R})-5-[[(azanylidene-$l^{4}-aza.. pdb_complex 6453 6798 compound 7n7u 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 C 3 A 0MI 6716:6718 Uridylate-specific endoribonuclease 1-[(2~{R},4~{S},5~{R})-5-[[(azanylidene-$l^{4}-aza.. pdb_complex 6453 6798 compound 7n7w 100.0 B 4 B R1AB_SARS2 C 4 B 0OI 6587:6600-6603:6633:6636:6638 Uridylate-specific endoribonuclease N-(2-fluorophenyl)-N'-methylurea[12 atoms] pdb_complex 6453 6798 compound 7n7y 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 C 1 A RZG 6522:6647:6649:6650:6703:6706:6717:6725:6726:6728:6730:6746-6748 Uridylate-specific endoribonuclease methyl 4-sulfamoylbenzoate[14 atoms] pdb_complex 6453 6798 compound 7n83 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 D 1 A WNM 6721:6729:6797:6798 Uridylate-specific endoribonuclease (3S)-1-(phenylsulfonyl)pyrrolidin-3-amine[15 atoms.. pdb_complex 6453 6798 compound 7n83 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 D 2 A WNM 6462:6463:6487:6488 Uridylate-specific endoribonuclease (3S)-1-(phenylsulfonyl)pyrrolidin-3-amine[15 atoms.. pdb_complex 6453 6798 compound 7n83 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 E 1 A WNM 6621-6625 Uridylate-specific endoribonuclease (3S)-1-(phenylsulfonyl)pyrrolidin-3-amine[15 atoms.. pdb_complex 6453 6798 compound 7n83 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 E 3 A WNM 6693:6694 Uridylate-specific endoribonuclease (3S)-1-(phenylsulfonyl)pyrrolidin-3-amine[15 atoms.. pdb_complex 6453 6798 compound 7n83 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 F 1 A WNM 6467-6469:6512:6534:6552:6553 Uridylate-specific endoribonuclease (3S)-1-(phenylsulfonyl)pyrrolidin-3-amine[15 atoms.. pdb_complex 6453 6798 compound 7n83 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 G 1 A WNM 6526:6527:6632:6634:6639-6642:6776 Uridylate-specific endoribonuclease (3S)-1-(phenylsulfonyl)pyrrolidin-3-amine[15 atoms.. pdb_complex 5326 5917 compound 7nn0 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 E 1 A ANP 5585:5608-5614:5644:5699:5728:5766:5767:5862:5864:5891 SARS-CoV-2 helicase NSP13 PHOSPHOAMINOPHOSPHONIC ACID-ADENYLATE ESTER[31 ato.. pdb_complex 5326 5917 compound 7nng 100.0 A 1 B R1AB_SARS2 C 1 B UJK 5609-5611:5614:5644:5647:5648:5766 SARS-CoV-2 helicase NSP13 1-(2-methylphenyl)-1,2,3-triazole-4-carboxylic aci.. pdb_complex 1564 1878 compound 7ofs 100.0 A 1 A R1A_SARS2 E 1 A YRL 1573:1574:1619:1620:1622:1631:1635:1637:1642:1643 Papain-like protease nsp3 4-(2-hydroxyethyl)phenol[10 atoms] pdb_complex 1564 1878 compound 7oft 100.0 A 1 A R1A_SARS2 K 1 A HBA 1573:1574:1619:1620:1622:1635:1637:1642:1643 Papain-like protease nsp3 P-HYDROXYBENZALDEHYDE[9 atoms] pdb_complex 1564 1878 compound 7ofu 100.0 A 1 AAA R1A_SARS2 B 1 AAA HE9 1632:1633:1636 Papain-like protease nsp3 methyl 3,4-bis(oxidanyl)benzoate[12 atoms] pdb_complex 1564 1878 compound 7qcg 100.0 A 1 A R1A_SARS2 B 1 A DZI 1729:1733:1734:1737:1769-1771 Papain-like protease nsp3 3,4,5-tris(oxidanyl)-N-[(E)-1H-pyrrol-2-ylmethylid.. pdb_complex 1564 1878 compound 7qch 100.0 A 1 A R1A_SARS2 B 1 A A5I 1622:1628:1631:1635:1637-1640:1642:1643 Papain-like protease nsp3 N-(3,5-dimetoxy-4-hydroxybenzyliden)thiosemicarbaz.. pdb_complex 5949 6449 compound 7qif 100.0 A 1 D R1AB_SARS2 B 1 D GTG 6228:6231:6234:6235:6280:6311:6326:6345:6347-6349:6351:6353:6431 Proofreading exoribonuclease nsp14 7-METHYL-GUANOSINE-5'-TRIPHOSPHATE-5'-GUANOSINE[52.. pdb_complex 1565 1878 compound 7sdr 100.0 A 1 A R1A_SARS2 D 1 A JW9 1720:1725-1727:1730:1810:1811:1827:1830:1831:1836:1864 Non-structural protein 3 4-({methyl[(1R)-1-(naphthalen-1-yl)ethyl]amino}met.. pdb_complex 1566 1878 compound 7sgw 100.0 A 1 A R1A_SARS2 B 1 A L30 1725-1727:1771:1810:1827:1831:1832:1836 Non-structural protein 3 N-(naphthalen-1-yl)pyridine-3-carboxamide[19 atoms.. pdb_complex 4395 5321 compound 7uo4 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 G 1 A NWX 4937:4943:4947:4949:5010-5015:5074:5079:5080:5083:5151:5152:5190 RNA-directed RNA polymerase [[(2~{R},3~{S},4~{R},5~{R})-5-(4-azanylpyrrolo[2,1.. pdb_complex 4396 5321 compound 7uo7 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 G 1 A ATP 4937:4947:4949:5010-5015:5074:5079:5083:5152:5190 RNA-directed RNA polymerase ADENOSINE-5'-TRIPHOSPHATE[31 atoms] pdb_complex 4396 5321 compound 7uo9 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 J 1 A UTP 4937:4947:5010-5012:5014:5015:5074:5079:5083:5152:5190 RNA-directed RNA polymerase URIDINE 5'-TRIPHOSPHATE [29 atoms] pdb_complex 4393 5321 compound 7uob 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 L 1 A GTP 4937:4945:4947:4949:5010-5015:5074:5075:5079:5083:5152:5190 RNA-directed RNA polymerase GUANOSINE-5'-TRIPHOSPHATE[32 atoms] pdb_complex 4393 5321 compound 7uob 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 M 1 A GTP 4423:4425:4427:4442:4444:4447:4461:4463:4465:4467:4508:4511-4513:4515:4600:4601:4609:4610 RNA-directed RNA polymerase GUANOSINE-5'-TRIPHOSPHATE[32 atoms] pdb_complex 4393 5321 compound 7uob 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 N 1 P L2B 5151-5153:5205:5206 RNA-directed RNA polymerase 3'-DEOXYURIDINE-5'-MONOPHOSPHATE[19 atoms] pdb_complex 4393 5321 compound 7uoe 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 K 1 A CTP 4943:4945:4947:5010-5015:5074:5079:5083:5152:5190 RNA-directed RNA polymerase CYTIDINE-5'-TRIPHOSPHATE[29 atoms] pdb_complex 1564 1877 compound 8g62 100.0 A 1 A R1A_SARS2 E 1 A YOO 1726:1727:1729:1771:1810:1811:1827:1830:1831:1836 Non-structural protein 3 3-methoxy-5-(1-methylpiperidin-4-yl)-N-[4-(pyrroli.. pdb_complex 1564 1877 compound 8g62 100.0 A 1 A R1A_SARS2 F 1 A YOO 1591-1596:1598:1621:1623:1644 Non-structural protein 3 3-methoxy-5-(1-methylpiperidin-4-yl)-N-[4-(pyrroli.. pdb_complex 1564 1877 compound 8g62 100.0 A 1 A R1A_SARS2 M 1 A YOO 1629:1632:1633:1636 Non-structural protein 3 3-methoxy-5-(1-methylpiperidin-4-yl)-N-[4-(pyrroli.. pdb_complex 4393 5323 compound 8gwe 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 M 1 A GNP 4427:4442:4447:4463:4465:4508:4512:4513:4515:4600:4601:4609:4610 RNA-directed RNA polymerase PHOSPHOAMINOPHOSPHONIC ACID-GUANYLATE ESTER[32 ato.. pdb_complex 4396 5323 compound 8gwm 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 S 1 G 6GS 4427-4429:4434:4440-4442:4600:5105 RNA-directed RNA polymerase 2'-deoxy-2'-fluoro-2'-methyluridine 5'-(trihydroge.. pdb_complex 4423 5324 compound 8gy6 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 E 1 A GO3 4985:5246:5249:5256:5316:5324 RNA-directed RNA polymerase Gossypol[38 atoms] pdb_complex 4423 5324 compound 8gy6 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 F 1 A GO3 4800:4891:4892:4899:4935 RNA-directed RNA polymerase Gossypol[38 atoms] pdb_complex 4396 5321 compound 8sq9 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 L 1 A WSB 4937:4945:4947:5010-5015:5074:5079:5083:5151:5152:5190 RNA-directed RNA polymerase 5'-O-[(S)-hydroxy{[(S)-hydroxy(phosphonooxy)phosph.. pdb_complex 4396 5321 compound 8sq9 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 O 1 A WSB 4427:4429:4431:4440-4442:4465:4600:4601:4609:4610:5105 RNA-directed RNA polymerase 5'-O-[(S)-hydroxy{[(S)-hydroxy(phosphonooxy)phosph.. pdb_complex 4393 5321 compound 8sqj 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 I 1 A VSN 4937:5074:5075:5083:5152 RNA-directed RNA polymerase 5'-O-[(R)-hydroxy(thiophosphonooxy)phosphoryl]guan.. pdb_complex 4393 5321 compound 8sqk 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 J 1 A VSN 4423:4425:4427:4442:4445:4447:4461:4463:4465:4508:4511-4513:4515:4600:4609:4610 RNA-directed RNA polymerase nsp12 5'-O-[(R)-hydroxy(thiophosphonooxy)phosphoryl]guan.. pdb_complex 1564 1878 compound 8uvm 100.0 B 1 B R1AB_SARS2 I 1 B Y3R 1669:1672:1674:1675:1725-1727:1730:1771:1811:1827:1831-1836:1864 Papain-like protease nsp3 ethyl 4-oxo-4-(2-{3-[2-({(1S)-1-[(3P)-3-(thiophen-.. pdb_complex 5926 6450 metal 5c8s 94.9 B 1 B R1AB_CVHSA G 1 B ZN 6132:6135:6151:6154 Guanine-N7 methyltransferase ZINC ION[1 atoms] pdb_complex 5926 6450 metal 5c8s 94.9 B 1 B R1AB_CVHSA H 1 B ZN 6182:6186:6189:6204 Guanine-N7 methyltransferase ZINC ION[1 atoms] pdb_complex 5926 6450 metal 5c8s 94.9 B 1 B R1AB_CVHSA I 1 B ZN 6377:6402:6409:6412 Guanine-N7 methyltransferase ZINC ION[1 atoms] pdb_complex 5926 6450 metal 5c8t 94.9 B 1 B R1AB_CVHSA G 1 B ZN 6132:6135:6151:6154 Guanine-N7 methyltransferase ZINC ION[1 atoms] pdb_complex 5926 6450 metal 5c8t 94.9 B 1 B R1AB_CVHSA H 1 B ZN 6182:6186:6189:6204 Guanine-N7 methyltransferase ZINC ION[1 atoms] pdb_complex 5926 6450 metal 5c8t 94.9 B 1 B R1AB_CVHSA I 1 B ZN 6377:6402:6409:6412 Guanine-N7 methyltransferase ZINC ION[1 atoms] pdb_complex 5928 6450 metal 5nfy 94.7 A 1 A Q1T6X8_CVHSA I 1 A ZN 6132:6133:6135:6151:6154 Polyprotein 1ab ZINC ION[1 atoms] pdb_complex 5928 6450 metal 5nfy 94.7 A 1 A Q1T6X8_CVHSA J 1 A ZN 6182:6186:6189:6204 Polyprotein 1ab ZINC ION[1 atoms] pdb_complex 5928 6450 metal 5nfy 94.7 A 1 A Q1T6X8_CVHSA K 1 A ZN 6377:6400:6402:6409:6412 Polyprotein 1ab ZINC ION[1 atoms] pdb_complex 5325 5916 metal 5rl6 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 C 1 A ZN 5374:5379:5396:5399 Helicase ZINC ION[1 atoms] pdb_complex 5325 5916 metal 5rl6 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 D 1 A ZN 5340:5343:5357:5363 Helicase ZINC ION[1 atoms] pdb_complex 5325 5916 metal 5rl6 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 E 1 A ZN 5329:5332:5350:5353 Helicase ZINC ION[1 atoms] pdb_complex 5949 6449 metal 5skw 100.0 A 1 D R1AB_SARS2 E 1 D ZN 6182:6186:6189:6204 Proofreading exoribonuclease nsp14 ZINC ION[1 atoms] pdb_complex 5949 6449 metal 5skw 100.0 A 1 D R1AB_SARS2 F 1 D ZN 6377:6402:6409:6412 Proofreading exoribonuclease nsp14 ZINC ION[1 atoms] pdb_complex 5949 6449 metal 5skw 100.0 A 1 D R1AB_SARS2 G 1 D ZN 6132:6135:6137:6151:6154 Proofreading exoribonuclease nsp14 ZINC ION[1 atoms] pdb_complex 5325 5914 metal 5wwp 72.3 A 1 B K0BWD0_9BETC C 1 B ZN 5329:5332:5350:5353 ORF1ab ZINC ION[1 atoms] pdb_complex 5325 5914 metal 5wwp 72.3 A 1 B K0BWD0_9BETC D 1 B ZN 5340:5343:5357:5363 ORF1ab ZINC ION[1 atoms] pdb_complex 4509 5311 metal 6nur 97.0 A 1 A R1AB_CVHSA E 1 A ZN 4687:4693:4698:4702 NSP12 ZINC ION[1 atoms] pdb_complex 4509 5311 metal 6nur 97.0 A 1 A R1AB_CVHSA F 1 A ZN 4879:5034:5037:5038 NSP12 ZINC ION[1 atoms] pdb_complex 1564 1878 metal 6wrh 99.7 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 B 1 A ZN 1752:1755:1787:1789 Non-structural protein 3 ZINC ION[1 atoms] pdb_complex 1562 1879 metal 6wuu 99.7 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 I 1 A ZN 1752:1755:1787:1789 Non-structural protein 3 ZINC ION[1 atoms] pdb_complex 4396 5321 metal 6xez 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 I 1 A ZN 4687:4693:4698:4702 RNA-directed RNA polymerase ZINC ION[1 atoms] pdb_complex 4396 5321 metal 6xez 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 J 1 A ZN 4878:4879:4963:5034:5037:5038 RNA-directed RNA polymerase ZINC ION[1 atoms] pdb_complex 5325 5920 metal 6xez 100.0 E 1 E R1AB_SARS2 O 1 E ZN 5329:5331:5332:5350:5353:5423 Helicase ZINC ION[1 atoms] pdb_complex 5325 5920 metal 6xez 100.0 E 1 E R1AB_SARS2 P 1 E ZN 5374:5376:5379:5396:5399 Helicase ZINC ION[1 atoms] pdb_complex 5325 5920 metal 6xez 100.0 E 1 E R1AB_SARS2 Q 1 E ZN 5340:5343:5357:5363 Helicase ZINC ION[1 atoms] pdb_complex 4423 5311 metal 6xqb 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 G 1 A ZN 4687:4693:4694:4698:4702 RNA-directed RNA polymerase ZINC ION[1 atoms] pdb_complex 4423 5311 metal 6xqb 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 H 1 A ZN 4879:5034:5037:5038 RNA-directed RNA polymerase ZINC ION[1 atoms] pdb_complex 4423 5321 metal 6yyt 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 I 1 A ZN 4687:4693:4698:4702 nsp12 ZINC ION[1 atoms] pdb_complex 4423 5321 metal 6yyt 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 J 1 A ZN 4879:5034:5037:5038 nsp12 ZINC ION[1 atoms] pdb_complex 4423 5320 metal 7bw4 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 E 1 A ZN 4687:4693:4698:4702 RNA-directed RNA polymerase ZINC ION[1 atoms] pdb_complex 4423 5320 metal 7bw4 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 F 1 A ZN 4879:4963:5034:5037:5038 RNA-directed RNA polymerase ZINC ION[1 atoms] pdb_complex 1564 1878 metal 7cjm 99.7 A 1 B R1AB_SARS2 C 1 B ZN 1625 Non-structural protein 3 ZINC ION[1 atoms] pdb_complex 1564 1878 metal 7cjm 99.7 A 1 B R1AB_SARS2 D 1 B ZN 1652:1671 Non-structural protein 3 ZINC ION[1 atoms] pdb_complex 1563 1878 metal 7d6h 99.7 A 1 A R1A_SARS2 B 1 A ZN 1752:1755:1787:1789 Papain-like protease ZINC ION[1 atoms] pdb_complex 4396 5321 metal 7ed5 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 G 1 A ZN 4687:4693:4698:4702 RNA-directed RNA polymerase ZINC ION[1 atoms] pdb_complex 4396 5321 metal 7ed5 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 H 1 A ZN 4879:4963:5034:5037:5038 RNA-directed RNA polymerase ZINC ION[1 atoms] pdb_complex 295 818 metal 7fac 65.3 A 1 A R1A_SARS C 1 A ZN 370:372:373:382:387:413:416 Non-structural protein 2 ZINC ION[1 atoms] pdb_complex 184 818 metal 7msw 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 B 1 A ZN 323:326:328:341:344 Non-structural protein 2 ZINC ION[1 atoms] pdb_complex 5950 6449 metal 7r2v 99.5 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 I 1 A ZN 6037:6203 Proofreading exoribonuclease nsp14 ZINC ION[1 atoms] pdb_complex 5950 6449 metal 7r2v 99.5 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 J 1 A ZN 6368-6370:6419 Proofreading exoribonuclease nsp14 ZINC ION[1 atoms] pdb_complex 4398 5317 metal 8g6r 60.9 A 1 A A0A0U2C263_9ALPC F 1 A ZN 4687:4693:4698:4702 nsp12 ZINC ION[1 atoms] pdb_complex 4398 5317 metal 8g6r 60.9 A 1 A A0A0U2C263_9ALPC G 1 A ZN 4879:5034:5037:5038 nsp12 ZINC ION[1 atoms] pdb_complex 4398 5317 metal 8urb 60.7 A 1 A U6BRU0_9ALPC G 1 A ZN 4687:4693:4698:4702 nsp12 ZINC ION[1 atoms] pdb_complex 4398 5317 metal 8urb 60.7 A 1 A U6BRU0_9ALPC H 1 A ZN 4879:5034:5037:5038 nsp12 ZINC ION[1 atoms] pdb_complex 5926 6450 metal 5c8s 94.9 B 1 B R1AB_CVHSA J 1 B MG 6015:6112:6116 Guanine-N7 methyltransferase MAGNESIUM ION[1 atoms] pdb_complex 6453 6798 metal 6vww 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 E 1 A MG 6709:6713:6714:6734-6736 Uridylate-specific endoribonuclease MAGNESIUM ION[1 atoms] pdb_complex 1562 1882 metal 6wuu 98.8 B 1 B R1AB_SARS2 K 1 B MG 1737 Non-structural protein 3 MAGNESIUM ION[1 atoms] pdb_complex 1564 1880 metal 6wuu 99.7 C 1 C R1AB_SARS2 M 1 C MG 1619 Non-structural protein 3 MAGNESIUM ION[1 atoms] pdb_complex 1564 1880 metal 6wuu 99.7 D 1 D R1AB_SARS2 O 1 D MG 1677:1836:1848-1850 Non-structural protein 3 MAGNESIUM ION[1 atoms] pdb_complex 1564 1880 metal 6wuu 99.7 D 1 D R1AB_SARS2 P 1 D MG 1582:1624 Non-structural protein 3 MAGNESIUM ION[1 atoms] pdb_complex 4396 5321 metal 6xez 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 K 1 A MG 4600:4601:4610 RNA-directed RNA polymerase MAGNESIUM ION[1 atoms] pdb_complex 5325 5920 metal 6xez 100.0 E 1 E R1AB_SARS2 T 1 E MG 5612:5613:5698 Helicase MAGNESIUM ION[1 atoms] pdb_complex 4423 5311 metal 6xqb 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 I 1 A MG 5009:5010:5153:5203 RNA-directed RNA polymerase MAGNESIUM ION[1 atoms] pdb_complex 4396 5321 metal 7ed5 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 I 1 A MG 4601:4610 RNA-directed RNA polymerase MAGNESIUM ION[1 atoms] pdb_complex 4396 5321 metal 7ed5 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 L 1 A MG 5010:5011:5152:5190 RNA-directed RNA polymerase MAGNESIUM ION[1 atoms] pdb_complex 5928 6450 metal 7egq 100.0 H 1 K R1AB_SARS2 HA 1 K MG 6191:6193:6194:6197 Proofreading exoribonuclease MAGNESIUM ION[1 atoms] pdb_complex 4393 5323 metal 8gwe 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 N 1 A MG 4442 RNA-directed RNA polymerase MAGNESIUM ION[1 atoms] pdb_complex 4393 5323 metal 8gwk 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 M 1 A MG 4465 RNA-directed RNA polymerase MAGNESIUM ION[1 atoms] pdb_complex 6453 6798 metal 6vww 100.0 B 1 B R1AB_SARS2 L 1 B CL 6600-6602 Uridylate-specific endoribonuclease CHLORIDE ION[1 atoms] pdb_complex 1564 1878 metal 6wrh 99.7 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 F 1 A CL 1689:1690:1696 Non-structural protein 3 CHLORIDE ION[1 atoms] pdb_complex 1564 1878 metal 6wrh 99.7 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 G 1 A CL 1573-1575:1578:1580:1630 Non-structural protein 3 CHLORIDE ION[1 atoms] pdb_complex 1564 1878 metal 7los 100.0 B 1 B R1A_SARS2 M 1 B CL 1729 Non-structural protein 3 CHLORIDE ION[1 atoms] pdb_complex 1564 1878 metal 7nfv 100.0 A 1 AAA R1A_SARS2 F 1 AAA CL 1821:1822:1868:1869 Papain-like protease nsp3 CHLORIDE ION[1 atoms] pdb_complex 1564 1878 metal 7oft 100.0 A 1 A R1A_SARS2 E 1 A CL 1706-1708 Papain-like protease nsp3 CHLORIDE ION[1 atoms] pdb_complex 1564 1878 metal 7oft 100.0 A 1 A R1A_SARS2 F 1 A CL 1764:1765 Papain-like protease nsp3 CHLORIDE ION[1 atoms] pdb_complex 1564 1878 metal 7oft 100.0 A 1 A R1A_SARS2 H 1 A CL 1636:1691:1692:1738 Papain-like protease nsp3 CHLORIDE ION[1 atoms] pdb_complex 1564 1878 metal 7oft 100.0 A 1 A R1A_SARS2 I 1 A CL 1607:1608 Papain-like protease nsp3 CHLORIDE ION[1 atoms] pdb_complex 1564 1878 metal 7oft 100.0 A 1 A R1A_SARS2 J 1 A CL 1660:1663 Papain-like protease nsp3 CHLORIDE ION[1 atoms] pdb_complex 1564 1878 metal 7sqe 99.7 B 1 B R1A_SARS2 K 1 B CL 1669:1672:1674:1835 Papain-like protease CHLORIDE ION[1 atoms] pdb_complex 1564 1877 metal 8g62 100.0 A 1 A R1A_SARS2 I 1 A CL 1821:1822:1868:1869 Non-structural protein 3 CHLORIDE ION[1 atoms] pdb_complex 6453 6797 metal 8u2x 99.7 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 E 1 A CL 6771:6773 Uridylate-specific endoribonuclease nsp15 CHLORIDE ION[1 atoms] pdb_complex 6453 6797 metal 6x4i 100.0 B 1 B R1AB_SARS2 P 1 B NA 6530:6572 Uridylate-specific endoribonuclease SODIUM ION[1 atoms] pdb_complex 1565 1878 metal 8cx9 100.0 B 1 A R1A_SARS2 R 1 A NA 1727:1827 Papain-like protease nsp3 SODIUM ION[1 atoms] pdb_complex 1564 1877 metal 8g62 100.0 A 1 A R1A_SARS2 G 1 A NA 1683:1686:1699 Non-structural protein 3 SODIUM ION[1 atoms] pdb_complex 5927 6448 metal 7n0b 100.0 B 1 B R1AB_SARS2 G 1 B CA 6015:6017:6198 Proofreading exoribonuclease CALCIUM ION[1 atoms] pdb_complex 1564 1878 metal 7oft 100.0 A 1 A R1A_SARS2 L 1 A K 1742 Papain-like protease nsp3 POTASSIUM ION[1 atoms] pdb_complex 1564 1878 metal 7oft 100.0 A 1 A R1A_SARS2 M 1 A K 1691:1737:1739 Papain-like protease nsp3 POTASSIUM ION[1 atoms] pdb_complex 4398 5320 metal 7thm 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 H 1 A MN 4600:4601:4610 RNA-directed RNA polymerase MANGANESE (II) ION[1 atoms] pdb_complex 1565 1878 metal 8cx9 100.0 A 1 B R1A_SARS2 N 1 B BR 1790-1792 Papain-like protease nsp3 BROMIDE ION[1 atoms] pdb_complex 1565 1878 metal 8cx9 100.0 B 1 A R1A_SARS2 P 1 A BR 1814:1820:1868 Papain-like protease nsp3 BROMIDE ION[1 atoms] pdb_complex 1565 1878 metal 8cx9 100.0 B 1 A R1A_SARS2 Q 1 A BR 1688-1690 Papain-like protease nsp3 BROMIDE ION[1 atoms] pdb_complex 6453 6797 homo 7tj2 99.7 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 D 1 D R1AB_SARS2 6453:6455:6473:6476-6478:6486:6502-6504:6555:6556 Uridylate-specific endoribonuclease nsp15 Uridylate-specific endoribonuclease nsp15[271 aa] pdb_complex 6453 6796 homo 7tj2 99.7 E 1 E R1AB_SARS2 D 1 D R1AB_SARS2 6481:6498-6500:6542:6546:6694:6716:6718:6720-6723:6731:6733:6735-6738:6742:6743 Uridylate-specific endoribonuclease nsp15 Uridylate-specific endoribonuclease nsp15[271 aa] pdb_complex 6453 6796 homo 7tj2 99.7 F 1 F R1AB_SARS2 D 1 D R1AB_SARS2 6461-6466:6479:6480:6484:6487:6490-6494:6510:6513:6614:6615:6617:6619:6622-6624:6654 Uridylate-specific endoribonuclease nsp15 Uridylate-specific endoribonuclease nsp15[271 aa] pdb_complex 6453 6798 homo 5s6x 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 A 2 A R1AB_SARS2 6461-6466:6479:6480:6484:6487:6489-6494:6513:6515:6614:6615:6617:6619-6624 Uridylate-specific endoribonuclease Uridylate-specific endoribonuclease[348 aa] pdb_complex 6453 6798 homo 5s6x 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 A 3 A R1AB_SARS2 6481:6498-6500:6542:6546:6548:6692-6695:6716:6718:6720-6723:6731:6733-6738:6742:6743:6798 Uridylate-specific endoribonuclease Uridylate-specific endoribonuclease[348 aa] pdb_complex 6453 6798 homo 5s6x 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 B 5 B R1AB_SARS2 6453-6455:6473:6475-6478:6486:6502-6504:6555:6556 Uridylate-specific endoribonuclease Uridylate-specific endoribonuclease[348 aa] pdb_complex 6453 6798 homo 5s6y 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 B 6 B R1AB_SARS2 6480 Uridylate-specific endoribonuclease Uridylate-specific endoribonuclease[348 aa] pdb_complex 6453 6798 homo 6vww 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 A 3 A R1AB_SARS2 6481:6498:6500:6542:6546:6548:6692-6695:6716:6718:6720-6723:6731:6733-6738:6742:6743:6797 Uridylate-specific endoribonuclease Uridylate-specific endoribonuclease[348 aa] pdb_complex 6453 6797 homo 6w01 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 B 2 B R1AB_SARS2 6480 Uridylate-specific endoribonuclease Uridylate-specific endoribonuclease[347 aa] pdb_complex 6453 6796 homo 7k0r 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 C 1 C R1AB_SARS2 6481:6498:6500:6542:6546:6693-6695:6720-6723:6731:6733:6735-6738:6742:6743 Uridylate-specific endoribonuclease Uridylate-specific endoribonuclease[345 aa] pdb_complex 6453 6796 homo 7k0r 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 F 1 F R1AB_SARS2 6480 Uridylate-specific endoribonuclease Uridylate-specific endoribonuclease[345 aa] pdb_complex 6453 6797 homo 7k9p 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 B 4 B R1AB_SARS2 6567:6570 Uridylate-specific endoribonuclease Uridylate-specific endoribonuclease[349 aa] pdb_complex 6453 6797 homo 7me0 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 C 1 C R1AB_SARS2 6480 Uridylate-specific endoribonuclease Uridylate-specific endoribonuclease[347 aa] pdb_complex 6453 6797 homo 7me0 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 E 1 E R1AB_SARS2 6481:6498-6500:6542:6546:6692-6695:6716:6718:6720-6723:6731:6733-6738:6742:6743 Uridylate-specific endoribonuclease Uridylate-specific endoribonuclease[347 aa] pdb_complex 6453 6797 homo 7n06 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 B 1 B R1AB_SARS2 6461-6466:6479:6480:6484:6487:6488:6490-6494:6515:6614:6615:6619:6621-6624 Uridylate-specific endoribonuclease Uridylate-specific endoribonuclease[347 aa] pdb_complex 6453 6797 homo 7n06 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 C 1 C R1AB_SARS2 6481:6498:6500:6542:6546:6692-6695:6716:6720-6723:6731:6733-6738:6742:6743 Uridylate-specific endoribonuclease Uridylate-specific endoribonuclease[347 aa] pdb_complex 6453 6798 homo 8d34 99.7 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 B 1 B R1AB_SARS2 6570:6590 Uridylate-specific endoribonuclease nsp15 Uridylate-specific endoribonuclease nsp15[348 aa] pdb_complex 5927 6448 homo 7n0d 99.8 B 1 B R1AB_SARS2 D 1 D R1AB_SARS2 5969:5973:5975:6023:6024:6060-6062:6079 Proofreading exoribonuclease Proofreading exoribonuclease[512 aa] pdb_complex 5927 6448 homo 7n0d 99.8 B 1 B R1AB_SARS2 K 1 H R1AB_SARS2 6069:6070:6179:6191:6329:6358:6366:6394-6397:6440-6442 Proofreading exoribonuclease Proofreading exoribonuclease[512 aa] pdb_complex 5927 6448 homo 7n0d 99.8 D 1 D R1AB_SARS2 B 1 B R1AB_SARS2 5990:5992:5998:6000:6170-6175:6209 Proofreading exoribonuclease Proofreading exoribonuclease[512 aa] pdb_complex 5325 5920 homo 6xez 100.0 E 1 E R1AB_SARS2 F 1 F R1AB_SARS2 5484:5540-5542 Helicase Helicase[596 aa] pdb_complex 5325 5920 homo 6xez 100.0 F 1 F R1AB_SARS2 E 1 E R1AB_SARS2 5569-5572:5574 Helicase Helicase[596 aa] pdb_complex 5325 5920 homo 7cxm 100.0 I 1 E R1AB_SARS2 H 1 F R1AB_SARS2 5484:5540:5542 Helicase Helicase[596 aa] pdb_complex 5325 5917 homo 7nio 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 B 1 E R1AB_SARS2 5737:5738:5801-5806:5875:5876:5903:5904:5907:5908 SARS-CoV-2 helicase NSP13 SARS-CoV-2 helicase NSP13[585 aa] pdb_complex 5325 5914 homo 7rdx 100.0 F 1 F R1AB_SARS2 E 1 E R1AB_SARS2 5333:5335:5690:5713:5714:5716 Helicase Helicase[590 aa] pdb_complex 5325 5914 homo 7re0 100.0 E 1 E R1AB_SARS2 F 1 F R1AB_SARS2 5378:5399:5479:5480:5493:5545 Helicase Helicase[590 aa] pdb_complex 1564 1878 homo 7e35 99.7 B 1 A R1AB_SARS2 A 1 B R1AB_SARS2 1632:1640:1641:1645:1669:1671:1672:1719:1729:1730:1734:1742:1763-1766:1771:1788:1810:1831:1832 Non-structural protein 3 Non-structural protein 3[287 aa] pdb_complex 4396 5321 homo 7egq 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 I 1 N R1AB_SARS2 4419:4498:4499:4550 RNA-directed RNA polymerase RNA-directed RNA polymerase[926 aa] pdb_complex 4395 5321 homo 7re3 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 J 1 G R1AB_SARS2 4589:4590:4618-4620:4724:4726:4729:4754 RNA-directed RNA polymerase RNA-directed RNA polymerase[927 aa] pdb_complex 5928 6450 precipitant 5nfy 94.7 A 1 A Q1T6X8_CVHSA L 1 A PEG 6134:6135 Polyprotein 1ab DI(HYDROXYETHYL)ETHER[7 atoms] pdb_complex 6453 6797 precipitant 6w01 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 G 1 A PEG 6701:6729:6743-6745:6794:6797 Uridylate-specific endoribonuclease DI(HYDROXYETHYL)ETHER[7 atoms] pdb_complex 6453 6797 precipitant 6w01 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 H 1 A PEG 6526-6528:6632:6642:6776 Uridylate-specific endoribonuclease DI(HYDROXYETHYL)ETHER[7 atoms] pdb_complex 5950 6449 precipitant 7r2v 99.5 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 D 1 A PEG 6311:6345:6351:6353 Proofreading exoribonuclease nsp14 DI(HYDROXYETHYL)ETHER[7 atoms] pdb_complex 5950 6449 precipitant 7r2v 99.5 B 1 B R1AB_SARS2 K 1 B PEG 6403:6404:6445 Proofreading exoribonuclease nsp14 DI(HYDROXYETHYL)ETHER[7 atoms] pdb_complex 5950 6449 precipitant 7r2v 99.5 B 1 B R1AB_SARS2 N 1 B PEG 6442 Proofreading exoribonuclease nsp14 DI(HYDROXYETHYL)ETHER[7 atoms] pdb_complex 6453 6797 precipitant 6w01 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 C 1 A EDO 6494-6496:6510 Uridylate-specific endoribonuclease 1,2-ETHANEDIOL[4 atoms] pdb_complex 6453 6797 precipitant 6w01 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 D 1 A EDO 6455:6475:6476 Uridylate-specific endoribonuclease 1,2-ETHANEDIOL[4 atoms] pdb_complex 6453 6797 precipitant 6w01 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 E 1 A EDO 6620-6622 Uridylate-specific endoribonuclease 1,2-ETHANEDIOL[4 atoms] pdb_complex 6453 6797 precipitant 6w01 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 F 1 A EDO 6763-6766:6785-6788 Uridylate-specific endoribonuclease 1,2-ETHANEDIOL[4 atoms] pdb_complex 6453 6797 precipitant 6w01 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 I 1 A EDO 6525:6528-6530 Uridylate-specific endoribonuclease 1,2-ETHANEDIOL[4 atoms] pdb_complex 6453 6797 precipitant 6w01 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 J 1 A EDO 6680-6682:6763:6788:6789 Uridylate-specific endoribonuclease 1,2-ETHANEDIOL[4 atoms] pdb_complex 6453 6797 precipitant 6w01 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 K 1 A EDO 6650-6652:6703:6730 Uridylate-specific endoribonuclease 1,2-ETHANEDIOL[4 atoms] pdb_complex 6453 6797 precipitant 6w01 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 L 1 A EDO 6677:6755:6759 Uridylate-specific endoribonuclease 1,2-ETHANEDIOL[4 atoms] pdb_complex 6453 6797 precipitant 6w01 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 M 1 A EDO 6756 Uridylate-specific endoribonuclease 1,2-ETHANEDIOL[4 atoms] pdb_complex 6453 6797 precipitant 6w01 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 O 1 A EDO 6609-6611:6648:6658 Uridylate-specific endoribonuclease 1,2-ETHANEDIOL[4 atoms] pdb_complex 6453 6797 precipitant 6w01 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 P 1 A EDO 6607:6643:6644:6646 Uridylate-specific endoribonuclease 1,2-ETHANEDIOL[4 atoms] pdb_complex 6453 6797 precipitant 6w01 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 R 3 B EDO 6504:6508:6554-6556 Uridylate-specific endoribonuclease 1,2-ETHANEDIOL[4 atoms] pdb_complex 6453 6797 precipitant 6w01 100.0 B 1 B R1AB_SARS2 CA 1 B EDO 6596-6599 Uridylate-specific endoribonuclease 1,2-ETHANEDIOL[4 atoms] pdb_complex 6453 6797 precipitant 6w01 100.0 B 1 B R1AB_SARS2 S 1 B EDO 6526:6725-6727:6779 Uridylate-specific endoribonuclease 1,2-ETHANEDIOL[4 atoms] pdb_complex 6453 6797 precipitant 6w01 100.0 B 1 B R1AB_SARS2 T 2 B EDO 6488 Uridylate-specific endoribonuclease 1,2-ETHANEDIOL[4 atoms] pdb_complex 6453 6797 precipitant 6w01 100.0 B 1 B R1AB_SARS2 V 1 B EDO 6597:6607:6625:6627-6629 Uridylate-specific endoribonuclease 1,2-ETHANEDIOL[4 atoms] pdb_complex 6453 6798 precipitant 6wlc 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 J 1 A EDO 6520:6521:6538:6540:6541:6613:6724 Uridylate-specific endoribonuclease 1,2-ETHANEDIOL[4 atoms] pdb_complex 6453 6798 precipitant 6wlc 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 K 1 A EDO 6526-6528:6632:6776 Uridylate-specific endoribonuclease 1,2-ETHANEDIOL[4 atoms] pdb_complex 6453 6798 precipitant 6wxc 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 H 3 A EDO 6490 Uridylate-specific endoribonuclease 1,2-ETHANEDIOL[4 atoms] pdb_complex 6453 6798 precipitant 6x1b 100.0 B 1 B R1AB_SARS2 G 1 B EDO 6564-6566 Uridylate-specific endoribonuclease 1,2-ETHANEDIOL[4 atoms] pdb_complex 6453 6798 precipitant 6x1b 100.0 B 1 B R1AB_SARS2 H 1 B EDO 6695:6696:6740-6742 Uridylate-specific endoribonuclease 1,2-ETHANEDIOL[4 atoms] pdb_complex 6453 6798 precipitant 6x4i 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 D 1 A EDO 6701:6743-6745:6794 Uridylate-specific endoribonuclease 1,2-ETHANEDIOL[4 atoms] pdb_complex 6453 6798 precipitant 6x4i 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 G 1 A EDO 6623 Uridylate-specific endoribonuclease 1,2-ETHANEDIOL[4 atoms] pdb_complex 6453 6798 precipitant 6x4i 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 G 3 A EDO 6694:6695 Uridylate-specific endoribonuclease 1,2-ETHANEDIOL[4 atoms] pdb_complex 6453 6798 precipitant 6x4i 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 I 1 A EDO 6729:6745:6795-6797 Uridylate-specific endoribonuclease 1,2-ETHANEDIOL[4 atoms] pdb_complex 6453 6797 precipitant 6x4i 100.0 B 1 B R1AB_SARS2 X 1 B EDO 6692:6709:6736:6737 Uridylate-specific endoribonuclease 1,2-ETHANEDIOL[4 atoms] pdb_complex 6453 6797 precipitant 7k1l 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 F 1 A EDO 6500 Uridylate-specific endoribonuclease 1,2-ETHANEDIOL[4 atoms] pdb_complex 6453 6797 precipitant 7k1l 100.0 B 1 B R1AB_SARS2 F 1 A EDO 6501:6502 Uridylate-specific endoribonuclease 1,2-ETHANEDIOL[4 atoms] pdb_complex 1565 1878 precipitant 7rzc 100.0 A 1 A R1A_SARS2 G 1 A EDO 1637:1639:1642:1645:1716:1717:1719 Non-structural protein 3 1,2-ETHANEDIOL[4 atoms] pdb_complex 1565 1878 precipitant 7rzc 100.0 A 1 A R1A_SARS2 H 1 A EDO 1666:1674:1677:1678:1681:1835-1838:1848-1850 Non-structural protein 3 1,2-ETHANEDIOL[4 atoms] pdb_complex 6453 6798 precipitant 6wlc 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 D 1 A TRS 6495:6496:6543 Uridylate-specific endoribonuclease 2-AMINO-2-HYDROXYMETHYL-PROPANE-1,3-DIOL[8 atoms] pdb_complex 6453 6798 precipitant 6wlc 100.0 B 1 B R1AB_SARS2 N 2 B TRS 6718 Uridylate-specific endoribonuclease 2-AMINO-2-HYDROXYMETHYL-PROPANE-1,3-DIOL[8 atoms] pdb_complex 5950 6449 precipitant 7r2v 99.5 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 E 1 A TRS 6133:6149 Proofreading exoribonuclease nsp14 2-AMINO-2-HYDROXYMETHYL-PROPANE-1,3-DIOL[8 atoms] pdb_complex 6453 6797 precipitant 8u2x 99.7 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 C 1 A TRS 6495:6496:6543 Uridylate-specific endoribonuclease nsp15 2-AMINO-2-HYDROXYMETHYL-PROPANE-1,3-DIOL[8 atoms] pdb_complex 5325 5916 precipitant 5rl6 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 F 1 A PO4 5607:5609-5613:5767 Helicase PHOSPHATE ION[5 atoms] pdb_complex 5949 6449 precipitant 5skw 100.0 A 1 D R1AB_SARS2 C 1 D PO4 6006:6007:6103:6104:6222 Proofreading exoribonuclease nsp14 PHOSPHATE ION[5 atoms] pdb_complex 5949 6449 precipitant 5skw 100.0 A 1 D R1AB_SARS2 D 1 D PO4 6371:6373:6375:6411:6415 Proofreading exoribonuclease nsp14 PHOSPHATE ION[5 atoms] pdb_complex 1564 1878 precipitant 6wrh 99.7 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 C 1 A PO4 1669:1672-1674:1834:1835 Non-structural protein 3 PHOSPHATE ION[5 atoms] pdb_complex 1564 1878 precipitant 6wrh 99.7 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 D 1 A PO4 1610:1612 Non-structural protein 3 PHOSPHATE ION[5 atoms] pdb_complex 1564 1878 precipitant 6wrh 99.7 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 E 1 A PO4 1636:1691:1692:1737:1738 Non-structural protein 3 PHOSPHATE ION[5 atoms] pdb_complex 6453 6798 precipitant 6wxc 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 D 1 A PO4 6686:6698:6699:6701:6741:6792:6794 Uridylate-specific endoribonuclease PHOSPHATE ION[5 atoms] pdb_complex 1563 1878 precipitant 7d6h 99.7 A 1 A R1A_SARS2 C 1 A PO4 1669:1672-1674:1834:1835 Papain-like protease PHOSPHATE ION[5 atoms] pdb_complex 6453 6796 precipitant 7k0r 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 H 1 A PO4 6686:6698:6699:6701:6741:6792 Uridylate-specific endoribonuclease PHOSPHATE ION[5 atoms] pdb_complex 6453 6798 precipitant 7keg 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 C 1 A PO4 6686:6697-6699:6701:6741:6792 Uridylate-specific endoribonuclease PHOSPHATE ION[5 atoms] pdb_complex 1564 1878 precipitant 7ofu 100.0 A 1 AAA R1A_SARS2 G 1 AAA PO4 1726:1727:1827:1830:1836 Papain-like protease nsp3 PHOSPHATE ION[5 atoms] pdb_complex 1564 1878 precipitant 7ofu 100.0 A 1 AAA R1A_SARS2 H 1 AAA PO4 1610:1612 Papain-like protease nsp3 PHOSPHATE ION[5 atoms] pdb_complex 1564 1878 precipitant 7ofu 100.0 A 1 AAA R1A_SARS2 I 1 AAA PO4 1818 Papain-like protease nsp3 PHOSPHATE ION[5 atoms] pdb_complex 1564 1878 precipitant 7qch 100.0 A 1 A R1A_SARS2 G 1 A PO4 1648:1652 Papain-like protease nsp3 PHOSPHATE ION[5 atoms] pdb_complex 6453 6798 precipitant 5s6x 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 C 1 A CIT 6686:6696-6699:6701:6741:6743:6792:6794:6797 Uridylate-specific endoribonuclease CITRIC ACID[13 atoms] pdb_complex 6453 6797 precipitant 6w01 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 N 1 A CIT 6686:6696-6699:6701:6741:6792:6794 Uridylate-specific endoribonuclease CITRIC ACID[13 atoms] pdb_complex 5325 5914 precipitant 5wwp 72.3 A 1 B K0BWD0_9BETC F 1 B SO4 5608-5610:5612:5767 ORF1ab SULFATE ION[5 atoms] pdb_complex 6453 6798 precipitant 6wlc 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 L 1 A SO4 6680-6682:6788:6789 Uridylate-specific endoribonuclease SULFATE ION[5 atoms] pdb_complex 1564 1878 precipitant 7jrn 100.0 A 1 A R1A_SARS2 E 1 A SO4 1745:1763 Non-structural protein 3 SULFATE ION[5 atoms] pdb_complex 1564 1878 precipitant 7jrn 100.0 A 1 A R1A_SARS2 F 1 A SO4 1828:1829 Non-structural protein 3 SULFATE ION[5 atoms] pdb_complex 1564 1878 precipitant 7jrn 100.0 B 1 J R1A_SARS2 I 1 J SO4 1610:1612:1613 Non-structural protein 3 SULFATE ION[5 atoms] pdb_complex 1564 1878 precipitant 7jrn 100.0 B 1 J R1A_SARS2 J 1 J SO4 1683:1684:1686:1699:1703 Non-structural protein 3 SULFATE ION[5 atoms] pdb_complex 6453 6797 precipitant 7k1l 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 G 1 A SO4 6495:6496:6498:6543 Uridylate-specific endoribonuclease SULFATE ION[5 atoms] pdb_complex 6453 6798 precipitant 7keh 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 D 1 A SO4 6686:6698:6699:6701:6741:6792:6794 Uridylate-specific endoribonuclease SULFATE ION[5 atoms] pdb_complex 1564 1878 precipitant 7lbr 100.0 A 1 A R1A_SARS2 D 1 A SO4 1636:1691:1692:1737:1738 Non-structural protein 3 SULFATE ION[5 atoms] pdb_complex 1564 1878 precipitant 7lbs 100.0 A 1 A R1A_SARS2 H 1 A SO4 1602:1651:1654:1655 Non-structural protein 3 SULFATE ION[5 atoms] pdb_complex 1564 1878 precipitant 7llf 100.0 A 1 A R1A_SARS2 H 1 A SO4 1703 Non-structural protein 3 SULFATE ION[5 atoms] pdb_complex 1564 1878 precipitant 7llz 100.0 A 1 A R1A_SARS2 G 1 A SO4 1729:1771 Non-structural protein 3 SULFATE ION[5 atoms] pdb_complex 1564 1878 precipitant 7llz 100.0 B 1 B R1A_SARS2 L 1 B SO4 1819-1822:1869 Non-structural protein 3 SULFATE ION[5 atoms] pdb_complex 1564 1878 precipitant 8uvm 100.0 B 1 B R1AB_SARS2 J 1 B SO4 1636:1691:1692:1737:1738 Papain-like protease nsp3 SULFATE ION[5 atoms] pdb_complex 6453 6798 precipitant 6vww 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 C 1 A GOL 6494-6496:6510 Uridylate-specific endoribonuclease GLYCEROL[6 atoms] pdb_complex 6453 6798 precipitant 6vww 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 C 3 A GOL 6718 Uridylate-specific endoribonuclease GLYCEROL[6 atoms] pdb_complex 6453 6798 precipitant 6vww 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 D 1 A GOL 6577:6578:6596-6598 Uridylate-specific endoribonuclease GLYCEROL[6 atoms] pdb_complex 6453 6798 precipitant 6vww 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 F 1 A GOL 6528:6530:6570:6572 Uridylate-specific endoribonuclease GLYCEROL[6 atoms] pdb_complex 6453 6798 precipitant 6vww 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 G 1 A GOL 6520:6541:6618:6649:6651 Uridylate-specific endoribonuclease GLYCEROL[6 atoms] pdb_complex 6453 6798 precipitant 6vww 100.0 B 1 B R1AB_SARS2 I 1 B GOL 6526:6725-6727 Uridylate-specific endoribonuclease GLYCEROL[6 atoms] pdb_complex 6453 6798 precipitant 6vww 100.0 B 1 B R1AB_SARS2 N 1 B GOL 6643:6772:6773:6778 Uridylate-specific endoribonuclease GLYCEROL[6 atoms] pdb_complex 1564 1878 precipitant 6wrh 99.7 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 H 1 A GOL 1648:1651:1652 Non-structural protein 3 GLYCEROL[6 atoms] pdb_complex 1564 1878 precipitant 6wrh 99.7 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 I 1 A GOL 1727:1827:1830:1831:1836:1864 Non-structural protein 3 GLYCEROL[6 atoms] pdb_complex 1564 1878 precipitant 7lbr 100.0 A 1 A R1A_SARS2 G 1 A GOL 1669-1671 Non-structural protein 3 GLYCEROL[6 atoms] pdb_complex 1564 1878 precipitant 7lbr 100.0 B 1 B R1A_SARS2 L 1 B GOL 1687:1803:1870:1871 Non-structural protein 3 GLYCEROL[6 atoms] pdb_complex 1564 1878 precipitant 7lbs 100.0 B 1 B R1A_SARS2 M 1 B GOL 1622:1637-1640:1643 Non-structural protein 3 GLYCEROL[6 atoms] pdb_complex 1564 1878 precipitant 7lbs 100.0 B 1 B R1A_SARS2 N 1 B GOL 1814-1817:1820:1868 Non-structural protein 3 GLYCEROL[6 atoms] pdb_complex 1564 1878 precipitant 7nfv 100.0 A 1 AAA R1A_SARS2 C 1 AAA GOL 1725-1727:1827:1836:1864 Papain-like protease nsp3 GLYCEROL[6 atoms] pdb_complex 1564 1878 precipitant 7ofu 100.0 A 1 AAA R1A_SARS2 D 1 AAA GOL 1572:1582:1593:1594:1620:1623:1627 Papain-like protease nsp3 GLYCEROL[6 atoms] pdb_complex 1564 1878 precipitant 7qcg 100.0 A 1 A R1A_SARS2 C 1 A GOL 1856:1859:1860 Papain-like protease nsp3 GLYCEROL[6 atoms] pdb_complex 1565 1878 precipitant 7sdr 100.0 B 1 B R1A_SARS2 J 1 B GOL 1636:1691:1692:1738 Non-structural protein 3 GLYCEROL[6 atoms] pdb_complex 6453 6798 precipitant 6vww 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 H 1 A ACY 6651:6652:6730 Uridylate-specific endoribonuclease ACETIC ACID[4 atoms] pdb_complex 6453 6798 precipitant 6vww 100.0 B 1 B R1AB_SARS2 O 1 B ACY 6597:6607:6625:6627-6629 Uridylate-specific endoribonuclease ACETIC ACID[4 atoms] pdb_complex 6453 6798 precipitant 6vww 100.0 B 1 B R1AB_SARS2 P 1 B ACY 6763-6766:6785-6788 Uridylate-specific endoribonuclease ACETIC ACID[4 atoms] pdb_complex 6453 6798 precipitant 6wlc 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 F 1 A ACT 6784:6791 Uridylate-specific endoribonuclease ACETATE ION[4 atoms] pdb_complex 6453 6798 precipitant 6wlc 100.0 B 1 B R1AB_SARS2 Q 1 B ACT 6763-6766:6785-6788 Uridylate-specific endoribonuclease ACETATE ION[4 atoms] pdb_complex 6453 6798 precipitant 6wlc 100.0 B 1 B R1AB_SARS2 S 1 B ACT 6597:6625:6627-6629 Uridylate-specific endoribonuclease ACETATE ION[4 atoms] pdb_complex 6453 6798 precipitant 6wlc 100.0 B 1 B R1AB_SARS2 T 1 B ACT 6577:6583:6596-6600 Uridylate-specific endoribonuclease ACETATE ION[4 atoms] pdb_complex 6453 6797 precipitant 6xdh 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 C 1 A ACT 6525:6528-6530 Uridylate-specific endoribonuclease ACETATE ION[4 atoms] pdb_complex 6453 6797 precipitant 6xdh 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 C 2 A ACT 6488 Uridylate-specific endoribonuclease ACETATE ION[4 atoms] pdb_complex 6453 6798 precipitant 6xdh 100.0 B 1 B R1AB_SARS2 K 1 B ACT 6661:6677:6759 Uridylate-specific endoribonuclease ACETATE ION[4 atoms] pdb_complex 6453 6797 precipitant 7k1l 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 E 1 A ACT 6530:6570:6572 Uridylate-specific endoribonuclease ACETATE ION[4 atoms] pdb_complex 1564 1877 precipitant 8g62 100.0 A 1 A R1A_SARS2 J 1 A ACT 1582:1624:1627 Non-structural protein 3 ACETATE ION[4 atoms] pdb_complex 1564 1877 precipitant 8g62 100.0 A 1 A R1A_SARS2 K 1 A ACT 1775-1777:1814:1820:1868 Non-structural protein 3 ACETATE ION[4 atoms] pdb_complex 1564 1877 precipitant 8g62 100.0 A 1 A R1A_SARS2 L 1 A ACT 1572:1582:1594:1620 Non-structural protein 3 ACETATE ION[4 atoms] pdb_complex 6453 6798 precipitant 6wlc 100.0 B 1 B R1AB_SARS2 U 1 B FMT 6498:6541:6542 Uridylate-specific endoribonuclease FORMIC ACID[3 atoms] pdb_complex 6453 6798 precipitant 6wlc 100.0 B 1 B R1AB_SARS2 U 3 B FMT 6493 Uridylate-specific endoribonuclease FORMIC ACID[3 atoms] pdb_complex 6453 6798 precipitant 6wlc 100.0 B 1 B R1AB_SARS2 V 1 B FMT 6543 Uridylate-specific endoribonuclease FORMIC ACID[3 atoms] pdb_complex 6453 6798 precipitant 6wxc 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 K 1 A FMT 6694:6695 Uridylate-specific endoribonuclease FORMIC ACID[3 atoms] pdb_complex 6453 6798 precipitant 6wxc 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 K 3 A FMT 6623 Uridylate-specific endoribonuclease FORMIC ACID[3 atoms] pdb_complex 6453 6797 precipitant 6wxc 100.0 B 1 B R1AB_SARS2 P 1 B FMT 6607:6643:6644:6646 Uridylate-specific endoribonuclease FORMIC ACID[3 atoms] pdb_complex 6453 6797 precipitant 6wxc 100.0 B 1 B R1AB_SARS2 Q 1 B FMT 6577:6596-6599 Uridylate-specific endoribonuclease FORMIC ACID[3 atoms] pdb_complex 6453 6797 precipitant 6xdh 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 F 1 A FMT 6763-6766:6785-6788 Uridylate-specific endoribonuclease FORMIC ACID[3 atoms] pdb_complex 6453 6798 precipitant 6xdh 100.0 B 1 B R1AB_SARS2 G 1 B FMT 6771-6773 Uridylate-specific endoribonuclease FORMIC ACID[3 atoms] pdb_complex 6453 6798 precipitant 6xdh 100.0 B 1 B R1AB_SARS2 I 1 B FMT 6577:6578:6596-6598 Uridylate-specific endoribonuclease FORMIC ACID[3 atoms] pdb_complex 6453 6798 precipitant 6xdh 100.0 B 1 B R1AB_SARS2 M 1 B FMT 6680:6682:6788 Uridylate-specific endoribonuclease FORMIC ACID[3 atoms] pdb_complex 5325 5920 precipitant 6xez 100.0 E 1 E R1AB_SARS2 S 1 E AF3 5606-5610:5612:5699 Helicase ALUMINUM FLUORIDE[4 atoms] pdb_complex 4396 5321 precipitant 7aap 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 K 1 A POP 4442:4444:4465:4508:4601:4609:4610 Non-structural protein 12 PYROPHOSPHATE 2-[9 atoms] pdb_complex 4423 5321 precipitant 7bv2 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 H 1 A POP 4945:5014:5015 RNA-directed RNA polymerase PYROPHOSPHATE 2-[9 atoms] pdb_complex 4397 5321 precipitant 7dfg 100.0 C 1 A R1AB_SARS2 M 1 A POP 4442:4444:4465:4508:4601:4609:4610 RNA-directed RNA polymerase PYROPHOSPHATE 2-[9 atoms] pdb_complex 1564 1878 precipitant 7lbs 100.0 A 1 A R1A_SARS2 F 1 A BO3 1687:1803:1870:1871 Non-structural protein 3 BORIC ACID[4 atoms] pdb_complex 1564 1878 precipitant 7lbs 100.0 A 1 A R1A_SARS2 G 1 A BO3 1622:1637-1640:1642:1643 Non-structural protein 3 BORIC ACID[4 atoms] pdb_complex 1564 1878 precipitant 7lbs 100.0 A 1 A R1A_SARS2 I 1 A BO3 1674:1677:1678:1681:1836-1838:1848-1850 Non-structural protein 3 BORIC ACID[4 atoms] pdb_complex 1564 1878 precipitant 7lbs 100.0 B 1 B R1A_SARS2 O 1 B BO3 1600:1709 Non-structural protein 3 BORIC ACID[4 atoms]