#WARNING:no index is registered index "YP_009725300.1" in "https://rest.uniprot.org/uniprotkb/" url "https://rest.uniprot.org/uniprotkb/YP_009725300.1.txt". 
Please visit the UniProt website(https://www.uniprot.org), and get a proper ID/AC for your query protein. type start end name pdb_id identity asym_id_homo oper_homo auth_asym_id_homo mol_id_homo asym_id_con oper_con auth_asym_id_con mol_id_con sites description_homo description_con #WARNING:no index is registered index "YP_009725300.1" in "https://rest.uniprot.org/uniprotkb/" url "https://rest.uniprot.org/uniprotkb/YP_009725300.1.txt".
Please visit the UniProt website(https://www.uniprot.org), and get a proper ID/AC for your query protein. length 1 500 id 1 500 query title 1 500 seq 1 500 KIVNNWLKQLIKVTLVFLFVAAIFYLITPVHVMSKHTDFSSEIIGYKAIDGGVTRDIASTDTCFANKHADFDTWFSQRGGSYTNDKACPLIAAVITREVGFVVPGLPGTILRTTNGDFLHFLPRVFSAVGNICYTPSKLIEYTDFATSACVLAAECTIFKDASGKPVPYCYDTNVLEGSVAYESLRPDTRYVLMDGSIIQFPNTYLEGSVRVVTTFDSEYCRHGTCERSEAGVCVSTSGRWVLNNDYYRSLPGVFCGVDAVNLLTNMFTPLIQPIGALDISASIVAGGIVAIVVTCLAYYFMRFRRAFGEYSHVVAFNTLLFLMSFTVLCLTPVYSFLPGVYSVIYLYLTFYLTNDVSFLAHIQWMVMFTPLVPFWITIAYIICISTKHFYWFFSNYLKRRVVFNGVSFSTFEEAALCTFLLNKEMYLKLRSDVLLPLTQYNRYLALYNKYKYFSGAMDTTSYREAACCHLAKALNDFSNSGSDVLYQPPQTSITSAVLQ disorder 1 24 predicted_by_DISOPRED disorder 26 26 predicted_by_DISOPRED disorder 500 500 predicted_by_DISOPRED pdb_monomer 31 493 monomer 8yb7 100.0 C C R1AB_SARS2 31-493 pdb_complex 31 401 hetero 8yax 100.0 C 1 C R1AB_SARS2 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 31:51:52:67:86:88:90:101:106:112:116-118:120:198:221:223-227:246:284:285 Non-structural protein 4 Papain-like protease nsp3[1314 aa] pdb_complex 31 401 hetero 8yax 100.0 C 1 C R1AB_SARS2 A 2 A R1AB_SARS2 326:330:333 Non-structural protein 4 Papain-like protease nsp3[1314 aa] pdb_complex 31 401 hetero 8yax 100.0 C 1 C R1AB_SARS2 A 3 A R1AB_SARS2 370 Non-structural protein 4 Papain-like protease nsp3[1314 aa] pdb_complex 31 401 hetero 8yax 100.0 C 1 C R1AB_SARS2 B 2 B R1AB_SARS2 333 Non-structural protein 4 Papain-like protease nsp3[543 aa] pdb_complex 31 401 hetero 8yax 100.0 D 1 D R1AB_SARS2 B 1 B R1AB_SARS2 31:33:49:51:52:67:86-90:106:112:115-118:197:198:223-226 Non-structural protein 4 Papain-like protease nsp3[543 aa] pdb_complex 31 401 hetero 8yb5 100.0 C 1 C R1AB_SARS2 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 31:51:52:67:86-88:90:101:112:116:118:197:198:221:223-227:246:284:285 Non-structural protein 4 Papain-like protease nsp3[353 aa] pdb_complex 31 401 hetero 8yb5 100.0 C 1 C R1AB_SARS2 A 2 A R1AB_SARS2 286:326:330:333 Non-structural protein 4 Papain-like protease nsp3[353 aa] pdb_complex 31 401 hetero 8yb5 100.0 C 1 C R1AB_SARS2 A 3 A R1AB_SARS2 366:370 Non-structural protein 4 Papain-like protease nsp3[353 aa] pdb_complex 31 401 hetero 8yb7 100.0 H 1 H R1AB_SARS2 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 276:277 Non-structural protein 4 Papain-like protease nsp3[353 aa] pdb_complex 403 498 homo 3gzf 40.4 A 1 A R1AB_FIPV C 1 C R1AB_FIPV 417:456-460:463:489-495:497:498 Replicase polyprotein 1ab Replicase polyprotein 1ab[92 aa] pdb_complex 411 490 homo 3vc8 64.1 A 1 A Q9J3E9_9BETC B 1 B Q9J3E9_9BETC 424:425:428:429 RNA-directed RNA polymerase RNA-directed RNA polymerase[85 aa] pdb_complex 410 499 homo 3vcb 61.4 A 1 A Q9J3E9_9BETC B 1 B Q9J3E9_9BETC 448:451-458:460:463:466:470:490-499 RNA-directed RNA polymerase RNA-directed RNA polymerase[89 aa] pdb_complex 31 401 homo 8yax 100.0 C 1 C R1AB_SARS2 C 2 C R1AB_SARS2 308-311:318:322:326:329:336:368:374:376 Non-structural protein 4 Non-structural protein 4[371 aa] pdb_complex 31 401 homo 8yax 100.0 C 1 C R1AB_SARS2 D 1 D R1AB_SARS2 59:78:252:275 Non-structural protein 4 Non-structural protein 4[371 aa] pdb_complex 31 401 homo 8yax 100.0 C 1 C R1AB_SARS2 D 2 D R1AB_SARS2 370:371:373:375:379:383 Non-structural protein 4 Non-structural protein 4[371 aa] pdb_complex 31 401 homo 8yax 100.0 C 1 C R1AB_SARS2 D 3 D R1AB_SARS2 398:400:401 Non-structural protein 4 Non-structural protein 4[371 aa] pdb_complex 31 401 homo 8yax 100.0 C 1 C R1AB_SARS2 D 6 D R1AB_SARS2 188:189:216 Non-structural protein 4 Non-structural protein 4[371 aa] pdb_complex 31 401 homo 8yax 100.0 D 1 D R1AB_SARS2 C 2 C R1AB_SARS2 76-79 Non-structural protein 4 Non-structural protein 4[371 aa] pdb_complex 31 401 homo 8yax 100.0 D 1 D R1AB_SARS2 C 5 C R1AB_SARS2 313:317 Non-structural protein 4 Non-structural protein 4[371 aa] pdb_complex 31 401 homo 8yax 100.0 D 1 D R1AB_SARS2 C 6 C R1AB_SARS2 271:273-275:286:289:290 Non-structural protein 4 Non-structural protein 4[371 aa] pdb_complex 31 401 homo 8yax 100.0 D 1 D R1AB_SARS2 D 2 D R1AB_SARS2 237:253:283 Non-structural protein 4 Non-structural protein 4[371 aa] pdb_complex 31 401 homo 8yax 100.0 D 1 D R1AB_SARS2 D 6 D R1AB_SARS2 327:334:335:337 Non-structural protein 4 Non-structural protein 4[371 aa] pdb_complex 403 494 precipitant 3gzf 41.1 C 1 C R1AB_FIPV F 1 C SO4 477:481:483:485 Replicase polyprotein 1ab SULFATE ION[5 atoms]