#WARNING:no index is registered index "YP_009724392.1" in "https://rest.uniprot.org/uniprotkb/" url "https://rest.uniprot.org/uniprotkb/YP_009724392.1.txt". 
Please visit the UniProt website(https://www.uniprot.org), and get a proper ID/AC for your query protein. type start end name pdb_id identity asym_id_homo oper_homo auth_asym_id_homo mol_id_homo asym_id_con oper_con auth_asym_id_con mol_id_con sites description_homo description_con #WARNING:no index is registered index "YP_009724392.1" in "https://rest.uniprot.org/uniprotkb/" url "https://rest.uniprot.org/uniprotkb/YP_009724392.1.txt".
Please visit the UniProt website(https://www.uniprot.org), and get a proper ID/AC for your query protein. length 1 75 id 1 75 query title 1 75 seq 1 75 MYSFVSEETGTLIVNSVLLFLAFVVFLLVTLAILTALRLCAYCCNIVNVSLVKPSFYVYSRVKNLNSSRVPDLLV pdb_monomer 8 38 monomer 8suz 100.0 E E VEMP_SARS2 8-38 pdb_complex 8 38 homo 7k3g 100.0 A 1 A VEMP_SARS2 B 1 B VEMP_SARS2 11:14:15:17:18:20:21:24:27:28:31:35 Envelope small membrane protein Envelope small membrane protein[31 aa]