#WARNING:no index is registered index "YP_009725304.1" in "https://rest.uniprot.org/uniprotkb/" url "https://rest.uniprot.org/uniprotkb/YP_009725304.1.txt".
Please visit the UniProt website(https://www.uniprot.org), and get a proper ID/AC for your query protein. type start end name pdb_id identity asym_id_homo oper_homo auth_asym_id_homo mol_id_homo asym_id_con oper_con auth_asym_id_con mol_id_con sites description_homo description_con #WARNING:no index is registered index "YP_009725304.1" in "https://rest.uniprot.org/uniprotkb/" url "https://rest.uniprot.org/uniprotkb/YP_009725304.1.txt".
Please visit the UniProt website(https://www.uniprot.org), and get a proper ID/AC for your query protein. length 1 198 id 1 198 query title 1 198 seq 1 198 AIASEFSSLPSYAAFATAQEAYEQAVANGDSEVVLKKLKKSLNVAKSEFDRDAAMQRKLEKMADQAMTQMYKQARSEDKRAKVTSAMQTMLFTMLRKLDNDALNNIINNARDGCVPLNIIPLTTAAKLMVVIPDYNTYKNTCDGTTFTYASALWEIQQVVDADSKIVQLSEISMDNSPNLAWPLIVTALRANSAVKLQ disorder 1 4 predicted_by_DISOPRED disorder 197 198 predicted_by_DISOPRED pdb_monomer 6 195 monomer 7uo9 100.0 B B R1AB_SARS2 6-195 pdb_complex 1 190 hetero 3ub0 42.7 A 1 A R1AB_FIPV B 1 B R1AB_FIPV 59:62:63:66:70:73:79:83:86:87:90:94 Non-structural protein 6, nsp6, Non-structural protein 7, nsp7[82 aa] pdb_complex 1 190 hetero 3ub0 42.7 A 1 A R1AB_FIPV C 1 C R1AB_FIPV 79:84:87-100:102:104:106:107:110:111:113:115:116:119-121:149:150:190 Non-structural protein 6, nsp6, Non-structural protein 7, nsp7[82 aa] pdb_complex 79 190 hetero 8g6r 38.4 B 1 B A0A1Z2R8Q6_9ALPC A 1 A A0A0U2C263_9ALPC 79:80:83:84:86-88:90-92:94:95:97:98:100:104:106:107:110:111:113-119:121:125:127-131:137:141:143:148-152 nsp8 nsp12[899 aa] pdb_complex 9 190 hetero 8urb 44.0 B 1 B U6BRU0_9ALPC A 1 A U6BRU0_9ALPC 79:80:84:86-88:90-92:94:95:97:98:100:103:104:112:114-121:123:127-132:137:141:143:148-151:162 nsp8 nsp12[921 aa] pdb_complex 11 190 hetero 8urb 43.3 D 1 D U6BRU0_9ALPC A 1 A U6BRU0_9ALPC 64:67:70-72:75:76:79:90:94:97 nsp8 nsp12[921 aa] pdb_complex 79 190 hetero 8g6r 38.4 B 1 B A0A1Z2R8Q6_9ALPC C 1 C A0A0M4AW09_9ALPC 162:163 nsp8 nsp7[62 aa] pdb_complex 9 190 hetero 8urb 44.0 B 1 B U6BRU0_9ALPC C 1 C U6BRU0_9ALPC 162:163:181 nsp8 nsp7[70 aa] pdb_complex 11 190 hetero 8urb 43.3 D 1 D U6BRU0_9ALPC C 1 C U6BRU0_9ALPC 88:91:94-96:98:100:102:103:106-108:116:117:119:121:150-152:190 nsp8 nsp7[70 aa] pdb_complex 6 190 hetero 9cpo 44.0 B 1 B R1AB_IBVM A 1 A R1AB_IBVM 76:79:80:83:84:86-88:90:91:94:95:98:100:103:104:107:109:111:113-117:119-121:123:125:127-131:133:137:143:148-150:185 Non-structural protein 8 RNA-directed RNA polymerase nsp12[930 aa] pdb_complex 6 190 hetero 9cpo 44.0 D 1 D R1AB_IBVM A 1 A R1AB_IBVM 64:67:68:71:75:76:79:80:83:90:93:94 Non-structural protein 8 RNA-directed RNA polymerase nsp12[930 aa] pdb_complex 6 190 hetero 9cpo 44.0 B 1 B R1AB_IBVM C 1 C R1AB_IBVM 162:163:181 Non-structural protein 8 Non-structural protein 7[72 aa] pdb_complex 6 190 hetero 9cpo 44.0 D 1 D R1AB_IBVM C 1 C R1AB_IBVM 83:87:88:90-92:94:95:97-100:102-104:106:107:110:111:116:118:121-123:149:150 Non-structural protein 8 Non-structural protein 7[72 aa] pdb_complex 80 191 hetero 6nus 96.4 B 1 B R1A_CVHSA A 1 A R1AB_CVHSA 80:83:84:86-88:90:91:94:95:97-99:103:104:109:111-122:124:125:127-131:133:137:141:149:154 NSP8 NSP12[715 aa] pdb_complex 38 192 hetero 2ahm 97.4 E 1 E R1AB_CVHSA A 1 A R1AB_CVHSA 80:83:84:87:88:90-92:94:95:97:98:100:102:103:106:107:110:111:113:116:119:120:122 Replicase polyprotein 1ab, heavy chain Replicase polyprotein 1ab, light chain[77 aa] pdb_complex 38 192 hetero 2ahm 97.4 E 1 E R1AB_CVHSA A 2 A R1AB_CVHSA 70:72-75 Replicase polyprotein 1ab, heavy chain Replicase polyprotein 1ab, light chain[77 aa] pdb_complex 1 191 hetero 2ahm 97.4 G 1 G R1AB_CVHSA A 2 A R1AB_CVHSA 44:48:51 Replicase polyprotein 1ab, heavy chain Replicase polyprotein 1ab, light chain[77 aa] pdb_complex 1 191 hetero 2ahm 97.4 G 1 G R1AB_CVHSA D 1 D R1AB_CVHSA 8:60:62:63:66:67:69:70 Replicase polyprotein 1ab, heavy chain Replicase polyprotein 1ab, light chain[76 aa] pdb_complex 77 191 hetero 5f22 96.5 B 1 B R1AB_CVHSA A 1 A R1A_CVHSA 80:83:84:87-92:94:95:97:98:100:102:103:106:107:110:111:115:116:119:120:122 Non-structural protein Non-structural protein 7[79 aa] pdb_complex 78 191 hetero 6m71 100.0 D 1 B R1AB_SARS2 B 1 C R1AB_SARS2 162:163:178 Non-structural protein 8 Non-structural protein 7[70 aa] pdb_complex 77 191 hetero 6wiq 100.0 B 1 B R1AB_SARS2 A 2 A R1AB_SARS2 82:83:86:87:90:93:94:97 Non-structural protein 8 Non-structural protein 7[80 aa] pdb_complex 43 192 hetero 7ed5 100.0 B 1 B R1AB_SARS2 C 1 C R1AB_SARS2 162:163:178:180:181 Non-structural protein 8 Non-structural protein 7[72 aa] pdb_complex 78 191 hetero 7l1f 100.0 B 1 C R1AB_SARS2 C 1 D R1AB_SARS2 179 Non-structural protein 8 Non-structural protein 7[63 aa] pdb_complex 84 132 hetero 6m71 100.0 C 1 D R1AB_SARS2 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 90:97 Non-structural protein 8 RNA-directed RNA polymerase[859 aa] pdb_complex 78 191 hetero 6m71 100.0 D 1 B R1AB_SARS2 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 79:80:83:84:86:87:90-92:94:95:98:99:103:104:106:107:109:110:112-122:125:127-131:133:141:149:154:164:183 Non-structural protein 8 RNA-directed RNA polymerase[859 aa] pdb_complex 78 191 hetero 7l1f 100.0 B 1 C R1AB_SARS2 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 79:80:83:84:86:87:90-92:94:95:97-99:103:107:109:111-120:122:125:127-131:149:183 Non-structural protein 8 RNA-directed RNA polymerase[832 aa] pdb_complex 6 191 hetero 7re3 100.0 B 1 B R1AB_SARS2 J 1 G R1AB_SARS2 104:108:111 Non-structural protein 8 RNA-directed RNA polymerase[927 aa] pdb_complex 6 191 hetero 6xez 100.0 B 1 B R1AB_SARS2 F 1 F R1AB_SARS2 59:62:63:67:70:71 Non-structural protein 8 Helicase[596 aa] pdb_complex 6 191 hetero 7egq 100.0 D 1 D R1AB_SARS2 E 1 E R1AB_SARS2 182 Non-structural protein 8 Helicase[588 aa] pdb_complex 7 191 hetero 7rdz 100.0 D 1 D R1AB_SARS2 E 1 E R1AB_SARS2 8 Non-structural protein 8 Helicase[590 aa] pdb_complex 6 191 hetero 7re0 100.0 B 1 B R1AB_SARS2 E 1 E R1AB_SARS2 71 Non-structural protein 8 Helicase[590 aa] pdb_complex 6 191 hetero 7egq 100.0 D 1 D R1AB_SARS2 P 1 X R1AB_SARS2 12 Non-structural protein 8 Proofreading exoribonuclease[524 aa] pdb_complex 84 189 hetero 7thm 100.0 D 1 D R1AB_SARS2 C 1 C R1AB_SARS2 91:94:95:110:119:120:122 Non-structural protein 8 Non-structural protein 7[37 aa] pdb_complex 9 190 nucleotide 8urb 44.0 B 1 B U6BRU0_9ALPC E 1 I 51:54 nsp8 RNA (33-MER) pdb_complex 11 190 nucleotide 8urb 43.3 D 1 D U6BRU0_9ALPC F 1 J 43:65 nsp8 RNA (55-MER) pdb_complex 6 190 nucleotide 9cpo 44.0 B 1 B R1AB_IBVM E 1 P 33:36:51:54:58 Non-structural protein 8 RNA Primer pdb_complex 6 190 nucleotide 9cpo 44.0 B 1 B R1AB_IBVM F 1 T 40:43 Non-structural protein 8 RNA template pdb_complex 6 191 nucleotide 6xez 100.0 B 1 B R1AB_SARS2 G 1 P 50:54 Non-structural protein 8 Product RNA pdb_complex 6 191 nucleotide 6xez 100.0 B 1 B R1AB_SARS2 H 1 T 43:61 Non-structural protein 8 Template RNA pdb_complex 6 191 nucleotide 6yyt 100.0 B 1 B R1AB_SARS2 F 1 Q 36:40:50:51 nsp8 RNA product pdb_complex 6 191 nucleotide 6yyt 100.0 D 1 D R1AB_SARS2 G 1 T 61:62:65 nsp8 RNA product pdb_complex 53 191 nucleotide 7c2k 100.0 D 1 D R1AB_SARS2 E 1 F 61:80 Non-structural protein 8 RNA (29-MER) pdb_complex 6 192 nucleotide 7cxm 100.0 B 1 B R1AB_SARS2 E 1 I 50:51 Non-structural protein 8 RNA (25-MER) pdb_complex 6 192 nucleotide 7cxm 100.0 B 1 B R1AB_SARS2 F 1 J 43 Non-structural protein 8 RNA (26-MER) pdb_complex 6 192 nucleotide 7cyq 100.0 B 1 B R1AB_SARS2 E 1 I 46:51 Non-structural protein 8 Primer pdb_complex 6 192 nucleotide 7cyq 100.0 B 1 B R1AB_SARS2 F 1 J 43 Non-structural protein 8 Template pdb_complex 6 191 nucleotide 7cyq 100.0 D 1 D R1AB_SARS2 F 1 J 39:43:44:47:58:65 Non-structural protein 8 Template pdb_complex 37 191 nucleotide 7dok 100.0 D 1 B R1AB_SARS2 A 1 P 50 Non-structural protein 8 RNA (5'-R(P*GP*CP*UP*AP*UP*GP*UP*GP*AP*GP*AP*UP*UP.. pdb_complex 43 192 nucleotide 7ed5 100.0 B 1 B R1AB_SARS2 E 1 I 46:50 Non-structural protein 8 RNA (5'-R(P*GP*CP*UP*AP*UP*GP*UP*GP*AP*GP*AP*UP*UP.. pdb_complex 38 191 nucleotide 7ed5 100.0 D 1 D R1AB_SARS2 E 1 I 50:51:54:57:58 Non-structural protein 8 RNA (5'-R(P*GP*CP*UP*AP*UP*GP*UP*GP*AP*GP*AP*UP*UP.. pdb_complex 6 191 nucleotide 7dok 100.0 F 1 G R1AB_SARS2 B 1 T 40:43:44:61:65 Non-structural protein 8 RNA (5'-R(P*CP*CP*CP*UP*AP*UP*AP*AP*CP*UP*UP*AP*AP.. pdb_complex 6 192 nucleotide 7dte 100.0 B 1 B R1AB_SARS2 E 1 F 39:40:43 Non-structural protein 8 RNA (57-MER) pdb_complex 6 192 nucleotide 7dte 100.0 B 1 B R1AB_SARS2 F 1 G 32:33:36:37:50:51 Non-structural protein 8 RNA (33-MER) pdb_complex 43 192 nucleotide 7ed5 100.0 B 1 B R1AB_SARS2 F 1 J 43:46 Non-structural protein 8 RNA (5'-R(P*CP*CP*CP*CP*AP*UP*AP*AP*CP*UP*UP*AP*AP.. pdb_complex 38 191 nucleotide 7ed5 100.0 D 1 D R1AB_SARS2 F 1 J 43:44:47:61:62:65 Non-structural protein 8 RNA (5'-R(P*CP*CP*CP*CP*AP*UP*AP*AP*CP*UP*UP*AP*AP.. pdb_complex 6 192 nucleotide 7egq 100.0 B 1 B R1AB_SARS2 T 1 J 43:46 Non-structural protein 8 Template RNA pdb_complex 6 192 nucleotide 7eiz 100.0 B 1 B R1AB_SARS2 H 1 J 43 Non-structural protein 8 template pdb_complex 6 191 nucleotide 7krn 100.0 B 1 B R1AB_SARS2 F 1 P 36:47:50:51:54 Non-structural protein 8 RNA (37-MER) pdb_complex 6 191 nucleotide 7krn 100.0 B 1 B R1AB_SARS2 G 1 T 40:43:44:61 Non-structural protein 8 RNA (43-MER) pdb_complex 6 191 nucleotide 7krp 100.0 B 1 B R1AB_SARS2 F 1 T 40:43:44 Non-structural protein 8 RNA (36-MER) pdb_complex 6 191 nucleotide 7rdx 100.0 B 1 B R1AB_SARS2 H 1 T 40:43:44:47:61 Non-structural protein 8 Template RNA pdb_complex 6 191 nucleotide 7rdy 100.0 B 1 B R1AB_SARS2 H 1 T 40:43:58 Non-structural protein 8 Template RNA pdb_complex 6 191 nucleotide 7rdz 100.0 B 1 B R1AB_SARS2 H 1 T 40:43:47:61 Non-structural protein 8 Template RNA pdb_complex 6 192 nucleotide 7uo4 100.0 B 1 B R1AB_SARS2 E 1 P 36:50:51 Non-structural protein 8 Product RNA (35-MER) pdb_complex 6 192 nucleotide 7uo4 100.0 B 1 B R1AB_SARS2 F 1 T 40:43 Non-structural protein 8 Template RNA (55-MER) pdb_complex 6 191 nucleotide 7uo7 100.0 B 1 B R1AB_SARS2 D 1 P 33:36:50 Non-structural protein 8 Product RNA (35-MER) pdb_complex 6 191 nucleotide 7uo7 100.0 B 1 B R1AB_SARS2 E 1 T 40:43:58 Non-structural protein 8 Template RNA (55-MER) pdb_complex 6 195 nucleotide 7uo9 100.0 B 1 B R1AB_SARS2 D 1 P 50:51 Non-structural protein 8 Product RNA (35-MER) pdb_complex 6 195 nucleotide 7uo9 100.0 B 1 B R1AB_SARS2 E 1 T 40:43 Non-structural protein 8 Template RNA (55-MER) pdb_complex 6 192 nucleotide 7uob 100.0 B 1 B R1AB_SARS2 E 1 P 50:51 Non-structural protein 8 Product RNA (35-MER) pdb_complex 6 192 nucleotide 7uob 100.0 B 1 B R1AB_SARS2 F 1 T 40:43:61 Non-structural protein 8 Template RNA (55-MER) pdb_complex 6 193 nucleotide 7uoe 100.0 B 1 B R1AB_SARS2 F 1 T 40:43:44:47 Non-structural protein 8 Template RNA (55-MER) pdb_complex 6 192 nucleotide 8gw1 100.0 B 1 B R1AB_SARS2 F 1 J 43:46 Non-structural protein 8 Template pdb_complex 6 192 nucleotide 8gwb 100.0 B 1 B R1AB_SARS2 J 1 J 39:40:43:44:58:61 Non-structural protein 8 template pdb_complex 6 191 nucleotide 8sq9 100.0 B 1 B R1AB_SARS2 F 1 P 50:51:54 Non-structural protein 8 Primer RNA pdb_complex 6 192 nucleotide 8sqj 100.0 B 1 B R1AB_SARS2 F 1 P 50 Non-structural protein 8 Primer RNA pdb_complex 6 192 nucleotide 8sqj 100.0 B 1 B R1AB_SARS2 G 1 T 40:43:47 Non-structural protein 8 Template RNA pdb_complex 6 192 nucleotide 8sqk 100.0 B 1 B R1AB_SARS2 F 1 P 50 Non-structural protein 8 Primer RNA pdb_complex 6 192 nucleotide 8sqk 100.0 B 1 B R1AB_SARS2 G 1 T 43 Non-structural protein 8 Template RNA pdb_complex 7 191 compound 7krn 100.0 D 1 D R1AB_SARS2 T 1 E 1N7 66:67:70 Non-structural protein 8 CHAPSO[36 atoms] pdb_complex 9 190 homo 8urb 44.0 B 1 B U6BRU0_9ALPC D 1 D U6BRU0_9ALPC 39 nsp8 nsp8[184 aa] pdb_complex 11 190 homo 8urb 43.3 D 1 D U6BRU0_9ALPC B 1 B U6BRU0_9ALPC 37 nsp8 nsp8[184 aa] pdb_complex 38 192 homo 2ahm 97.4 E 1 E R1AB_CVHSA E 2 E R1AB_CVHSA 46:56:59:60:63:66:67:69:70:77:116-119:129:164-166:185 Replicase polyprotein 1ab, heavy chain Replicase polyprotein 1ab, heavy chain[155 aa] pdb_complex 38 192 homo 2ahm 97.4 E 1 E R1AB_CVHSA G 2 G R1AB_CVHSA 112:117:133:134:137:162:182:183 Replicase polyprotein 1ab, heavy chain Replicase polyprotein 1ab, heavy chain[191 aa] pdb_complex 38 192 homo 2ahm 97.4 E 1 E R1AB_CVHSA H 1 H R1AB_CVHSA 38-40:42:43 Replicase polyprotein 1ab, heavy chain Replicase polyprotein 1ab, heavy chain[191 aa] pdb_complex 1 191 homo 2ahm 97.4 G 1 G R1AB_CVHSA E 1 E R1AB_CVHSA 50-52:54:55:57:58 Replicase polyprotein 1ab, heavy chain Replicase polyprotein 1ab, heavy chain[155 aa] pdb_complex 2 192 homo 2ahm 97.4 H 1 H R1AB_CVHSA E 1 E R1AB_CVHSA 124:125:155:157:189:191:192 Replicase polyprotein 1ab, heavy chain Replicase polyprotein 1ab, heavy chain[155 aa] pdb_complex 38 192 precipitant 2ahm 97.4 E 1 E R1AB_CVHSA I 1 A GOL 118:119 Replicase polyprotein 1ab, heavy chain GLYCEROL[6 atoms] pdb_complex 38 192 precipitant 2ahm 97.4 E 1 E R1AB_CVHSA I 2 A GOL 69 Replicase polyprotein 1ab, heavy chain GLYCEROL[6 atoms] pdb_complex 38 192 precipitant 2ahm 97.4 E 1 E R1AB_CVHSA J 1 E GOL 121-123 Replicase polyprotein 1ab, heavy chain GLYCEROL[6 atoms] pdb_complex 2 192 precipitant 2ahm 97.4 H 1 H R1AB_CVHSA N 1 H SO4 135:139:173:174 Replicase polyprotein 1ab, heavy chain SULFATE ION[5 atoms] pdb_complex 78 198 precipitant 6wqd 100.0 B 1 B R1AB_SARS2 F 1 B EDO 105:108 Non-structural protein 8 1,2-ETHANEDIOL[4 atoms] pdb_complex 78 198 precipitant 6wqd 100.0 B 1 B R1AB_SARS2 G 1 B EDO 150:190 Non-structural protein 8 1,2-ETHANEDIOL[4 atoms] pdb_complex 78 192 precipitant 6xip 100.0 B 1 B R1AB_SARS2 F 1 B EDO 156-159:166:167:169 Non-structural protein 8 1,2-ETHANEDIOL[4 atoms] pdb_complex 79 194 precipitant 6wtc 100.0 B 1 B R1AB_SARS2 E 1 B ACY 102:150:190:194 Non-structural protein 8 ACETIC ACID[4 atoms] pdb_complex 78 193 precipitant 6wtc 100.0 D 2 D R1AB_SARS2 F 2 C ACY 78:80 Non-structural protein 8 ACETIC ACID[4 atoms]