#WARNING:no index is registered index "YP_009725307.1" in "https://rest.uniprot.org/uniprotkb/" url "https://rest.uniprot.org/uniprotkb/YP_009725307.1.txt". 
Please visit the UniProt website(https://www.uniprot.org), and get a proper ID/AC for your query protein. type start end name pdb_id identity asym_id_homo oper_homo auth_asym_id_homo mol_id_homo asym_id_con oper_con auth_asym_id_con mol_id_con sites description_homo description_con #WARNING:no index is registered index "YP_009725307.1" in "https://rest.uniprot.org/uniprotkb/" url "https://rest.uniprot.org/uniprotkb/YP_009725307.1.txt".
Please visit the UniProt website(https://www.uniprot.org), and get a proper ID/AC for your query protein. length 1 932 id 1 932 query title 1 932 seq 1 932 SADAQSFLNRVCGVSAARLTPCGTGTSTDVVYRAFDIYNDKVAGFAKFLKTNCCRFQEKDEDDNLIDSYFVVKRHTFSNYQHEETIYNLLKDCPAVAKHDFFKFRIDGDMVPHISRQRLTKYTMADLVYALRHFDEGNCDTLKEILVTYNCCDDDYFNKKDWYDFVENPDILRVYANLGERVRQALLKTVQFCDAMRNAGIVGVLTLDNQDLNGNWYDFGDFIQTTPGSGVPVVDSYYSLLMPILTLTRALTAESHVDTDLTKPYIKWDLLKYDFTEERLKLFDRYFKYWDQTYHPNCVNCLDDRCILHCANFNVLFSTVFPPTSFGPLVRKIFVDGVPFVVSTGYHFRELGVVHNQDVNLHSSRLSFKELLVYAADPAMHAASGNLLLDKRTTCFSVAALTNNVAFQTVKPGNFNKDFYDFAVSKGFFKEGSSVELKHFFFAQDGNAAISDYDYYRYNLPTMCDIRQLLFVVEVVDKYFDCYDGGCINANQVIVNNLDKSAGFPFNKWGKARLYYDSMSYEDQDALFAYTKRNVIPTITQMNLKYAISAKNRARTVAGVSICSTMTNRQFHQKLLKSIAATRGATVVIGTSKFYGGWHNMLKTVYSDVENPHLMGWDYPKCDRAMPNMLRIMASLVLARKHTTCCSLSHRFYRLANECAQVLSEMVMCGGSLYVKPGGTSSGDATTAYANSVFNICQAVTANVNALLSTDGNKIADKYVRNLQHRLYECLYRNRDVDTDFVNEFYAYLRKHFSMMILSDDAVVCFNSTYASQGLVASIKNFKSVLYYQNNVFMSEAKCWTETDLTKGPHEFCSQHTMLVKQGDDYVYLPYPDPSRILGAGCFVDDIVKTDGTLMIERFVSLAIDAYPLTKHPNQEYADVFHLYLQYIRKLHDELTGHMLDMYSVMLTNDNTSRYWEPEFYEAMYTPHTVLQ disorder 1 16 predicted_by_DISOPRED disorder 929 932 predicted_by_DISOPRED pdb_monomer 1 931 monomer 8gwf 100.0 A A R1AB_SARS2 1-931 pdb_complex 31 932 hetero 6m71 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 B 1 C R1AB_SARS2 409:411-413:415:420:429:431:440:442-444 RNA-directed RNA polymerase Non-structural protein 7[70 aa] pdb_complex 31 928 hetero 7bw4 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 C 1 C R1AB_SARS2 409:412:415:420:429:440-443:445 RNA-directed RNA polymerase Non-structural protein 7[65 aa] pdb_complex 4 929 hetero 7ed5 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 C 1 C R1AB_SARS2 409-413:415:420:429:436:437:440-445:552:843 RNA-directed RNA polymerase Non-structural protein 7[72 aa] pdb_complex 31 932 hetero 6m71 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 C 1 D R1AB_SARS2 417 RNA-directed RNA polymerase Non-structural protein 8[43 aa] pdb_complex 31 932 hetero 6m71 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 D 1 B R1AB_SARS2 270:271:273:323-326:328-332:338-341:368:371:374:375:379-384:386-389:391:392:398:400:402-405:407:505:506:509:514:515:518:666 RNA-directed RNA polymerase Non-structural protein 8[113 aa] pdb_complex 4 929 hetero 6xez 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 D 1 D R1AB_SARS2 415:847:851:853:895:898:899:902:903:905-907 RNA-directed RNA polymerase Non-structural protein 8[186 aa] pdb_complex 4 932 hetero 7btf 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 D 1 D R1AB_SARS2 415 RNA-directed RNA polymerase Non-structural protein 8[104 aa] pdb_complex 31 928 hetero 7bw4 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 B 1 B R1AB_SARS2 270-273:323-326:328-332:339:340:344:368:371:372:375:378-389:391:402-405:407:509:514:518:666 RNA-directed RNA polymerase Non-structural protein 8[115 aa] pdb_complex 4 929 hetero 7ed5 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 B 1 B R1AB_SARS2 269-273:323:324:326:328-332:338:340:341:365:368:371:374:375:378-392:396:398:400:402-405:407:447:509:514:515:517:518:523:666 RNA-directed RNA polymerase Non-structural protein 8[150 aa] pdb_complex 4 929 hetero 7ed5 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 D 1 D R1AB_SARS2 415:417:421:847:848:851:853:854:895:898:899:902:903:905-908 RNA-directed RNA polymerase Non-structural protein 8[154 aa] pdb_complex 32 929 hetero 7l1f 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 B 1 C R1AB_SARS2 270-274:324:326:328-332:336:338-341:368:371:374:375:379-389:392:398:405:447:509:515:517:518 RNA-directed RNA polymerase Non-structural protein 8[114 aa] pdb_complex 3 929 hetero 7re3 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 G 1 H R1AB_SARS2 194:198:280:284 RNA-directed RNA polymerase Non-structural protein 8[186 aa] pdb_complex 4 929 hetero 6xez 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 E 1 E R1AB_SARS2 901-903 RNA-directed RNA polymerase Helicase[596 aa] pdb_complex 3 929 hetero 7re3 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 N 1 L R1AB_SARS2 40:77:81:82:220:223-225:233:235 RNA-directed RNA polymerase Helicase[590 aa] pdb_complex 31 919 hetero 6xqb 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 D 1 D R1AB_SARS2 417 RNA-directed RNA polymerase Non-structural protein 8[31 aa] pdb_complex 4 929 hetero 7aap 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 D 1 D R1AB_SARS2 415:417 Non-structural protein 12 Non-structural protein 8[28 aa] pdb_complex 31 932 hetero 7bv1 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 D 1 D R1AB_SARS2 417 RNA-directed RNA polymerase Non-structural protein 8[99 aa] pdb_complex 4 929 hetero 7cyq 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 I 1 G R1AB_SARS2 36:38:202:204:206:221:223-227:231-233:289:291:728:733:735 RNA-directed RNA polymerase Non-structural protein 9[113 aa] pdb_complex 4 929 hetero 7egq 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 H 1 K R1AB_SARS2 81:84 RNA-directed RNA polymerase Proofreading exoribonuclease[523 aa] pdb_complex 4 929 hetero 7egq 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 P 1 X R1AB_SARS2 426:430-432:879:886:889:893:904-906:917 RNA-directed RNA polymerase Proofreading exoribonuclease[524 aa] pdb_complex 31 929 hetero 7oyg 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 B 1 B R1AB_SARS2 270:271:273:324-326:328-331:378:379:382:386-392:396:398:402:403:405:407:447:675 SARS-CoV-2 RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (nsp12) SARS-CoV-2 nsp8[81 aa] pdb_complex 6 928 hetero 7thm 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 C 1 C R1AB_SARS2 412:415:420:440:443:445:843 RNA-directed RNA polymerase Non-structural protein 7[37 aa] pdb_complex 6 928 hetero 7thm 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 E 1 G R1AB_SARS2 36-40:202:204:206:221:223:231:233:291:728:733:735 RNA-directed RNA polymerase Non-structural protein 9[74 aa] pdb_complex 4 929 hetero 8sq9 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 E 1 G R1AB_SARS2 36-40:202:204:206:221:223:226:231-233:289:291:728:733:735:736 RNA-directed RNA polymerase Non-structural protein 9[98 aa] pdb_complex 4 929 nucleotide 6xez 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 G 1 P 513:758-761:813-815:836:840:849:854:858:861:862:865 RNA-directed RNA polymerase Product RNA pdb_complex 4 929 nucleotide 6xez 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 H 1 T 496:500:501:543:559:569:577:590:592:594:595:682-685:687:689:857:914:915:924 RNA-directed RNA polymerase Template RNA pdb_complex 31 919 nucleotide 6xqb 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 E 1 E 496:498:513:758-761:813:814:836:840:857:858:861:862 RNA-directed RNA polymerase RNA (5'-R(*GP*UP*GP*GP*GP*CP*CP*CP*A)-3') pdb_complex 31 919 nucleotide 6xqb 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 F 1 F 497:500:501:569:577:589:590:592:594:595:682-687:689:857:915 RNA-directed RNA polymerase RNA (5'-R(*GP*UP*GP*GP*GP*CP*CP*CP*A)-3') pdb_complex 31 929 nucleotide 6yyt 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 E 1 P 513:758-761:813:814:836:840:849:854:858:861:865 nsp12 RNA product pdb_complex 31 929 nucleotide 6yyt 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 G 1 T 500:501:507:541:543:545:557:559:569:577:580:590:592:594:595:682-685:689:860:861:914:915:920:924 nsp12 RNA product pdb_complex 4 929 nucleotide 7aap 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 E 1 P 499:513:545:758-760:813-815:836:840:849:858:861:862:865 Non-structural protein 12 RNA (5'-R(P*UP*UP*AP*AP*GP*UP*UP*AP*U)-3') pdb_complex 4 929 nucleotide 7aap 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 F 1 T 500:501:507:541:543:557:558:569:577:580:590:592:594:595:682-685:689:857:860:914:924 Non-structural protein 12 RNA (5'-R(P*UP*UP*CP*AP*UP*AP*AP*CP*UP*UP*AP*A)-3'.. pdb_complex 31 929 nucleotide 7b3b 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 D 1 P 513:759-761:813-815:836:840:849:858:861:862:865 RNA-directed RNA polymerase nsp12 DNA/RNA (5'-R(P*CP*UP*AP*CP*GP*CP*G)-D(P*(RMP))-R(.. pdb_complex 31 929 nucleotide 7b3b 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 E 1 T 496:500:501:507:541:543:545:555:557-559:569:577:580:589:590:592:594:595:682-685:687:689:861:915:924 RNA-directed RNA polymerase nsp12 RNA (5'-R(P*UP*GP*CP*AP*UP*CP*GP*CP*GP*UP*AP*G)-3'.. pdb_complex 31 929 nucleotide 7b3c 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 D 1 P 499:623:682:691:758-760:813:814:836:840:849:857:858:861:865 RNA-directed RNA polymerase nsp12 DNA/RNA (5'-R(P*CP*UP*AP*CP*GP*CP*A)-D(P*(RMP))-R(.. pdb_complex 31 929 nucleotide 7b3c 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 E 1 T 496:500:501:507:543:557-559:569:577:580:590:592:594:595:682-685:687:689:857:911:915:920:924 RNA-directed RNA polymerase nsp12 RNA (5'-R(P*UP*CP*AP*CP*UP*UP*GP*CP*GP*UP*AP*G)-3'.. pdb_complex 31 929 nucleotide 7b3d 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 D 1 P 499:513:758-760:813:814:836:840:849:854:858:861:865 SARS-CoV-2 RNA-dependent RNA polymerase nsp12 RNA (5'-R(P*CP*UP*AP*CP*GP*CP*AP*GP*UP*G)-3') pdb_complex 31 929 nucleotide 7b3d 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 E 1 T 496:500:501:507:511:541:543:545:557-559:569:577:580:590:592:594:595:682-685:689:857:860:861:914:915:924 SARS-CoV-2 RNA-dependent RNA polymerase nsp12 RNA (5'-R(P*UP*GP*CP*AP*CP*UP*GP*CP*GP*UP*AP*G)-3'.. pdb_complex 31 929 nucleotide 7bv2 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 D 1 P 499:513:759:760:813-815:836:840:849:854:858:861:862:865 RNA-directed RNA polymerase Primer pdb_complex 31 929 nucleotide 7bv2 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 E 1 T 496:500:501:507:541:543:545:557-560:569:577:580:590:592:594:595:682-685:689:864:920:924 RNA-directed RNA polymerase Templete pdb_complex 1 929 nucleotide 7bzf 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 E 1 F 496:500:501:545:555:557-559:569:577:590-592:594:595:682-685:689:857:864:913:915:924 RNA-directed RNA polymerase RNA (31-MER) pdb_complex 1 929 nucleotide 7bzf 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 F 1 G 759:760:813-815:836:840:845:849:857:858:861:865 RNA-directed RNA polymerase RNA (5'-R(*UP*GP*UP*UP*CP*GP*AP*CP*GP*AP*CP*AP*CP*.. pdb_complex 1 929 nucleotide 7c2k 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 E 1 F 496:499-501:507:508:557:558:577:590:592:594:595:682-685:689:861:864:914:915:920:924 RNA-directed RNA polymerase RNA (29-MER) pdb_complex 1 929 nucleotide 7c2k 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 F 1 G 499:545:557:623:682:758-760:813:814:836:840:849:858:861:862:865 RNA-directed RNA polymerase RNA (5'-R(*UP*GP*UP*UP*CP*GP*AP*CP*GP*AP*CP*AP*CP*.. pdb_complex 31 928 nucleotide 7ctt 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 E 1 Q 499:513:758-761:813-815:836:840:845:847:857:858:861:862:865 RNA-directed RNA polymerase Primer-RNA (5'-R(P*UP*UP*CP*UP*CP*CP*UP*AP*AP*GP*A.. pdb_complex 31 928 nucleotide 7ctt 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 F 1 T 496:500:501:507:541:543:557:559:560:569:577:580:590:592:594:595:683-685:689:860:864:915:920:924 RNA-directed RNA polymerase Template-RNA (5'-R(P*AP*CP*UP*AP*GP*CP*UP*UP*CP*UP.. pdb_complex 4 929 nucleotide 7cyq 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 E 1 I 513:759-761:813-815:836:840:848:855:857:858:861:862:865 RNA-directed RNA polymerase Primer pdb_complex 4 929 nucleotide 7cyq 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 F 1 J 408:496:500:501:507:511:541:543:557-559:569:577:580:590:592:594:595:682-687:689:864:914:915:920:924 RNA-directed RNA polymerase Template pdb_complex 5 929 nucleotide 7dfg 100.0 C 1 A R1AB_SARS2 A 1 P 499:513:759-761:813:814:836:840:849:855:858:861:865 RNA-directed RNA polymerase RNA (5'-R(P*AP*GP*AP*UP*UP*AP*AP*GP*UP*UP*AP*U)-3'.. pdb_complex 5 929 nucleotide 7dfg 100.0 C 1 A R1AB_SARS2 B 1 T 496:500:501:507:541:543:545:557-560:569:577:580:590:592:594:595:682-685:689:857:860:864:914:915:920:924 RNA-directed RNA polymerase RNA (5'-R(P*CP*CP*CP*UP*AP*UP*AP*AP*CP*UP*UP*AP*AP.. pdb_complex 5 929 nucleotide 7dfh 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 E 1 P 513:759:760:813:814:836:840:845:849:854:857:858:865 RNA-directed RNA polymeras RNA (5'-R(P*GP*CP*UP*AP*UP*GP*UP*G*(LIG))-3') pdb_complex 5 929 nucleotide 7dfh 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 F 1 T 496:500:501:507:541:543:557:559:569:577:580:590:592:594:595:682-685:687:689:857:864:924 RNA-directed RNA polymeras RNA (5'-R(P*CP*CP*CP*CP*CP*AP*CP*AP*UP*AP*GP*C)-3'.. pdb_complex 4 929 nucleotide 7doi 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 E 1 T 408:496:500:501:507:541:543:545:557:558:569:577:580:590:592:594:595:682-685:689:857:860:864:915:920:924 RNA-directed RNA polymerase RNA (5'-R(P*CP*CP*UP*AP*UP*AP*AP*CP*UP*UP*AP*AP*UP.. pdb_complex 5 929 nucleotide 7dok 100.0 C 1 A R1AB_SARS2 A 1 P 513:759:760:813-815:836:840:849:857:858:861:862:865 RNA-directed RNA polymerase RNA (5'-R(P*GP*CP*UP*AP*UP*GP*UP*GP*AP*GP*AP*UP*UP.. pdb_complex 4 929 nucleotide 7ed5 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 E 1 I 513:813-815:836:840:849:857:858:861:862:865 RNA-directed RNA polymerase RNA (5'-R(P*GP*CP*UP*AP*UP*GP*UP*GP*AP*GP*AP*UP*UP.. pdb_complex 5 929 nucleotide 7dok 100.0 C 1 A R1AB_SARS2 B 1 T 496:500:501:507:541:543:557:558:569:577:590:592:594:595:682-685:689:857:860:864:914:915:920:924 RNA-directed RNA polymerase RNA (5'-R(P*CP*CP*CP*UP*AP*UP*AP*AP*CP*UP*UP*AP*AP.. pdb_complex 2 929 nucleotide 7dte 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 E 1 F 496:500:501:507:541:543:557-559:569:577:580:583:590:592:594:595:682-685:689:860:914:915:920:924 RNA-directed RNA polymerase RNA (57-MER) pdb_complex 2 929 nucleotide 7dte 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 F 1 G 513:758-761:813:814:836:840:849:857:858:861:862:865 RNA-directed RNA polymerase RNA (33-MER) pdb_complex 4 929 nucleotide 7ed5 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 F 1 J 408:496:500:501:507:543:557-559:569:577:580:590:592:594:595:682-685:689:857:864:911:914:915:920:924 RNA-directed RNA polymerase RNA (5'-R(P*CP*CP*CP*CP*AP*UP*AP*AP*CP*UP*UP*AP*AP.. pdb_complex 4 929 nucleotide 7egq 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 S 1 I 687:759:760:813:814:836:849:858:865 RNA-directed RNA polymerase primer RNA pdb_complex 4 929 nucleotide 7egq 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 T 1 J 408:496:500:501:511:541:543:544:557-560:569:577:589:590:592:594:595:682-687:689:924 RNA-directed RNA polymerase Template RNA pdb_complex 4 929 nucleotide 7eiz 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 H 1 J 496:500:501:507:543:559:569:577:590:592:594:595:682-685:687:689:857:915:924 RNA-directed RNA polymerase template pdb_complex 3 929 nucleotide 7krn 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 F 1 P 499:513:549-551:553:555:623:760:813-815:836:840:849:857:858:861:862:865 RNA-directed RNA polymerase RNA (37-MER) pdb_complex 3 929 nucleotide 7krn 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 G 1 T 496:500:501:507:543:545:557-559:569:577:580:590:592:594:595:682-685:689:857:860:864:914:915:924 RNA-directed RNA polymerase RNA (43-MER) pdb_complex 3 929 nucleotide 7krp 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 F 1 T 496:500:501:507:543:545:557-559:569:577:580:590:592:594:595:682-685:687:689:857:860:864:914:915:924 RNA-directed RNA polymerase RNA (36-MER) pdb_complex 32 929 nucleotide 7l1f 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 D 1 P 555:622:623:682:687:688:691:758-760:813:814:836:849:854:858:861 RNA-directed RNA polymerase RNA (5'-R(P*CP*UP*AP*AP*GP*AP*AP*GP*CP*UP*AP*UP*U*.. pdb_complex 32 929 nucleotide 7l1f 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 E 1 T 496:500:501:543:558:590:592:595:682-685:689:924 RNA-directed RNA polymerase RNA (5'-R(P*AP*UP*UP*UP*UP*AP*AP*UP*AP*GP*CP*UP*UP.. pdb_complex 31 929 nucleotide 7ozu 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 D 1 P 513:758-761:813:814:836:840:849:854:858:861:865 Replicase polyprotein 1ab Product RNA pdb_complex 31 929 nucleotide 7ozu 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 E 1 T 496:500:501:507:511:541:543:545:557-559:569:577:580:590:592:594:595:682-685:689:857:860:861:914:915:920:924 Replicase polyprotein 1ab Template RNA pdb_complex 31 929 nucleotide 7ozv 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 D 1 P 513:758-760:813:814:836:840:849:854:858:861 Replicase polyprotein 1ab Product RNA pdb_complex 3 929 nucleotide 7rdx 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 H 1 T 408:496:500:501:507:511:541:543:545:557-560:569:577:580:590:592:594:595:682-687:689:857:860:864:914:915:920:924 RNA-directed RNA polymerase Template RNA pdb_complex 3 929 nucleotide 7rdy 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 H 1 T 408:496:500:501:507:541:543:545:557-559:569:577:580:590:592:594:595:682-687:689:860:861:864:914:915:920:924 RNA-directed RNA polymerase Template RNA pdb_complex 3 929 nucleotide 7rdz 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 H 1 T 408:496:500:501:507:511:541:543:545:557-559:569:577:580:590:592:594:595:682-685:687:689:860:864:914:915:920:924 RNA-directed RNA polymerase Template RNA pdb_complex 3 929 nucleotide 7uo4 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 E 1 P 688:759-761:813-815:836:840:849:855:857:858:861:862:865 RNA-directed RNA polymerase Product RNA (35-MER) pdb_complex 3 929 nucleotide 7uo4 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 F 1 T 496:500:501:543:545:557-560:569:577:580:590:592:594:595:682-685:687:689:860:864:914:915:920:924 RNA-directed RNA polymerase Template RNA (55-MER) pdb_complex 4 929 nucleotide 7uo7 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 D 1 P 687:688:759-761:813-815:836:840:849:855:857:858:861:862:865 RNA-directed RNA polymerase Product RNA (35-MER) pdb_complex 4 929 nucleotide 7uo7 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 E 1 T 496:500:501:543:557-560:569:577:580:590:592:594:595:682-685:687:689:860:864:914:915:920:924 RNA-directed RNA polymerase Template RNA (55-MER) pdb_complex 4 929 nucleotide 7uo9 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 D 1 P 499:759:760:813:814:836:840:849:857:858:861:862:865 RNA-directed RNA polymerase Product RNA (35-MER) pdb_complex 4 929 nucleotide 7uo9 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 E 1 T 408:496:500:501:507:511:541:543:544:546:557-559:569:577:580:590:592:594:595:682-687:689:857:860:864:914:915:920:924 RNA-directed RNA polymerase Template RNA (55-MER) pdb_complex 1 929 nucleotide 7uob 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 E 1 P 813:814:836:840:849:857:858:861:862:865 RNA-directed RNA polymerase Product RNA (35-MER) pdb_complex 1 929 nucleotide 7uob 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 F 1 T 500:501:507:543:557-559:569:577:580:590:592:594:595:682-685:687:689:914:915:920:924 RNA-directed RNA polymerase Template RNA (55-MER) pdb_complex 1 929 nucleotide 7uoe 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 F 1 T 496:500:501:507:541:543:545:557-559:569:577:580:590:592:594:595:682-687:689:860:864:914:915:920:924 RNA-directed RNA polymerase Template RNA (55-MER) pdb_complex 4 929 nucleotide 8gwb 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 H 1 M 37:39:49-52:208:218:713 RNA-directed RNA polymerase RNA (5'-R(P*AP*U)-3') pdb_complex 4 929 nucleotide 8gwb 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 J 1 J 408:496:500:501:507:543:545:557:558:569:577:580:590:592:594:595:682-685:689:860:864:914:915:920:924 RNA-directed RNA polymerase template pdb_complex 1 931 nucleotide 8gwe 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 H 1 H 37:39:41:42:48-52:74-76:79:208:713 RNA-directed RNA polymerase RNA (5'-R(P*AP*UP*UP*A)-3') pdb_complex 1 931 nucleotide 8gwk 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 F 1 J 496:500:501:507:543:557:558:569:577:590:592:594:595:682-685:689:914:915:920:924:930:931 RNA-directed RNA polymerase template pdb_complex 4 929 nucleotide 8sq9 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 F 1 P 499:759-761:813:814:836:840:849:857:858:861:862:865 RNA-directed RNA polymerase Primer RNA pdb_complex 1 929 nucleotide 8sqj 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 F 1 P 758-760:813:814:836:840:849:857:858:861:865 RNA-directed RNA polymerase Primer RNA pdb_complex 1 929 nucleotide 8sqj 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 G 1 T 408:496:500:501:507:541:543:557:559:569:577:590:592:594:595:682-685:689:914:915:924 RNA-directed RNA polymerase Template RNA pdb_complex 1 929 nucleotide 8sqj 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 H 1 O 35:37:39:41:48-51:73-75:208:218:221:711:713:718:721 RNA-directed RNA polymerase SARS-CoV-2 5' UTR pdb_complex 1 929 nucleotide 8sqk 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 F 1 P 758-760:813:814:836:840:849:857:858:861:865 RNA-directed RNA polymerase nsp12 Primer RNA pdb_complex 1 929 nucleotide 8sqk 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 G 1 T 408:496:500:501:507:541:543:557:559:569:577:590:592:594:595:682-685:689:914:915:924 RNA-directed RNA polymerase nsp12 Template RNA pdb_complex 1 929 nucleotide 8sqk 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 H 1 O 35:37:48-50:218:711:713 RNA-directed RNA polymerase nsp12 SARS-CoV-2 5' UTR pdb_complex 4 929 compound 6xez 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 L 1 A ADP 35:50:52:73:75:79:116:209:217:218:220 RNA-directed RNA polymerase ADENOSINE-5'-DIPHOSPHATE[27 atoms] pdb_complex 4 929 compound 6xez 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 M 1 A 1N7 204:223:233 RNA-directed RNA polymerase CHAPSO[35 atoms] pdb_complex 4 929 compound 6xez 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 N 1 A 1N7 197:231:288:289 RNA-directed RNA polymerase CHAPSO[26 atoms] pdb_complex 4 929 compound 6xez 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 U 1 E 1N7 905 RNA-directed RNA polymerase CHAPSO[36 atoms] pdb_complex 4 929 compound 7aap 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 M 1 T GE6 545:623:682:687:691:760:814 Non-structural protein 12 [[(2~{R},3~{S},4~{R},5~{R})-5-(3-aminocarbonyl-5-f.. pdb_complex 31 929 compound 7bv2 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 K 1 P F86 545:555:623:682:687:691:760 RNA-directed RNA polymerase [(2~{R},3~{S},4~{R},5~{R})-5-(4-azanylpyrrolo[2,1-.. pdb_complex 1 931 compound 8gwk 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 T 1 G F86 35:37:39:41:42:48:49:713 RNA-directed RNA polymerase [(2~{R},3~{S},4~{R},5~{R})-5-(4-azanylpyrrolo[2,1-.. pdb_complex 4 929 compound 7cyq 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 L 1 A GDP 50:52:73:75:116:209:217:218 RNA-directed RNA polymerase GUANOSINE-5'-DIPHOSPHATE[28 atoms] pdb_complex 6 929 compound 7d4f 100.0 D 1 A R1AB_SARS2 G 1 A H3U 496:497:500:569:573:576:577:580:590:685:689:758 RNA-directed RNA polymerase 8-(3-(3-aminobenzamido)-4-methylbenzamido)naphthal.. pdb_complex 6 929 compound 7d4f 100.0 D 1 A R1AB_SARS2 H 1 A H3U 439:548-551:553:555:836:840:861:862:865 RNA-directed RNA polymerase 8-(3-(3-aminobenzamido)-4-methylbenzamido)naphthal.. pdb_complex 5 929 compound 7dfg 100.0 C 1 A R1AB_SARS2 G 1 P 1RP 545:623:680:682:687:691:760 RNA-directed RNA polymerase 6-fluoro-3-oxo-4-(5-O-phosphono-beta-D-ribofuranos.. pdb_complex 5 929 compound 7dfh 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 N 1 P RVP 545:555:557:622:623:680:682:691:760 RNA-directed RNA polymeras RIBAVIRIN MONOPHOSPHATE[20 atoms] pdb_complex 4 929 compound 7doi 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 O 1 P HCU 545:623:682:687:691:760 RNA-directed RNA polymerase [(2R)-4-(2-azanyl-6-oxidanylidene-3H-purin-9-yl)-2.. pdb_complex 4 929 compound 7ed5 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 J 1 A AT9 31:33:35:50:53:55:71:73:116:119-121:123:208:217:218 RNA-directed RNA polymerase [[(2R,3R,4R,5R)-5-(2-azanyl-6-oxidanylidene-1H-pur.. pdb_complex 4 929 compound 7ed5 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 K 1 A AT9 545:553:620-623:682:687:691:760:798 RNA-directed RNA polymerase [[(2R,3R,4R,5R)-5-(2-azanyl-6-oxidanylidene-1H-pur.. pdb_complex 4 929 compound 7ed5 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 N 1 I AT9 758-761:813:814 RNA-directed RNA polymerase [[(2R,3R,4R,5R)-5-(2-azanyl-6-oxidanylidene-1H-pur.. pdb_complex 3 929 compound 7uo4 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 G 1 A NWX 545:551:555:557:618-623:682:687:688:691:759:760:798 RNA-directed RNA polymerase [[(2~{R},3~{S},4~{R},5~{R})-5-(4-azanylpyrrolo[2,1.. pdb_complex 4 929 compound 7uo7 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 G 1 A ATP 545:555:557:618-623:682:687:691:760:798 RNA-directed RNA polymerase ADENOSINE-5'-TRIPHOSPHATE[31 atoms] pdb_complex 4 929 compound 7uo9 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 J 1 A UTP 545:555:618-620:622:623:682:687:691:760:798 RNA-directed RNA polymerase URIDINE 5'-TRIPHOSPHATE [29 atoms] pdb_complex 1 929 compound 7uob 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 L 1 A GTP 545:553:555:557:618-623:682:683:687:691:760:798 RNA-directed RNA polymerase GUANOSINE-5'-TRIPHOSPHATE[32 atoms] pdb_complex 1 929 compound 7uob 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 M 1 A GTP 31:33:35:50:52:55:69:71:73:75:116:119-121:123:208:209:217:218 RNA-directed RNA polymerase GUANOSINE-5'-TRIPHOSPHATE[32 atoms] pdb_complex 1 929 compound 7uob 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 N 1 P L2B 759-761:813:814 RNA-directed RNA polymerase 3'-DEOXYURIDINE-5'-MONOPHOSPHATE[19 atoms] pdb_complex 1 929 compound 7uoe 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 K 1 A CTP 551:553:555:618-623:682:687:691:760:798 RNA-directed RNA polymerase CYTIDINE-5'-TRIPHOSPHATE[29 atoms] pdb_complex 1 931 compound 8gwe 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 M 1 A GNP 35:50:55:71:73:116:120:121:123:208:209:217:218 RNA-directed RNA polymerase PHOSPHOAMINOPHOSPHONIC ACID-GUANYLATE ESTER[32 ato.. pdb_complex 4 931 compound 8gwm 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 S 1 G 6GS 35-37:42:48-50:208:713 RNA-directed RNA polymerase 2'-deoxy-2'-fluoro-2'-methyluridine 5'-(trihydroge.. pdb_complex 4 929 compound 8gwo 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 S 1 G U5P 35:37:39:42:50:208 RNA-directed RNA polymerase URIDINE-5'-MONOPHOSPHATE[20 atoms] pdb_complex 31 932 compound 8gy6 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 E 1 A GO3 593:854:857:864:924:932 RNA-directed RNA polymerase Gossypol[38 atoms] pdb_complex 31 932 compound 8gy6 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 F 1 A GO3 408:499:500:507:543 RNA-directed RNA polymerase Gossypol[38 atoms] pdb_complex 4 929 compound 8sq9 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 L 1 A WSB 545:553:555:618-623:682:687:691:759:760:798 RNA-directed RNA polymerase 5'-O-[(S)-hydroxy{[(S)-hydroxy(phosphonooxy)phosph.. pdb_complex 4 929 compound 8sq9 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 O 1 A WSB 35:37:39:48-50:73:208:209:217:218:713 RNA-directed RNA polymerase 5'-O-[(S)-hydroxy{[(S)-hydroxy(phosphonooxy)phosph.. pdb_complex 1 929 compound 8sqj 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 I 1 A VSN 545:682:683:691:760 RNA-directed RNA polymerase 5'-O-[(R)-hydroxy(thiophosphonooxy)phosphoryl]guan.. pdb_complex 1 929 compound 8sqk 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 J 1 A VSN 31:33:35:50:53:55:69:71:73:116:119-121:123:208:217:218 RNA-directed RNA polymerase nsp12 5'-O-[(R)-hydroxy(thiophosphonooxy)phosphoryl]guan.. pdb_complex 4 929 metal 6xez 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 I 1 A ZN 295:301:306:310 RNA-directed RNA polymerase ZINC ION[1 atoms] pdb_complex 4 929 metal 6xez 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 J 1 A ZN 486:487:571:642:645:646 RNA-directed RNA polymerase ZINC ION[1 atoms] pdb_complex 31 919 metal 6xqb 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 G 1 A ZN 295:301:302:306:310 RNA-directed RNA polymerase ZINC ION[1 atoms] pdb_complex 31 919 metal 6xqb 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 H 1 A ZN 487:642:645:646 RNA-directed RNA polymerase ZINC ION[1 atoms] pdb_complex 31 929 metal 6yyt 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 I 1 A ZN 295:301:306:310 nsp12 ZINC ION[1 atoms] pdb_complex 31 929 metal 6yyt 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 J 1 A ZN 487:642:645:646 nsp12 ZINC ION[1 atoms] pdb_complex 31 928 metal 7bw4 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 E 1 A ZN 295:301:306:310 RNA-directed RNA polymerase ZINC ION[1 atoms] pdb_complex 31 928 metal 7bw4 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 F 1 A ZN 487:571:642:645:646 RNA-directed RNA polymerase ZINC ION[1 atoms] pdb_complex 1 929 metal 7c2k 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 G 1 A ZN 295:301:306:310 RNA-directed RNA polymerase ZINC ION[1 atoms] pdb_complex 1 929 metal 7c2k 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 H 1 A ZN 487:571:642:645:646 RNA-directed RNA polymerase ZINC ION[1 atoms] pdb_complex 4 929 metal 7ed5 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 G 1 A ZN 295:301:306:310 RNA-directed RNA polymerase ZINC ION[1 atoms] pdb_complex 4 929 metal 7ed5 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 H 1 A ZN 487:571:642:645:646 RNA-directed RNA polymerase ZINC ION[1 atoms] pdb_complex 4 929 metal 6xez 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 K 1 A MG 208:209:218 RNA-directed RNA polymerase MAGNESIUM ION[1 atoms] pdb_complex 31 919 metal 6xqb 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 I 1 A MG 617:618:761:811 RNA-directed RNA polymerase MAGNESIUM ION[1 atoms] pdb_complex 4 929 metal 7ed5 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 I 1 A MG 209:218 RNA-directed RNA polymerase MAGNESIUM ION[1 atoms] pdb_complex 4 929 metal 7ed5 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 L 1 A MG 618:619:760:798 RNA-directed RNA polymerase MAGNESIUM ION[1 atoms] pdb_complex 1 931 metal 8gwe 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 N 1 A MG 50 RNA-directed RNA polymerase MAGNESIUM ION[1 atoms] pdb_complex 1 931 metal 8gwk 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 M 1 A MG 73 RNA-directed RNA polymerase MAGNESIUM ION[1 atoms] pdb_complex 6 928 metal 7thm 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 H 1 A MN 208:209:218 RNA-directed RNA polymerase MANGANESE (II) ION[1 atoms] pdb_complex 4 929 homo 7egq 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 I 1 N R1AB_SARS2 27:106:107:158 RNA-directed RNA polymerase RNA-directed RNA polymerase[926 aa] pdb_complex 3 929 homo 7re3 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 J 1 G R1AB_SARS2 197:198:226-228:332:334:337:362 RNA-directed RNA polymerase RNA-directed RNA polymerase[927 aa] pdb_complex 4 929 precipitant 7aap 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 K 1 A POP 50:52:73:116:209:217:218 Non-structural protein 12 PYROPHOSPHATE 2-[9 atoms] pdb_complex 31 929 precipitant 7bv2 100.0 A 1 A R1AB_SARS2 H 1 A POP 553:622:623 RNA-directed RNA polymerase PYROPHOSPHATE 2-[9 atoms] pdb_complex 5 929 precipitant 7dfg 100.0 C 1 A R1AB_SARS2 M 1 A POP 50:52:73:116:209:217:218 RNA-directed RNA polymerase PYROPHOSPHATE 2-[9 atoms]