#WARNING:no index is registered index "YP_009724393.1" in "https://rest.uniprot.org/uniprotkb/" url "https://rest.uniprot.org/uniprotkb/YP_009724393.1.txt".
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Contact Molecules for Homologous Proteins

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PID QueryLength Homolgous Sequence in PDB UniProt Query TITLE
3984123 222 12 YP_009724393.1()
[BLAST file for PDB] (plain) (bar) (multiple alignment) [BLAST for UniProt: (plain) (bar) (multiple alignment) (PSSM file) ]

UniProt Feature Tables [YP_009724393.1()]

region name description
1-219 DISORDER predicted by DISOPRED

pdb_id a1 identity[%]2 description
7vgr E 100.0 VME1_SARS2 Membrane protein
1.a1:asym_id for the homologue. 2.identity[%]2:sequence identity between the query and the homologue.
222 pdb_id contact mol homologue
a3 description a4 identity[%]5 Ncon6 description
7vgr[2] A YN7756_1 Fab light chain[218 aa] E 100.0
VME1_SARS2 Membrane protein
7vgr[2] C YN7756_1 Fab light chain[218 aa] E 100.0
VME1_SARS2 Membrane protein
7vgr[2] B YN7756_1 Fab heavy chain[220 aa] E 100.0
VME1_SARS2 Membrane protein
7vgr[2] D YN7756_1 Fab heavy chain[220 aa] E 100.0
VME1_SARS2 Membrane protein
7vgs[2] B YN7717_9 Fab light chain[218 aa] A 100.0
VME1_SARS2 Membrane protein
7vgs[2] E YN7717_9 Fab light chain[218 aa] A 100.0
VME1_SARS2 Membrane protein
7vgs[2] C YN7717_9 Fab heavy chain[213 aa] A 100.0
VME1_SARS2 Membrane protein
3.a3:asym_id for the contact molecule. 4.a4:asym_id for the template homologue. 5.identity[%]5:sequence identity between the query and the template homologue only for the contact residues. Number after the slash / is sequence identity for all the aligned region. 6.Ncon6:number of aligned contact residues for the query. Number after the slash / is number of contact residues in the template homologue.
222 pdb_id contact mol homologue
a3 description a4 identity[%]5 Ncon6 description
7y9b[4] E N8E
3,6,9,12,15-PENTAOXATRICOSAN-1-OL[24 atoms]
A 25.0
VME1_BCHK5 Membrane protein
3.a3:asym_id for the contact molecule. 4.a4:asym_id for the template homologue. 5.identity[%]5:sequence identity between the query and the template homologue only for the contact residues. Number after the slash / is sequence identity for all the aligned region. 6.Ncon6:number of aligned contact residues for the query. Number after the slash / is number of contact residues in the template homologue.
222 pdb_id contact mol homologue
a3 description a4 identity[%]5 Ncon6 description
7vgr[4] F VME1_SARS2 Membrane protein[198 aa] E 100.0
VME1_SARS2 Membrane protein
8ctk[2] B VME1_SARS2 Membrane protein[188 aa] A 100.0
VME1_SARS2 Membrane protein
7y9b[4] B VME1_BCHK5 Membrane protein[187 aa] A 45.6
VME1_BCHK5 Membrane protein
7y96[4] B GFP_AEQVI VME1_BCHK5 GFP_AEQVI Green fluorescent protein,Membrane protein[313 aa].. A 53.3
GFP_AEQVI VME1_BCHK5 GFP_AEQVI Green fluorescent protein,Membrane protein
7y96[4] B GFP_AEQVI VME1_BCHK5 GFP_AEQVI Green fluorescent protein,Membrane protein[313 aa].. A 18.2
GFP_AEQVI VME1_BCHK5 GFP_AEQVI Green fluorescent protein,Membrane protein
7y96[2] B GFP_AEQVI VME1_BCHK5 GFP_AEQVI Green fluorescent protein,Membrane protein[313 aa].. B 43.9
GFP_AEQVI VME1_BCHK5 GFP_AEQVI Green fluorescent protein,Membrane protein
3.a3:asym_id for the contact molecule. 4.a4:asym_id for the template homologue. 5.identity[%]5:sequence identity between the query and the template homologue only for the contact residues. Number after the slash / is sequence identity for all the aligned region. 6.Ncon6:number of aligned contact residues for the query. Number after the slash / is number of contact residues in the template homologue.