#WARNING:no index is registered index "YP_009725304.1" in "https://rest.uniprot.org/uniprotkb/" url "https://rest.uniprot.org/uniprotkb/YP_009725304.1.txt".
Please visit the UniProt website(https://www.uniprot.org), and get a proper ID/AC for your query protein. [pdbjlvh2]Protein Model on 7thm assembly_id=1

Protein Model on 7thm assembly_id=1 (TEMPLATE: 7thm assembly_id:1 )

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MOLECULES contact sites
model mark query asym_id oper
type description d(query A)
1 a A 1 (A) polymer(polypeptide(L)) [860 aa] RNA-directed RNA polymerase :R1AB_SARS2
2 b B 1 (B) polymer(polypeptide(L)) [108 aa] Non-structural protein 8 :R1AB_SARS2
3 c C 1 (C) polymer(polypeptide(L)) [37 aa] Non-structural protein 7 :R1AB_SARS2 91L 94M 95L 110A 119I 120I 122L (identity: 100.0 %/67.0 %)
4 d A(queryA) D 1 (D) polymer(polypeptide(L)) [71 aa] Non-structural protein 8 :R1AB_SARS2
5 e E 1 (G) polymer(polypeptide(L)) [74 aa] Non-structural protein 9 :R1AB_SARS2
6 f F 1 (A) non-polymer(ZN) ZINC ION
7 g G 1 (A) non-polymer(ZN) ZINC ION
8 h H 1 (A) non-polymer(MN) MANGANESE (II) ION
9 i I 1 (A) non-polymer(POP) PYROPHOSPHATE 2-
MODEL[4] Protein A "queryA" TEMPLATE:7thm_D_1 identity=67.0%
                :****************************  *********    *****               **********************              *:
SecStr          :  HHHHHHHHHHHHH  HHHHHHHHHH --  BSS    ---- EEE --------------- EETTEE  EEEEE TTS B  -------------- :    
ExpBur          :eeeeeeeeeeebeeeeeebeeeeeeeee--eebeeeeee----ebbbe---------------eebbeeebeeeeebbeeeeeee--------------e:    
Contact         :       c  cc              c        cc c                                                             

queryA       184:LIVTAL: 189
7thm_D_1     184:LIVTAL: 189
SecStr          : EEEE :    
ExpBur          :eeebbe:    

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ex) 2,15,123