#WARNING:no index is registered index "YP_009725304.1" in "https://rest.uniprot.org/uniprotkb/" url "https://rest.uniprot.org/uniprotkb/YP_009725304.1.txt".
Please visit the UniProt website(https://www.uniprot.org), and get a proper ID/AC for your query protein. [pdbjlvh2]Protein Model on 7re3 assembly_id=1

Protein Model on 7re3 assembly_id=1 (TEMPLATE: 7re3 assembly_id:1 )

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model mark query asym_id oper
type description b(query A)
1 a A 1 (A) polymer(polypeptide(L)) [927 aa] RNA-directed RNA polymerase :R1AB_SARS2 76S 79K 80R 83V 84T 86A 87M 88Q 90M 91L 94M 95L 98L 104N 106I 109N 112D 113G 114C 115V 116P 117L 118N 119I 120I 121P 122L 125A 127K 128L 129M 130V 131V 133P 141T 149Y 162A 183P 185I (identity: 100.0 %/100.0 %)
2 b A(queryA) B 1 (B) polymer(polypeptide(L)) [186 aa] Non-structural protein 8 :R1AB_SARS2
3 c C 1 (C) polymer(polypeptide(L)) [75 aa] Non-structural protein 7 :R1AB_SARS2 162A 163D 178P 180L 181A (identity: 100.0 %/100.0 %)
4 d D 1 (D) polymer(polypeptide(L)) [185 aa] Non-structural protein 8 :R1AB_SARS2
5 e E 1 (E) polymer(polypeptide(L)) [590 aa] Helicase :R1AB_SARS2
6 f F 1 (F) polymer(polypeptide(L)) [590 aa] Helicase :R1AB_SARS2 59L 62M 67M 70M 73Q 78D (identity: 100.0 %/100.0 %)
7 g G 1 (H) polymer(polypeptide(L)) [186 aa] Non-structural protein 8 :R1AB_SARS2
8 h H 1 (P) polymer(polyribonucleotide) Product RNA 50D 51R 54A (identity: 100.0 %/100.0 %)
9 i I 1 (T) polymer(polyribonucleotide) Template RNA 40K 43N 47S 61K (identity: 100.0 %/100.0 %)
10 j J 1 (G) polymer(polypeptide(L)) [927 aa] RNA-directed RNA polymerase :R1AB_SARS2 104N 108N 111R (identity: 100.0 %/100.0 %)
11 k K 1 (I) polymer(polypeptide(L)) [75 aa] Non-structural protein 7 :R1AB_SARS2
12 l L 1 (J) polymer(polypeptide(L)) [185 aa] Non-structural protein 8 :R1AB_SARS2
13 m M 1 (K) polymer(polypeptide(L)) [590 aa] Helicase :R1AB_SARS2
14 n N 1 (L) polymer(polypeptide(L)) [590 aa] Helicase :R1AB_SARS2
15 o O 1 (Q) polymer(polyribonucleotide) Product RNA
16 p P 1 (U) polymer(polyribonucleotide) Template RNA
17 q Q 1 (A) non-polymer(ZN) ZINC ION
18 r R 1 (A) non-polymer(ZN) ZINC ION
19 s S 1 (A) non-polymer(MG) MAGNESIUM ION
20 t T 1 (A) non-polymer(ADP) ADENOSINE-5'-DIPHOSPHATE
21 u U 1 (E) non-polymer(ZN) ZINC ION
22 v V 1 (E) non-polymer(ZN) ZINC ION
23 w W 1 (E) non-polymer(ZN) ZINC ION
24 x X 1 (E) non-polymer(ADP) ADENOSINE-5'-DIPHOSPHATE
25 y Y 1 (E) non-polymer(MG) MAGNESIUM ION
26 z Z 1 (E) non-polymer(AF3) ALUMINUM FLUORIDE
27 1 AA 1 (E) non-polymer(1N7) CHAPSO
28 2 BA 1 (F) non-polymer(ZN) ZINC ION
29 3 CA 1 (F) non-polymer(ZN) ZINC ION
30 4 DA 1 (F) non-polymer(ZN) ZINC ION
31 5 EA 1 (F) non-polymer(ADP) ADENOSINE-5'-DIPHOSPHATE
32 6 FA 1 (F) non-polymer(MG) MAGNESIUM ION
33 7 GA 1 (F) non-polymer(AF3) ALUMINUM FLUORIDE
34 8 HA 1 (G) non-polymer(ZN) ZINC ION
35 9 IA 1 (G) non-polymer(ZN) ZINC ION
36 A JA 1 (G) non-polymer(MG) MAGNESIUM ION
37 B KA 1 (G) non-polymer(ADP) ADENOSINE-5'-DIPHOSPHATE
38 C LA 1 (K) non-polymer(ZN) ZINC ION
39 D MA 1 (K) non-polymer(ZN) ZINC ION
40 E NA 1 (K) non-polymer(ZN) ZINC ION
41 F OA 1 (K) non-polymer(ADP) ADENOSINE-5'-DIPHOSPHATE
42 G PA 1 (K) non-polymer(MG) MAGNESIUM ION
43 H QA 1 (K) non-polymer(AF3) ALUMINUM FLUORIDE
44 I RA 1 (K) non-polymer(1N7) CHAPSO
45 J SA 1 (L) non-polymer(ZN) ZINC ION
46 K TA 1 (L) non-polymer(ZN) ZINC ION
47 L UA 1 (L) non-polymer(ZN) ZINC ION
48 M VA 1 (L) non-polymer(ADP) ADENOSINE-5'-DIPHOSPHATE
49 N WA 1 (L) non-polymer(MG) MAGNESIUM ION
50 O XA 1 (L) non-polymer(AF3) ALUMINUM FLUORIDE
MODEL[2] Protein A "queryA" TEMPLATE:7re3_B_1 identity=100.0%
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